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Muslims in Mathura hold anti-cow slaughter convention

One can only imagine the oppression and the horrors the Muslims of Mathura must have suffered at the hands of Hindu Extremists for them to be forcibly holding such an anti-cow slaughter convention.

Simply disgusting.
Ur quite right in Ur observation dear Fauj Historian , but sadly this world is not perfect :( !!
I wud be MOST happy if these processions are carried out throughout India (and maybe in the rest of teh world too!!) , but NOT just for Cow meat , but for each and every kind of meat , each and every kind of reptile , animal , bird killed for food , clothes , hand bags , shoes , apparels... Im fckuing crying at the top of my inner voice sitting behind my computer screen .. I hope this barbarism ends right now.. Everyone has a chance to live FREELY , not just us humans , the only thing that makes us a little better is a little advanced thinking than other species. If God made this earth , He made it for the animals too!!

Please , think about it!! Let the animals too have a chance to live.. :(

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Amen brother.

Thank you.
One can only imagine the oppression and the horrors the Muslims of Mathura must have suffered at the hands of Hindu Extremists for them to be forcibly hold such an anti-cow slaughter convention.

Simply disgusting.

Are your parents siblings or are you simply playing a retarded troll ?......if I were you I'd demand all the money back that your old man put into your education, they obviously failed to pass on comprehension skills..oh but then again you said that one can only imagine....I guess imagination and comprehension are mutually exclusive in your case....
Ur quite right in Ur observation dear Fauj Historian , but sadly this world is not perfect :( !!
I wud be MOST happy if these processions are carried out throughout India (and maybe in the rest of teh world too!!) , but NOT just for Cow meat , but for each and every kind of meat , each and every kind of reptile , animal , bird killed for food , clothes , hand bags , shoes , apparels... Im fckuing crying at the top of my inner voice sitting behind my computer screen .. I hope this barbarism ends right now.. Everyone has a chance to live FREELY , not just us humans , the only thing that makes us a little better is a little advanced thinking than other species. If God made this earth , He made it for the animals too!!

Please , think about it!! Let the animals too have a chance to live.. :(
we have evolved to eat meat, cruelty is when you give pain to animal or kill for fun. A tiger killing a deer is not cruelty.
we have evolved to eat meat, cruelty is when you give pain to animal or kill for fun. A tiger killing a deer is not cruelty.

Tiger can not survive on vegetarian diet but humans can.. Humanoids have evolved as species, so better stop comparing yourself with carnivores.. Human knows ways to grow food to feed himself, animals don't.

Also tell me, if this equation of killing to feed yourself is so right then why do one kill the animals who attack/kill humans. Why is tiger killing an human different from tiger killing a deer?
One can only imagine the oppression and the horrors the Muslims of Mathura must have suffered at the hands of Hindu Extremists for them to be forcibly holding such an anti-cow slaughter convention.

Simply disgusting.

:lol: comic relief for the day...
Tiger can not survive on vegetarian diet but humans can.. Humanoids have evolved as species, so better stop comparing yourself with carnivores.. Human knows ways to grow food to feed himself, animals don't.

Also tell me, if this equation of killing to feed yourself is so right then why do one kill the animals who attack/kill humans. Why is tiger killing an human different from tiger killing a deer?
A tiger killing a deer is no different from tiger killing a man. We attack animals that kill human, because we put our own species at higher pedestral and consider our self worth to be more.
We are not the only animals, buffalo herd will try to charge at lion to save their cub, but might not give a sh*t if a deer is attacked.

Human can survive on veggie diet, so what. Why is it wrong to kill and eat animals.
A tiger killing a deer is no different from tiger killing a man. We attack animals that kill human, because we put our own species at higher pedestral and consider our self worth to be more.
We are not the only animals, buffalo herd will try to charge at lion to save their cub, but might not give a sh*t if a deer is attacked.

Human can survive on veggie diet, so what. Why is it wrong to kill and eat animals.

I think you have a point.

and most of the meat now consumed is based on domesticated species.

However studies show that raising large cattle and consuming their meat has tremendous burden on the environment as well as our bodies.

Isn't it ironic that a Muslim-guy is trying to convince a Hindu-guy about being vegetarian? :lol:

Anyways I am not trying to start a long conversation. this is just a light hearted comment on something that was never the intent of the OP.

peace to you.
this has nothing to do with oppression of muslims or dominance of hindus. some muslims in mathura are just respecting hindu culture and sensitivities thats all. Pakistanis wont understand it, because they have never learnt to respect any other religion or even their own religion.
A tiger killing a deer is no different from tiger killing a man. We attack animals that kill human, because we put our own species at higher pedestral and consider our self worth to be more.
We are not the only animals, buffalo herd will try to charge at lion to save their cub, but might not give a sh*t if a deer is attacked.

Human can survive on veggie diet, so what. Why is it wrong to kill and eat animals.

It's not about right or wrong. My point was to show that we have options so why we still need to stick to the jungle survival tactics and I used it against your argument of evolving to eat meat taking example of tiger killing deer to feed himself..
that hindu saint was a VHP thug, not that he should have been killed.. in any case he was killed by maoists and RSS/VHP guys went and burnt down houses of poor christians...

How the hell was he a VHP thug? he was a priest what made him a thug

Shravan Krishna Navami, was a Hindu monk and a highly revered spiritual leader who lived a life dedicated to tribal welfare

Hinduguy you should change your name and not call yourself a Hindu which insults the rest of us
...... some muslims in mathura are just respecting hindu culture and sensitivities thats all.

Pakistanis wont understand it, because they have never learnt to respect any other religion or even their own religion.

We definitely know how Mullahs can easily use emotional issues and usurp authority to start making laws of the area, even when the nation has not given them any mandate.

It is like Christians in India start putting vishnu's statue right next to Jesus's. This will sure "respect Hindu culture and sensitivities". Won't it?

I urge you not to get roped into Mullah's schemes.

This is how they start.

No school that is run by organizations is built on free land the organizations had bought the land. Doesn't matter if the students are majority Hindu and pay for their studies. They are there as students if they were donating money and getting nothing in return it would have been different. But they receive education in return. Christians pay out of their pockets to fund the operation of the institutions so others don't have to pay hefty school fees.

In one note you talk about discrimination while on the other you go out and question if the land owned by the 2% of the population is fair or not height of double standards. And please I am still waiting for a link to your earlier remark as to Christians holding majority of the land.

Actually let me correct that ...Indian Church is largest non-government landowner because of land grants since British times. Its holding is bigger than the muslim wakf board who's land holding rivals that of the church due to land grants by muslim kings however GoI is less sympathetic to them. However you will see such information is not revealed by GoI due to sensitive 'communal' nature. There was a study done earlier and it was published by zoom India media but they too seem to have disappared from the internet. However there is a book called 'breaking India' and you can find the relevant data in there.

There might be a few schools run by missionary that will be brought by funds but then again the source of funds is normally always foreign. Now foreign individuals cannot buy land in India however the church can buy land in India with foreign funds received.

It is ridiculous to credit such massive holdings and property development by the church and missionaries to 'sunday collection' by Indian Christians :P

How can questioning of land holding be communal in a country where the majority does not have any land to their name ? :pissed:

In India due to its large population and limited land resource it is a very sensitive topic and govt. of India have Many Many restrictions on large land holdings. Its an explosive issue and there is no double standard here only you eagerness to hold on to special privileges and unjust and unethical practices.
Anyway you are unlikely to believe a 'hindu' so let me quote fellow christians i.e. Poor Christian Liberation Movement. They even have a phone number you can call and enquire further :rolleyes:

Church has largest land-holding after government of India and many such properties are in posh colonies. They control 22 percent educational system and 30 percent of health system;

Church Has Betrayed With The Faith Of Converted Christians - ModernGhana.com

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Amazing for 'minority' who are 2% of India's population :sick:.
In order to avoide their own slaughter at the hands of Hindus, the Mathura Muslims decided NOT to slaughter cow.

by the way Mathura is hardcore Hindu dominated area, Muslims there already do not go for cow owing to Hindu fear.

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