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Muslims in indian army

Punjabi and Pashtun representation is estimated at 87 percent to 95 percent.

Baloch constitute only about 1.3 percent of the armed forces. Despite having an economically active workforce of over 24 percent against the national average of 22 percent.

allover world army are repesented by certain groups in majority no reson to ponder why it is lees or more what matter is who does best job:what:

Can any one tell my Balochs are only 1.3 of army it is less than 2% of muslim in indian army?

Because Balochi people are 5 million out of Pakistan's total population of 180 million. And Indian Muslims are 150 million people out of India's total population of 1.1 billion.

Balochis: 5/180 = 2.77% of the total Pakistani population

Indian Muslims: 150/1100 = 13.6% of the total Indian population
The reason behind this is martial race theory which is still followed by IA and PA. Muslims constitutes very tiny percentage of population of martial races in India from where IA recruits majority of it's troopers.

Before partition majority of Muslims recruits were from Punjab, Frontier, Baluchistan all of which were considered Martial races and now parts of Pakistan. I'll post data to prove my point when free.
What ever the cast of a person or religion,he/she should be loyal to his/her country. We Nation spend more than 60% of our taxes on Armed forces.
What ever the cast of a person or religion,he/she should be loyal to his/her country. We Nation spend more than 60% of our taxes on Armed forces.

This ^^^ is a myth. Provide reliable links please.
The lack of representation of the Indian Muslims in the army is reflected in every field of life:

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.

Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans,

Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.

54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam , with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.

A better picture is projected by data collected in Karnataka, where against Muslim population of 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs , in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.

Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.

Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.

Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra , but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi , 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat , Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.
Some other facts about the conditions of Indian Muslims disclosed in the Sachar Report.

1) 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs!

2) It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share.

3) The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) .

4) A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel — a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

5) The average amount of bank loan disbursed to the Muslims is 2/3 of the amount disbursed to other minorities.

6) There is a clear and significant inverse association between the proportion of the Muslim population and the availability of educational infrastructure in small villages

7) The presence of Muslims has been found to be only 3% in the IAS, 1.8% in the IFS and 4% in the IPS.

8) Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways while 98.7% of them are positioned at lower levels. Representation of Muslims is very low in the Universities and in Banks. Their share in police constables is only 6%, in health 4.4%, in transport 6.5%.

Getting housing for Muslims is harder because they are Muslims, Hindus and Christians do not want to lease out their property to them.

9) Substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in the less than Rs.500 expenditure bracket.

10) Most of the variables indicate that Muslim-OBCs are significantly deprived in comparison to Hindu-OBCs. The work participation rate (WPR) shows the presence of a sharp difference between Hindu-OBCs (67%) and the Muslims. The share of Muslim-OBCs in government/ PSU jobs is much lower than Hindu-OBCs.

11) There are about 5 lakh registered Wakfs with 6 lakh acre land and Rs 6,000 crore book value. But the gross income from all these properties is only 163 crores i.e. 2.7%.

Indian textbooks are to be scrapped off because of their Anti-Muslim bias:

Indian school textbooks to be scrapped because of anti muslim bias | World news | The Guardian
Before partition majority of Muslims recruits were from Punjab, Frontier, Baluchistan all of which were considered Martial races and now parts of Pakistan. I'll post data to prove my point when free.

Those Muslim recruits were in british-indian armies. Not republic of india army.

So stop trying to twist about facts on this subject like a typical indian.
well,muslims in indian army can't go more than 2%...its army they have their reservation.. I won't be surprised if muslim numbers decrease to 1%..actualy this wat we want..and don't need to bend our rules for your sentiments
by they wats the percentage of hindus in pakistan army
well,muslims in indian army can't go more than 2%...its army they have their reservation.. I won't be surprised if muslim numbers decrease to 1%..actualy this wat we want..and don't need to bend our rules for your sentiments
by they wats the percentage of hindus in pakistan army

The "muslim you speak about are your countrymen are they not? Your country recognises all religions and is secular. Despicable comment.
I think reservation means preferential treatment up until the percentage is filled. It does not mean they cannot join the armed forces beyond that limit.
I think reservation means preferential treatment up until the percentage is filled. It does not mean they cannot join the armed forces beyond that limit.

in India most of Amry personnel comes from Rajput, Jat, Sikhs and Gorkha. In Gujarat, hardly anyone would join Army.
in India most of Amry personnel comes from Rajput, Jat, Sikhs and Gorkha. In Gujarat, hardly anyone would join Army.

add Marathi people in list.:) they also join army in large numbers.
You cant push somebody to join the army, can you? meanwhile there is alot of response for army recruitment from the areas like Kashmir etc now...thousands turn up for the recruitment rallies...
I was addressing one of your countrymen "tallboy. I found those comments appalling.
Stupid, typical thread from people who are obsessed with Indian Muslims.

Indian Army does not enforce conscription -- point one

Muslims are not prohibited from joining Army --- point two.

Combining Point 1 and 2 it becomes clear Muslims on their own volition are not interested in joining Army and Army cannot be faulted for it.
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