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Muslims in indian army

The article is highly inaccurate. The writer has got some things right, for example the historical British bias towards "marital races" and all that, but he seems to fail in basic analysis.

For example, calling for a "muslim regiment" betrays a total lack of understanding of the Indian army. The army does not differenciate on the basis of religion as a matter of policy, so having a muslim regiment would be anathema to the Generals.

Regional regiments are encouraged for practical reasons, because people find it easier to form bonds and gel together. However, there are no hard and fast rules that only Marathas can join the Maratha Light Infantry etc. Quite often you find Marathis in Bihar regiment and Biharis in MLI.

Other than that, there are historical reasons why North India is overrepresented in the Indian army, but a lot of it has to do with culture as well. South Indians are less likely to seek a career in the army than North Indians.

Reforms are needed of course - the army should encourage South Indians to join by forming South Indian regiments, but such things are slow and bureaucratic, and the army is quite happy to maintain the status-quo rather than go in for a massive overhaul.
I cannot recall a more laughable arguments than those posted in this thread. :lol:

First of all, we are talking about humans and not robots. How you can expect there will be mathematically equal distribution of everything? 'Choosing a career' is a most important decision and surely it is affected by lot of factors. Take an example of Gujrathi family. They are inclined more towards business than defense forces. But what you point out is their absence in military. Shouldn't you also talk about their lead in business? :azn:

Also, if you see closely, you will notice that the regions having wars and battles from long time on regular basis in history provide more personnel to defense. Other regions lead in fields like technology, business, arts etc.

You come up with handful of fields not having percentage of Muslims. But Muslims are not dying of hunger. That means they are doing something else. There are bound to be some fields where there is Muslim percentage more than the average. Start looking for it and sure you will find it in no time. :coffee: For a start, here are examples-
1. Scarp business is dominated by Muslims. It is full of money, though less glamorous.
2. There is a considerable percentage of Muslims in transport business.
3. There is majority of Muslims when it comes to small scale businesses like stalls, fruits market, vegetable dealers etc.

Just try and you will find many more. So, may be you have correct figures, but you are representing them in wrong and incomplete manner. :disagree:

P.S.- There was someone talking about "may be Muslims in India don't want to kill Pakistanis and so they do not join defense and blah blah...". I have an advice for him - TRY TO DIGEST INDIA IS A SECULAR COUNTRY. Or just come over here and ask Muslims what they think about enemy of this nation, no matter who it is!
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Punjabi and Pashtun representation is estimated at 87 percent to 95 percent.

Baloch constitute only about 1.3 percent of the armed forces. Despite having an economically active workforce of over 24 percent against the national average of 22 percent.

allover world army are repesented by certain groups in majority no reson to ponder why it is lees or more what matter is who does best job:what:

Can any one tell my Balochs are only 1.3 of army it is less than 2% of muslim in indian army?

The Baloch and the state: conflict of perceptions
For me, bias can be proven only if you can show me that the percentage of muslims who applied for army jobs and made through is less than non muslims who applied and made through.

We have exactly the same case in sacar committe report. it states that only 4.8% of those who made it to civil services are muslims. now these exams have an interview stage and there is indeed room for 'bias'. however if u put in the context that only 4.9% of those who appeared for the exams were muslims, then where is the bias?

Gujarat is under represented in indian army, sindh in pakistani. bias???
Bias would be when muslims are not allowed to join the army and Muslims protest the same. I haven't heard of any muslim saying we were not allowed/discouraged from joining the army. Muslims cannot be forced to join the army against their wishes.
You have to fight for your right be it India or Pakistan or us of A. these idiot social rule maker who are superficial basta#d will cause lot of problem for you. anywhere in world.but you dont stop and whin about them our generation just move on.....
change is on.....

like Mr Bob Dylan says: TIMES THEY ARE CHANGING!
Punjabi and Pashtun representation is estimated at 87 percent to 95 percent.

Baloch constitute only about 1.3 percent of the armed forces. Despite having an economically active workforce of over 24 percent against the national average of 22 percent.

allover world army are repesented by certain groups in majority no reson to ponder why it is lees or more what matter is who does best job:what:

Can any one tell my Balochs are only 1.3 of army it is less than 2% of muslim in indian army?

Pakistanis are not against the idea off proportional representation in areas of govt-army for all its people.
We may not have achieved a fair distribution but we are not againt the idea.
India on the other hand does not want to give the fair share of representation in govt-army to the muslims and do not purse a policy that will achieve that.
Muslims are not bothered whether they had a Muslim President or Minister, Or Khans in the industry,what they wanted was the removal of economic disparities and social inequality.

Can you mock the facts by stating few persons out of 150 Muslims?? Absolutely not.

If you need more facts , here they are

--> In the Lok Sabha which consists of 544 members, for instance, according to the population of Muslims they should have 83 members; but in every election their number has steadily declined. Today it stands at only 17. Likewise, in the Rajya Sabha which consists of 250 members, where because of indirect election, political parties could easily redress the imbalance; the Muslims' share is far below their population strength. Their number today is 11.

-->The number of Muslims in government services is steadily declining; hardly one or two secretaries in the Centre or States, there is no chief secretary in any state, one high court judge or so in some states; no chief justice in any state. The number of district judges and magistrates don't exceed even two percent of the total; .

-->In public sector undertakings, out of 481 directors, only 6 are Muslims- no chairman, no managing director.

-->In IB and RAW Muslims are debarred.

--> Muslims having government jobs is just 4.9 percent. Muslims constitute just 3.2 percent of those in India's elite civil service corps.
(The situation is worse in states with large Muslim populations. For example, in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam, where Muslims form 25.2 percent, 18.5 percent and 30.9 percent of the population, respectively, their share of government jobs is 4.7 percent, 7.5 percent, and 10.9 percent, respectively.)

--> In the private sector, including the top business and industrial houses of Tatas and Birlas, it was found that Muslim employment come to 8.16 percent.

-->Grant of Bank Loans
In terms of intending borrowers, the Muslims numbered 9.41 percent, but the actual disbursement of loans to them came to 3.73 percent.

even the top business industrial houses owned by muslims like Wipro and Cipla the proportion of Muslim employees is less than their proportion in population...do we take it that the Muslim owners of these companies are also against the minorities?
this is all bogus i think that all muslims in india r treated fairly..but i can be wrong
Ever there happend mass hindu or chistian killings? The minorities are living peacefully here. If you want to deny start another thread with some facts.

Yes you are bang on target, you need Hindu masses or christian masses to do ethnic cleansing...

I sencond your opinion...:yahoo:
i dont know how long ago but there was "friendly firing" between Indian Army hindus vs Indian Army Muslims

Have you ever imagined once all the Hydrocarbon deposits in your country becomes zero (assuming you are a Saudi national though)

a) What will you do?
b) What will you eat?
INDIANS never treat muslims equally
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