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Muslims in indian army

You forgot to comment on the rest of my post.
And by getting elected as the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the most powerful person in Pakistan, someone who has power over both the PM and President of Pakistan; they still remain second class citizens?

Stop distorting facts! I checked it out, he was only the acting chief justice (not incumbent) for a brief period of time, big difference

I think we know why he never was incumbent

Rana Bhagwandas was promoted to the Sindh High Court in 1994. In 1999, his appointment to the superior judiciary was challenged by a constitutional petition (no. 1069/1999) against the Government of Pakistan and Judge Bhagwandas. The petition demanded that the judicial bench consisting of Judge Bhagwandas should be declared unconstitutional because of Bhagwandas' religion, claiming that only Muslims can be appointed to the superior judiciary.[6] The petition was rejected, and the petitioner was condemned by other judges of the high court and by a significant number of lawyers.[7]

Rejected yes, but poor guy could never be the actual Chief justice
So you admit that your state sponsors terrorism?
He clearly states that the mob was led by a Congress politician Mr.Tytler. The state was not involved in that.

The massacre of Muslims in Gujarat was also somehow the fault of Muslims, right?
Do you know what preceded the gujrat riot's? ... The burning of a Train bogey, carrying Hindu Kar Sevak's. This incident ignited religious passions. So, technically he is right. It's a shame that while you care for the riot victims, you show no empathy for those killed in the train burning incident.

Don't worry, I have all I want to know about the massacre of Christians by Hindus going by this:

We accept that there have been incidents of Religious intolerance by Indian citizen. Same as in your country. Or maybe what we see in other part's of world. What differentiates India from Pakistan, is the discrimination perpetrated by State by way of Blasphemy law's. India as a state has no policy of discrimination against its minority. Your state policy on the other hand discriminate amongst the classes.
We accept that there have been incidents of Religious intolerance by Indian citizen. Same as in your country. Or maybe what we see in other part's of world. What differentiates India from Pakistan, is the discrimination perpetrated by State by way of Blasphemy law's. India as a state has no policy of discrimination against its minority. Your state policy on the other hand discriminate amongst the classes.

Are you implying that the Blasphemy Law only applies to non-Muslims? This is what happens when one listens to the Indian media all the time.
Do you know what preceded the gujrat riot's? ... The burning of a Train bogey, carrying Hindu Kar Sevak's. This incident ignited religious passions. So, technically he is right. It's a shame that while you care for the riot victims, you show no empathy for those killed in the train burning incident.

The problems with most Indians is, they think they can justify the massacres of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities, by somehow shifting the blame on the minorities that got massacred. If India wants to truly become a secular democracy, & not a sham one; it has to accept the fact that massacres by the state or Hindu mobs cannot be justified in anyway. Massacres cannot be justified. Period. Once massacres are not justified, only then can India have harmony between its different communities. Your Hindu attitude is worse than rapists that claim that the person raped is responsible for getting raped.

What was the cause of the violence at Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad and the Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan? They were justified somehow as well, right? Go on, keep justifying your massacres.
The problems with most Indians is, they think they can justify the massacres of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities, by somehow shifting the blame on the minorities that got massacred. If India wants to truly become a secular democracy, & not a sham one; it has to accept the fact that massacres by the state or Hindu mobs cannot be justified in anyway. Massacres cannot be justified. Period. Once massacres are not justified, only then can India have harmony between its different communities.
In fact you are wrong. It has been the Hindu's (specially the NGO's) who have relentlessly pursued prosecution of Narendra Modi. It was Hindu's who have made movies criticizing the Riots and openly blaming the Government.

Now i will tell you where do the Hindu's objection stem from. Many a Hindu's have pointed out that the so called socialist while fighting for the muslim riot victims have never take cognizance of the Hindu victim's of the riots (or the victims of Train burning incident). It's as if this so called NGO and socialist are playing to the popular gallery.
We accept that there have been incidents of Religious intolerance by Indian citizen.

No, you don't accept it. If you did, Modi would have been on trial and put in jail, rather than getting re-elected as CM of Gujarat, and have his bid for PM of India nullified. If you accepted your mistakes, then the Sikhs would have been given justice for all the state sponsored terrorism by the Congress party. You have been justifying state-sponsored terrorism of Kashmiri Muslims by talking about the Kashmiri Hindu Pandits in the past. I accept terrorism has been committed against them, why don't you condemn the ongoing, everyday terrorism by the Indian government against the Kashmiri Muslims?
The problems with most Indians is, they think they can justify the massacres of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities, by somehow shifting the blame on the minorities that got massacred.

Yup non-Hindu Indian here. Riots in Gujrat were a direct result of the train burnings. There are no two ways about it
What was the cause of the violence at Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad and the Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan? They were justified somehow as well, right? Go on, keep justifying your massacres.
See, that's what makes us see your point with suspicion. While you easily bring up the above blasts, you easily forget to include the other blasts carried out by ba$tard wing of Indian Mujhaeed ?

Do you care for only Muslim's or do you share the pains of all those that lost life in this acts of terrorists? ... Why be selective in your criticism?
We, as citizen of India have criticized this blasts, no matter where they have occurred. Show me where we as people have failed in our selective condemnation?
Yup non-Hindu Indian here. Riots in Gujrat were a direct result of the train burnings. There are no two ways about it

How can anyone, but Hindu proponents that justify the massacre of minorities claim conclusively that that the Gujarat riots were a result of the train burnings? How can one possibly claim one massacre can be justified because another incident happened? Typical Hindutva mindset. Please stop trolling sir, you are nothing but a Hindu.
See, that's what makes us see your point with suspicion. While you easily bring up the above blasts, you easily forget to include the other blasts carried out by ba$tard wing of Indian Mujhaeed ?

Do you care for only Muslim's or do you share the pains of all those that lost life in this acts of terrorists? ... Why be selective in your criticism?

A lot of blasts, in which Indian Muslim boys were held responsible without any proper trials; such as the Mecca Masjid Blasts in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif Blasts in Rajasthan, Malegaon in Maharashtra were actually carried out by Hindutva groups. Look up Swami Aseemanand. All I'm asking for is a fair trial, which you fail to do in many cases, and wrongfully arrest young Indian Muslim boys. Keep this up, & India will never have inter-religious harmony between its different communities.
How can anyone, but Hindu proponents that justify the massacre of minorities claim conclusively that that the Gujarat riots were a result of the train burnings?

The India courts claim the same thing. But don't twist my words, nobody is justifying anything

An Indian court sentenced 11 Muslims to death and 20 others to life in prison for conspiring to set fire to a train carrying Hindu pilgrims in 2002, a blaze that triggered some of the worst rioting in the country’s history.

Eleven Muslims Sentenced to Death Over Arson That Killed 59, Sparked Riots - Bloomberg
The India courts claim the same thing. But don't twist my words, nobody is justifying anything

Eleven Muslims Sentenced to Death Over Arson That Killed 59, Sparked Riots - Bloomberg

A lot of blasts, in which Indian Muslim boys were held responsible & indicted without any proper trials; such as the Mecca Masjid Blasts in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif Blasts in Rajasthan, Malegaon in Maharashtra were actually carried out by Hindutva groups. Look up Swami Aseemanand.
No, you don't accept it. If you did, Modi would have been on trial and put in jail, rather than getting re-elected as CM of Gujarat, and have his bid for PM of India nullified.
Oh is it so? ...... Put him on Trial for what? . As per our constitution only a convicted criminal can be blocked from contesting in election. Mr.Modi as a CM has only been accused of asking his security forces to go slow (or rather ordering them Not to act while the rioters had a merry). Obviously, NOT a single person could testify that he recieved such orders from Mr.Modi.

If you accepted your mistakes, then the Sikhs would have been given justice for all the state sponsored terrorism by the Congress party.
It's the congress Party that has to tender its Apology. Not the State of India. It was Politician, in individual capacity that have been accused of this riots.
Again, do differentiate the actions of mob and action of State.

You have been justifying state-sponsored terrorism of Kashmiri Muslims by talking about the Kashmiri Hindu Pandits in the past. I accept terrorism has been committed against them, why don't you condemn the ongoing, everyday terrorism by the Indian government against the Kashmiri Muslims?
I support the action against the kashmiri terrorists. if they have any agenda, let them discuss this peacefully with GoI. Any military action by them needs to be dealt with strong hand.
A lot of blasts, in which Indian Muslim boys were held responsible & indicted without any proper trials; such as the Mecca Masjid Blasts in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif Blasts in Rajasthan, Malegaon in Maharashtra were actually carried out by Hindutva groups. Look up Swami Aseemanand.


I have full faith in the judiciary.
A lot of blasts, in which Indian Muslim boys were held responsible without any proper trials; such as the Mecca Masjid Blasts in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif Blasts in Rajasthan, Malegaon in Maharashtra were actually carried out by Hindutva groups. Look up Swami Aseemanand. All I'm asking for is a fair trial, which you fail to do in many cases, and wrongfully arrest young Indian Muslim boys. Keep this up, & India will never have inter-religious harmony between its different communities.

See, thats why we dis-belive your intentions. You still will not criticize those innocents killed in the blasts carried out by the IM terrorists.
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