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Muslims in indian army

are you arguing about the discrimination on the fringes? because thats all you are doing it seems. your anecdotes of "what my parents said "can be countered by Hindu families being asked to move and their land taken away back then too. Point is - Pakistan which was created on the perception that minorities in India will be discriminated upon, ironical build a country where they discriminate minorities in their constitution. non Muslim pays more tax, non Muslim can't vote for Muslims... non muslims can be hung simply on hear say re: blasphemy laws. I would check my own backyard yeah?

I am giving you an impartial perspective of what happened to my family, & I still have family in India btw. I have visited India twice as well. You are free to hear any perspective you want, whether it's my perspective or the perspective of Hindu families whose ancestors belonged to the regions in Pakistan. You might think I'm trolling, & just seeking some kind of sick pleasure out of all the India bashing. I seek no pleasure in talking in any of that, but these things mean a lot to me personally.
Blasphemy Laws are just plain cruel on everyone. Btw, you would be interested in knowing that 80% of the people convicted on Blasphemy charges have been Muslim. Non-Muslims can join the army, government sectors etc; ANYTHING that the minorities in India can do. The religious places (Gurdwaras, Mandirs, Churches) have been given the highest protection constitutionally. Every year, thousands of Sikhs all over the world (including India) visit the Holy sites of Sikhism, including the Holiest site 'Nankina Sahib', the birthplace of Guru Nanak. There has never been mass murder, massacre of any minority in Pakistan by mobs or the state; you can't say the same about India when you have classic examples of terrorism against minorities in Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad (Mecca Masjid), Malegaon, Kandhamal (Orissa) etc to name a few, some of them state sponsored, many by unruly Hindu mobs. Don't go by the success stories of Delhi, Bombay; the big cities. Go by the regions where the majority of Muslims live.

wow what a rosy picture - one that your media contradicts , like when a non Muslim boy drank water from a dispenser near a mosque the whole village had to move out or fear being attacked. Or when the churches were burnt down ... I must have day dreamed those articles. you stated anything minorities can do in India...

You said you treat minorities the same as in India - Pray tell us, why do non Muslims have to pay more in taxes? why do they have no write to vote as muslims...why do you persecute ahmedis and other sects in your constitution? why do ask women to bring 4 witness to a rape for it to be legit?

why are the minorities treated like 3rd class citizens? you need to come to India brother- your politicians and artists will testify to how we treat Muslims as a majority ... in non big cities too.
Blasphemy Laws are just plain cruel on everyone. Btw, you would be interested in knowing that 80% of the people convicted on Blasphemy charges have been Muslim. Non-Muslims can join the army, government sectors etc; ANYTHING that the minorities in India can do. The religious places (Gurdwaras, Mandirs, Churches) have been given the highest protection constitutionally. Every year, thousands of Sikhs all over the world (including India) visit the Holy sites of Sikhism, including the Holiest site 'Nankina Sahib', the birthplace of Guru Nanak. There has never been mass murder, massacre of any minority in Pakistan by mobs or the state; you can't say the same about India when you have classic examples of terrorism against minorities in Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad (Mecca Masjid), Malegaon, Kandhamal (Orissa) etc to name a few, some of them state sponsored, many by unruly Hindu mobs. Don't go by the success stories of Delhi, Bombay; the big cities. Go by the regions where the majority of Muslims live.

Wrong : After several decades of discrimination only in 2008 the first Sikh officer was drafted into the Pak Army and Hindus in Army are no better with constant taunts about conversion to Islam.

Sikh and Hindu officers usher in a new era in Pakistani Army | SikhNet

No minorities in Pakistan can't to anything their counterparts in India can. A Muslim has been the President of India ; but your law requires only a Muslim be the President of Pakistan.

And most of the riots you mentioned were initiated by Muslim mobs. The Hindus only returned the favour however wrong thy maybe.
bilalhaider said:
. Non-Muslims can join the army, government sectors etc; ANYTHING that the minorities in India can do.

Not really. A non-Muslim can never be the Prime Minister/President of your country by your constitution.
wow what a rosy picture - one that your media contradicts , like when a non Muslim boy drank water from a dispenser near a mosque the whole village had to move out or fear being attacked. Or when the churches were burnt down ... I must have day dreamed those articles. you stated anything minorities can do in India...

You said you treat minorities the same as in India - Pray tell us, why do non Muslims have to pay more in taxes? why do they have no write to vote as muslims...why do you persecute ahmedis and other sects in your constitution? why do ask women to bring 4 witness to a rape for it to be legit?

why are the minorities treated like 3rd class citizens? you need to come to India brother- your politicians and artists will testify to how we treat Muslims as a majority ... in non big cities too.

I have been to India, & while I have seen prosperous Muslims in Delhi; I have seen extremely backward Muslims in Amroha and Patna etc. You probably forgot of all those cases of Blasphemy Law about Muslims, because like I said, 80% of the people convicted for Blasphemy have been Muslims. And I'm not a proponent of the Blasphemy Law, I think it's an evil, a cruel cruel law that needs to be abolished. A lot of Muslims & non-Muslims are working to amend or scrap the law, you don't hear these things on TV because its not newsworthy. There is a huge movement in Pakistan right now stemming from the middle & upper middle class against the law, & its just getting bigger. It's also getting a huge resistance from Islamic parties as well, & these are the only people you see on TV.

Do you want to provide all the links of the violence against minorities in Pakistan? Want me to start posting links of violence against the minorities in India? Trust me, I won't stop if you really want to play that game with me. Minorities in Pakistan have been involved in every field of life in Pakistan, all the way from the Armed Forces, to the government, education, health sectors etc. You need to get your head out of your a**, & forget your prejudices if you really want to have an informed opinion about Pakistan.
Blasphemy Laws are just plain cruel on everyone. Btw, you would be interested in knowing that 80% of the people convicted on Blasphemy charges have been Muslim. Non-Muslims can join the army, government sectors etc; ANYTHING that the minorities in India can do. The religious places (Gurdwaras, Mandirs, Churches) have been given the highest protection constitutionally. Every year, thousands of Sikhs all over the world (including India) visit the Holy sites of Sikhism, including the Holiest site 'Nankina Sahib', the birthplace of Guru Nanak. There has never been mass murder, massacre of any minority in Pakistan by mobs or the state; you can't say the same about India when you have classic examples of terrorism against minorities in Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad (Mecca Masjid), Malegaon, Kandhamal (Orissa) etc to name a few, some of them state sponsored, many by unruly Hindu mobs. Don't go by the success stories of Delhi, Bombay; the big cities. Go by the regions where the majority of Muslims live.

R u trying to say minorities r discriminated against more in india than pakistan??U know for mass murder and terrorism u first need to have appreciable minority population left........
And most of the riots you mentioned were initiated by Muslim mobs. The Hindus only returned the favour however wrong thy maybe.

Kandhamal, Delhi were attacks against Christians & Sikhs respectively. They weren't started by Muslim mobs. So now you're going to tell me that Christians and Sikhs were responsible for getting massacred by Hindu mobs too, right? Because a Muslim community getting massacred by Hindus is always at fault.
Besides, it was not the state of Bihar that took those lands from us, it was the Hindu mobs. I am absolutely 100% sure of that.

Dont worry you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus/Sikhs too lost their lands to Muslim mobs.
Not really. A non-Muslim can never be the Prime Minister/President of your country by your constitution.

Besides holding a PM, President position, a non-Muslim can still pretty much work in the government, civil, educational, armed forces, health sector etc. There have been several Parsi (Zoroastrian), Hindu in the past, & even Sikh people recently in the armed forces. Pakistan has had a Hindu Chief Justice, the highest authority in Pakistan that even the PM & President is accountable to. There are numerous other examples that I could give if you're interested in knowing.
I have been to India, & while I have seen prosperous Muslims in Delhi; I have seen extremely backward Muslims in Amroha and Patna etc. You probably forgot of all those cases of Blasphemy Law about Muslims, because like I said, 80% of the people convicted for Blasphemy have been Muslims. And I'm not a proponent of the Blasphemy Law, I think it's an evil, a cruel cruel law that needs to be abolished. A lot of Muslims & non-Muslims are working to amend or scrap the law, you don't hear these things on TV because its not newsworthy. There is a huge movement in Pakistan right now stemming from the middle & upper middle class against the law, & its just getting bigger.

Do you want to provide all the links of the violence against minorities in Pakistan? Want me to start posting links of violence against the minorities in India? Trust me, I won't stop if you really want to play that game with me. Minorities in Pakistan have been involved in every field of life in Pakistan, all the way from the Armed Forces, to the government, education, health sectors etc. You need to get your head out of your a**, & forget your prejudices if you really want to have an informed opinion about Pakistan.
I agree with ur first part.
Isn't declaring urself as an islamic state itself imply that u consider 1 religion superior than others??And yes i know islam preaches tolerance towards other religions but which religion dosen't??
Kandhamal, Delhi were attacks against Christians & Sikhs respectively. They weren't started by Muslim mobs. So now you're going to tell me that Christians and Sikhs were responsible for getting massacred by Hindu mobs, right?

Infact I was going to say that.

And going by your post I can safely conclude you dont have an iota of what was the reason for Kandhmal. If you want I can explain about it.

And the Anti-Sikh riots were not Hindu-Sikh riots. It was perprated by the Congress party and the main accused Jagdish Tytler is a Christian.

Besides holding a PM, President position, a non-Muslim can still pretty much work in the government, civil, educational, armed forces, health sector etc. There have been several Parsi (Zoroastrian), Hindu & even Sikh (recently) people in the armed forces. Pakistan has had a Hindu Chief Justice, the highest authority in Pakistan that even the PM & President is accountable too. There are numerous other examples that I could give if you're interested in knowing.

Still a non-Muslim can never be the President of your country by constitution. and the First sikh officer was drafted in 2008 only.
Infact I was going to say that.

And going by your post I can safely conclude you dont have an iota of what was the reason for Kandhmal. If you want I can explain about it.

And the Anti-Sikh riots were not Hindu-Sikh riots. It was perprated by the Congress party and the main accused Jagdish Tytler is a Christian.

So you admit that your state sponsors terrorism? Yet, you have the audacity of blaming Pakistan before looking at yourself? The massacre of Muslims in Gujarat was also somehow the fault of Muslims, right? Your Hindu attitude is worse than rapists that claim that the person raped is responsible for getting raped.

Don't worry, I have all I want to know about the massacre of Christians by Hindus going by this:

INDIA Orissa: killing Christians to stop Tribals and Dalits from developing and achieving dignity - Asia News

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

That alone relegates all minorities to second class citizen status.

You forgot to comment on the rest of my post.
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And going by your post I can safely conclude you dont have an iota of what was the reason for Kandhmal. If you want I can explain about it.

The problems with most Indians is, they think they can justify the massacres of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities, by somehow shifting the blame on the minorities that got massacred. If India wants to truly become a secular democracy, & not a sham one; it has to accept the fact that massacres by the state or Hindu mobs cannot be justified in anyway. Massacres cannot be justified. Period. Once massacres are not justified, only then can India have harmony between its different communities.
That alone relegates all minorities to second class citizen status.

And by getting elected as the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the most powerful person in Pakistan, someone who has power over both the PM and President of Pakistan; they still remain second class citizens?
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