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Muslims in India are being reduced to second-class citizens - Indian actor Naseerudddin Shah

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Indian government is changing names of not only Muslim sounding cities but also intellectual icons are being renamed to reflect the changes.

Thousands have been displaced already.
This is nothing new. It is happening since 1947. Now, only, it has become too naked and too gross.

It would help if so called "indian Muslims" would stop worshipping indian hindus/sanghis and claiming that the creation of Pakistan was a mistake. Rather they should focus on not being a race of eunuchs and cowards of the highest order.

The cream of so called "indian Muslims":

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You are both the same kind. Heard of live and let live. Everyone can fight back. People die on both sides. Human life is not cheap. You have to move beyond massacres to find solutions.
They themselves are about to be massacred, so we are asking them to grow some and be prepared if push comes to shove. Their history proves them to be the opposite of that. They are following the gandhi mantra " Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other one also" so far.
We are talking about Indian MUSLIMS and Islam tells us the other way. If Muslims would have acted upon your advice then Taliban would never have defeated your Nato.
Apologetic Indian Muslims need to grow back a pair now.
Muslims of india are divided among themselves, some back any party that has good relations with saudia or iran. Syeds consider themselves the brahman of muslims. Some dont like southern muslims, others are waiting for congress to come back and "save them".. the elitist have turned socialist..Many muslims in UP and Hyderabad are pro Pakistan but cant say it out loud from the fear of persecution..
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