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Muslims in India are being reduced to second-class citizens - Indian actor Naseerudddin Shah

They themselves are about to be massacred, so we are asking them to grow some and be prepared if Itpush comes to shove. Their history proves them to be the opposite of that. They are following the gandhi mantra " Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other one also" so far.
We are talking about Indian MUSLIMS and Islam tells us the other way. If Muslims would have acted upon your advice then Taliban would never have defeated your Nato.
Aug 14, 2017, Washington Post:

"NEW DELHI — The massacres began soon after the British announced partition: Neighbors slaughtered neighbors; childhood friends became sworn enemies".

Hindu-Muslim violence is not new in India. What I find bizarre is you expect a 13% minority to do the fighting for you. You have no such expectations from Muslim Rohingya, Uighur Muslims, Darfur Muslims, or the numerous other Muslim minorities around the world in the past and present who failed to hold their own, including East Punjabi Muslims who practically got cleansed from East Punjab and Haryana.
Aug 14, 2017, Washington Post:

"NEW DELHI — The massacres began soon after the British announced partition: Neighbors slaughtered neighbors; childhood friends became sworn enemies".

Hindu-Muslim violence is not new in India. What I find bizarre is you expect a 13% minority to do the fighting for you. You have no such expectations from Muslim Rohingya, Uighur Muslims, Darfur Muslims, or the numerous other Muslim minorities around the world in the past and present who failed to hold their own, including East Punjabi Muslims who practically got cleansed from East Punjab and Haryana.

Likewise, we cleansed Pakistani Punjab of indian hindus and sikhs............ :devil: ...............despite being out numbered by a ratio of 5:1............:devil:
Likewise, we cleansed Pakistani Punjab of indian hindus and sikhs............ :devil: ...............despite being out numbered by a ratio of 5:1............:devil:
I think East Punjabi Muslims were a good 40%. I saw the stats posted here on a thread. West Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs were probably 20%. Both Punjabis though. The religious minorities got cleansed which is a crime against humanity. Not a great feat and achievement.
I think East Punjabi Muslims were a good 40%. I saw the stats posted here on a thread. West Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs were probably 20%. Both Punjabis though. The religious minorities got cleansed which is a crime against humanity. Not a great feat and achievement.

Evidence? If you are not lying, post the links here. The vast majority of Punjab is now Pakistani territory. Funny how you indians never call out your own people when they commit genocide against non-indians. But what do you expect from hyper-ugly sub-human savages.......... :disagree:
Evidence? If you are not lying, post the links here. The vast majority of Punjab is now Pakistani territory. Funny how you indians never call out your own people when they commit genocide against non-indians. But what do you expect from hyper-ugly sub-human savages.......... :disagree:
I am not Punjabi, so you have cognitive dissonance. You said Hindus and Sikhs outnumbered you 5:1, though the partition of Punjab was based on Muslim and Hindu majority areas, thus you lied. Ultimately, minorities were attacked which is very primitive and cowardly. The trend spread to other parts of India. Monkey see, monkey do.
I am not Punjabi, so you have cognitive dissonance. You said Hindus and Sikhs outnumbered you 5:1, though the partition of Punjab was based on Muslim and Hindu majority areas, thus you lied. Ultimately, minorities were attacked which is very primitive and cowardly. The trend spread to other parts of India. Monkey see, monkey do.

So you indians are monkeys then? Please don't insult monkeys by comparing them to indians......... 8-)
So you indians are monkeys then? Please don't insult monkeys by comparing them to indians......... 8-)
Difference is Muslim minorities held their own in the "non martial races" of India. Why else do you think both Pakistanis and your Hindu Bharati cousins are so enraged and exploding like lava against Indian Muslims?
Aug 14, 2017, Washington Post:

"NEW DELHI — The massacres began soon after the British announced partition: Neighbors slaughtered neighbors; childhood friends became sworn enemies".

Hindu-Muslim violence is not new in India. What I find bizarre is you expect a 13% minority to do the fighting for you. You have no such expectations from Muslim Rohingya, Uighur Muslims, Darfur Muslims, or the numerous other Muslim minorities around the world in the past and present who failed to hold their own, including East Punjabi Muslims who practically got cleansed from East Punjab and Haryana.
we just expect them to stop cursing us and jinnah to be the reason for their problems..many think united india would have made muslims strong enough to be not bullied, a baseless assumption.Also the religious among them consider us gone rogue .. a nation built for islam gone kufr way...the grapes are sour mentality mixed with Stockholm syndrome that they are better off.
Muslims who are opposing Pakistan will spend rest of their lives proving Loyalty to India.” - Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
I'm just asking them to grow a pair and understand what Muhammad Ali Jinnah said 7 decades ago.
You are actually stupid beyond measure. Go and help them if you think you have some muscle.
Easy to sit back on your couch sipping on a hot cup of tea and lecturing others without an iota of knowledge what they are dealing with.
Difference is Muslim minorities held their own in the "non martial races" of India. Why else do you think both Pakistanis and your Hindu Bharati cousins are so enraged and exploding like lava against Indian Muslims?

Not my cousins. I'm racially different to indians. If what you say is true then why do so called "indian Muslims" worship and are subservient to indian hindus/sanghis?............ :azn:
You are actually stupid beyond measure. Go and help them if you think you have some muscle.
Easy to sit back on your couch sipping on a hot cup of tea and lecturing others without an iota of knowledge what they are dealing with.

On the contrary he is very intelligent and he can say what he likes on a Pakistani forum as he is a Pakistani himself. Funny how the likes of you stayed quiet when so called "indian Muslims" spent decades insulting Pakistan and Pakistanis. Cursing the existence of Pakistan. Now they can enjoy their serfdom to indian hindus/sanghis.
Not my cousins. I'm racially different to indians. If what you say is true then why do so called "indian Muslims" worship and are subservient to indian hindus/sanghis?............ :azn:
If Indian Muslims worshiped Hindus why would Hindus be enraged and exploding like lava against Muslims threatening genocide. Because they don't. They don't worship you either.
If Indian Muslims worshiped Hindus why would Hindus be enraged and exploding like lava against Muslims threatening genocide. Because they don't. They don't worship you either.

No matter what they do, hindus/sanghis want them genocided. Islam/Muslims EVEN from fellow indians makes indian hindus/sanghis/sikhs enraged. It reminds them of how weak, impotent and inferior they are due to centuries of Muslim rule. It is imprinted in their dna and they can't get over Muslim rule. It affects ALL of them even today.
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