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Muslims in India are being reduced to second-class citizens - Indian actor Naseerudddin Shah

modi WANTS a civil war in india as it will give the indian hindus/sanghis a perfect excuse to obliterate the indian Muslims. Jinnah (pbuh) saw this happening over 100 years ago. Thanks Allah swt for Pakistan......... :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
The Hindus will start well...they will kill and shout and scream and chest thump...but it will end badly because the Muslims will start to fight back. Pakistan will push politically and India will be in the focus globally bringing Kashmir on the table. Hindus don't realise this will end badly for them with the possibility of India splitting into many states
A bizarre request to nearly 200 million people in a foreign country. Maybe you ought to stop thinking the way you do.

Islam has Taqwa standards which you are the opposite of.

Not 200 million, whoever applies.We dont curse molana azad eventhough he oppsed our idea... its only fair to respect and expect respect in return.. nothing bizzare about it.
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Human beings are not collectives and herds. Get out of that mentality. Must raise the respect level toward humans. This advice is for all extremists.
You are very far off from the gist of my original point and focusing on me wrt to another idiot here stereotyping indian muslims ..What im saying is what is inculcted by indian media and eduation that "we were once one country" and that "Pakistanis partitioned and made us weak" .. but the biggest thing is you want to avoid the elephant in the room and lecture me on humanity.. ...Do you really think i consider indian muslim a herd or that 200 million Muslim are degenerates?
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All these damn afghans and Indian Muslims do is whine daily on about Pakistan. Including Iran to, they have to learn to defend there cities and towns from the Hindus look to themselves and not to outsiders ok, no more excuses from them. Pakistan has been doing this from 1947. Not our fault that they lack our types of ethnic groups strengths-
You are very far off from the gist of my original point and focusing on me wrt to another idiot here stereotyping indian muslims ..What im saying is what is taught through by indian media and eduation that "we were once one country" and that "Pakistanis partitioned and made us weak" .. but the biggest thing is you want to avoid the elephant in the room and lecture me on humanity.. ...Do you really think i consider indian muslim a herd or that 200 million Muslim are degenerates?
Pakistan is done deal and a reality .I have seen paksiatnies here saying that we are hurt by creation of pakistan,we want to take pakistan back, India has not accepted pakistan creation .

Here is a small clip of the man who is responsible for today's India.https://youtube.com/shorts/h65XI0ppyF8?feature=share
"Allah helps those who help themselves". So that's that.
I was watching news about some indian muslim who was beaten (almost dead) and guess what he says? I also worship bhagwans and shows pics of hindu idols on his door.

And i was like bc tu mar kyun nai gaya mishrik dalay
Pbuh ? Backside
He was not a prophet
Be careful what you type . Don’t mock my religion if you not taught it
Think he meant Rehmatullah Ilehey
On the contrary he is very intelligent and he can say what he likes on a Pakistani forum as he is a Pakistani himself. Funny how the likes of you stayed quiet when so called "indian Muslims" spent decades insulting Pakistan and Pakistanis. Cursing the existence of Pakistan. Now they can enjoy their serfdom to indian hindus/sanghis.
Blaming Indian muslims is abject cruelty.
Native people in Pakistan got Pakistan in silver platter. Even having a free life, where does Pakistan stand? Ask yourself!
Topping charts in:
Religious bigotry and extremism
All kinds of Crimes and crimes against children
And people love leaders like Nawaz, Zardari and after them their spawns - maryam and bilawal.
In short what did you achieve in the past 70 years in a free country you and I played no part.
Dont ridicule Indian Muslims while living in ivory tower.
Indian Muslims need to form a political party e.g., All India Muslim League etc
Indian Muslims should ideally have internal migration so as to form majority or become biggest minority in some specific states. They need to make their votes count! They have practically no political voice!
Meanwhile some so called pakistani PDF members be like

The problem with this Shah is that he thinks that Indian Muslims have only now become second class citizens. They are from the day one.
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