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Muslims, Christians sons of Ram, those who don't believe it should leave India: BJP minister

Get off your high horse you Christian Fanatic piece of $hit.

You christians and Muslims go around saying everybody including Hindus are children of Adam and Eve. How come you "secular" morality is not outraged by such claims ?

But when a Hindu says you are children of Ram you want her to apologize. First go as seek apologies from you Christian Fanatic church for calling all Hindus "sinners" and children of "adam".

The only extremism we have seen till day is either Islamic terrorism or Christian extremism which kills any other tolerant faith like Hinduism. As long as Christian Fanatics like you exist in India, we desperately need people like her to restore balance. :tdown:

Tell me, where did you find even a freaking hint of fanaticism in his post?! You are the only "fanatic piece of S$it" here.

A minister is simply not allowed to say such controversial comments.
Shut your mouth you worthless right wing Hindu terrorist and stop blabbering your crap on an international forum. Take your worthless accusations and shove them. Tolerant my rear if we have people like you in Hinduism
Ohh really one should free to make its own thoughts and thinking Even free to choose whatever he wants in hinduism Unlike Some Religions find it Wazib-ul- katal or killing infidels if your not believing in certain things:disagree::disagree::disagree:
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I just dont agree with you

I know my country and my people very well ; as well as any other Indian

Its your choice.. I too live in this country and I am seeing the rise of intolerance between religions..
out of some good people BJP is full of retard like her ,when ever they open their mouth they just cause embarrassment for the party and poor BJP cannot hide them behind modi for long .
Its your choice.. I too live in this country and I am seeing the rise of intolerance between religions..

agreed with ya mate ...........even in Punjab things not looking good between Sikhs and hindus .....organisations of both sides are clashing on regular basis
Shut your mouth you worthless right wing Hindu terrorist and stop blabbering your crap on an international forum. Take your worthless accusations and shove them. Tolerant my rear if we have people like you in Hinduism

He is duplicate ID of Manvanantri, Shango etc and friend of Saheli. Why waste energy on him? :lol:
out of some good people BJP is full of retard like her ,when ever they open their mouth they just cause embarrassment for the party and poor BJP cannot hide them behind modi for long .

yup .....they cant hide behind modi for long..............congress tried to hide behind MMS .....we all know how that happened
Brilliant Modi, best thing to happen, brilliant to hear about computers being built 5000 yrs ago in india.
So how many crusades and jihad did Hinduism Launch in the Past Can you answer.how many terrorist outfits did hindus operate.I did not call it extremism but a counter balance. jews are Realized it so they became united.So will Hindus Next time just think twice before saying hindu extremism

So what are you proposing to do?? The whole counter balancing this is going to ruin this country.. You cannot just shove off people who born and bought up in this country in the name of religion by using whatever term you like.. Just because people voted for Modi because of corruption by congress does not mean some Hindu right wing organisations own this country..
yes there will because Communal religion like Hinduism cannot survive between Secular religions like Islam & Christianity thats the bitter Truth:disagree::disagree::disagree:

Do you really think, I am here to defend any religion??
Brilliant Modi, best thing to happen, brilliant to hear about computers being built 5000 yrs ago in india.
brush your trolling skills, you ain't up to the mark. Try hard next time.
Salman Khurisd said that Sonia Gandhi cried for Batala house encounter.
Shinde said Police shouldn't arrest Muslim youth.
Digvijay said 26/11 was RSS conspiracy.
Rahul Gandhi said 22.000 minority people will die if Modi became the PM

Didn't see anyone of them offering even a half a$$ed apology like this lady made for her retarded statement.

Islam: There is no God but Allah
Christianity: Jesus is the only savior
Hinduism: Sarv Dharam Sambhav.
Hindu extremism is quite obvious, they must be hunted down and burned alive.

Just because I criticized this lady, doesnt mean that I am a congress supporter.. So give it a rest.. As I said, every religion talks about peace and compassion.. But it doesnt stop people from killing others in the name of religion.. You can close your eyes regarding Hindu extremism and get the same result as our neighbor went through..
So what are you proposing to do?? The whole counter balancing this is going to ruin this country.. You cannot just shove off people who born and bought up in this country in the name of religion by using whatever term you like.. Just because people voted for Modi because of corruption by congress does not mean some Hindu right wing organisations own this country..
First of all Explain me what is Hinduism Extremism ???
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