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Muslims are well-integrated in Britain– but no one seems to believe it

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Jun 2, 2011
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In Britain today there is a mismatch between how non-Muslims often perceive Muslims and how Muslims typically perceive themselves. This disconnect is down to a tendency by non-Muslims to assume that Muslims struggle with their British identity and divided loyalties. These concerns were challenged a few days ago,in a report by the University of Essex that found Muslims actually identify with Britishness more than any other Britons.

This study is just one of several recent studies that have consistently found that Muslims in Britain express a stronger sense of belonging in Britain than their compatriots. Consider the following examples:

• 83% of Muslims are proud to be a British citizen, compared to 79% of the general public.

• 77% of Muslims strongly identify with Britain while only 50% of the wider population do.

• 86.4% of Muslims feel they belong in Britain, slightly more than the 85.9% of Christians.

• 82% of Muslims want to live in diverse and mixed neighbourhoods compared to 63% of non-Muslim Britons.

• 90% of Pakistanis feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain compared to 84% of white people.

Those who work closely with Muslim communities will attest to the integrated position of British Muslims and that despite frequent exoticisation, British Muslim lives are much the same as any other citizen's. British Muslims also appreciate their ability to practise their religion in Britain without the type of subjugation that fellow Muslims are subjected to under despotic regimes in several Muslim-majority countries. Even though negative depictions may encourage people to imagine Muslims as similar to the 7/7 bombers who struck seven years ago this week, your average British Muslim is much more likely to be similar to a confident Amir Khan, a bubbly Konnie Huq or a hardworking James Caan.

There is, quite frankly, no major issue of Muslims not wanting to be a part of British society. But there is an issue with the common but unspoken xenophobia pervasive in British society that casts Muslims as outsiders. That is why despite Muslims repeatedly pledging their dedication to Britain, a consistent spattering of polls show that many non-Muslim Britons still view Muslims as a potential enemy within. Consider the following examples:

• 47% of Britons see Muslims as a threat.

• Only 28% of Britons believe Muslims want to integrate into British society.

• 52% of Britons believe that Muslims create problems.

• 45% of Britons admit that they think there are too many Muslims in Britain.

• 55% of Britons would be concerned if a mosque was built in their area.

• 58% of Britons associate Islam with extremism.

The minority of Muslims in Britain who do view Britain with contempt – as indeed, we must recognise there are some – frequently explain their disaffection as a result of being labelled as outsiders and told they do not belong. Thus, the inability to appreciate British Muslims as typical citizens can actually create the very atypical citizens that are feared in the first place. Muslims want to be part of British society but their marginalisation may lead to some retreating to the margins.

If the myth that Muslims in Britain will not integrate is allowed to be propagated, it will only lead to the continuation of a harmful cycle whereby greater distrust and animosity is sown. The results of this can be devastating. Last Sunday marked the three-year anniversary of the Islamophobic murder of Marwa El-Sherbini by a far-right attacker, a crude example of an inability to accept that Muslims are at home in Europe. This intense rejection of Muslims is increasing across Europe, which is especially disturbing considering that a significant number of the far right would consider armed conflict against Muslims, as the case of Anders Breivik revealed. In Britain, we have seen several far-right plots that seek to undermine the presence of Muslims in British society, such as a recent arson attack on a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent. Clearly, there are weighty consequences to the dismissal of Muslims as fellow British citizens.

While politicians may claim that multiculturalism has failed, there is a strong case to be made that it operates successfully every day when Britons of different faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds convivially co-operate alongside each other to make the nation what it is today. Muslims are integrated, feel at home in Britain and are quite simply as British as the next person, even though this does not quite match the sensationalised cynicism that some enjoy indulging in. This rather unexciting conclusion is actually rather exciting as it lays to bed many of the unwarranted concerns that are held about British Muslims.

Muslims are well-integrated in Britain
Its always the noisy rowdy uncivilized loud minority (of British Muslims) that give the rest of the British Muslims a bad name.

Chilling Islamic Demonstration of Cartoons. London. - YouTube

To be honest, a big chunk of the fault also lies with the common Muslim for not protesting against these lunatics actions. And the odd liberal Muslim that does protest against these Taliban like creatures gets called a traitor and anti-Islam, like with certain cases of people in Pak media.
Sadly a small minority on the fringe hogs a huge chunk of airtime. Most Britons end up associating Muslims with these popy burning, voilence propagating fanatics.

The need of the hour are more people like Amir Khans, Omid Djalili, Sayeeda Warsi on TV to change perceptions of what a typical British Muslim is like.
83% of Muslims are proud to be a British citizen, compared to 79% of the general public.

• 77% of Muslims strongly identify with Britain while only 50% of the wider population do.

• 86.4% of Muslims feel they belong in Britain, slightly more than the 85.9% of Christians.

• 82% of Muslims want to live in diverse and mixed neighbourhoods compared to 63% of non-Muslim Britons.

• 90% of Pakistanis feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain compared to 84% of white people.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...n-but-no-one-seems-believe.html#ixzz2EviXKNji

And the data is based on??? Survey??? Ok let me do one survey here... Answer a) strongly Agree b) Agree c) disagree d) strongly Disagree...

a) You love UK?
b) UK is good place for Muslims?
c) U identify urself Briton.
d) You love britons.
e) you like briton society.
and so on...

Take this survey to Briton Muslims (Indian subcontinent Muslims), the answer will be (a) for all question, you know why??? coz we who live in west don't want to leave the opportunity....

On contrast in core heart we know what we are and we know what we do. Muslims are not well merging up with Briton society. recent demand to Halal house in Dutch land is one of the example.. Briton is emerging as nursery of Fundamentalists, Yesterday The Economist shows in 10 years Muslims have increased 12% from 8%. while other religion increased marginally.

A briton is upset of this problem, and due to it, Hindu and Sikhs too are suffering... :(
Integrated or not, like us or not. The fact is we are here to stay, now get over it.
And the data is based on??? Survey??? Ok let me do one survey here... Answer a) strongly Agree b) Agree c) disagree d) strongly Disagree...

a) You love UK?
b) UK is good place for Muslims?
c) U identify urself Briton.
d) You love britons.
e) you like briton society.
and so on...

Take this survey to Briton Muslims (Indian subcontinent Muslims), the answer will be (a) for all question, you know why??? coz we who live in west don't want to leave the opportunity....

On contrast in core heart we know what we are and we know what we do. Muslims are not well merging up with Briton society. recent demand to Halal house in Dutch land is one of the example.. Briton is emerging as nursery of Fundamentalists, Yesterday The Economist shows in 10 years Muslims have increased 12% from 8%. while other religion increased marginally.

A briton is upset of this problem, and due to it, Hindu and Sikhs too are suffering... :(

Genius - You have to do survey in UK and ask British national Muslims, Not on PDF. Rest of your post is usual :blah::blah::blah:
And the data is based on??? Survey??? Ok let me do one survey here... Answer a) strongly Agree b) Agree c) disagree d) strongly Disagree...

a) You love UK?
b) UK is good place for Muslims?
c) U identify urself Briton.
d) You love britons.
e) you like briton society.
and so on...

Take this survey to Briton Muslims (Indian subcontinent Muslims), the answer will be (a) for all question, you know why??? coz we who live in west don't want to leave the opportunity....

On contrast in core heart we know what we are and we know what we do. Muslims are not well merging up with Briton society. recent demand to Halal house in Dutch land is one of the example.. Briton is emerging as nursery of Fundamentalists, Yesterday The Economist shows in 10 years Muslims have increased 12% from 8%. while other religion increased marginally.

A briton is upset of this problem, and due to it, Hindu and Sikhs too are suffering... :(

Europe has to be muslim continent in next 50 years, if sikhs and hindu are suffering now imagine in 50 years
Europe has to be muslim continent in next 50 years, if sikhs and hindu are suffering now imagine in 50 years

What gave you that idea? 2nd/3rd generation Muslim birth rate in Europe is decreasing and many are also intermarrying with the existing populations. The population is still increasing but will steadily decrease by that time.
Europe has to be muslim continent in next 50 years, if sikhs and hindu are suffering now imagine in 50 years
If there is inbreeding and cousinage as usually happens in Pakistan, then the future generations will be a genetically defective Muslim population in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Of course, this would automatically take care of the population surge in the Next-Next-Gen of Europeans.
There is a reason Britain and EU as a whole is clamping down on migration from South Asia as a whole (fact) and Pakistan in particular(anecdote by someone). Cannot vouch for the last part.

Maybe some Pakistani would be able to shed better light?
There is a reason Britain and EU as a whole is clamping down on migration from South Asia as a whole (fact) and Pakistan in particular(anecdote by someone). Cannot vouch for the last part.

Maybe some Pakistani would be able to shed better light?

there is a cap on non-EU immigrants in the UK.

We are controlling legal immigration - having introduced a cap on non-EU economic migrants.
We are clamping down on illegal immigration.

BBC News - In full: David Cameron immigration speech

EU as a whole, as you've correctly stated is toughning the immigration criteria. And this has been going on for almost a decade now, it is not a new thing.

Still they try to come in in their thousands on rustbuckets from Africa.


As an interesting bit of info, when Berlusconi was in power, he just ordered for them to be returned, not even checking their asylum claims, in violation of quite a few human rights laws.

The UN and the Vatican has condemned the Italian policy. But the EU, which regularly lectures others on human rights and boats about European values, has so far said little on the issue.

Berlusconi has had no such qualms, declaring he doesn’t want a multi-ethnic Italy. At a news conference this week with commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, he added that it was more humane to send migrants back to Libya than let them enter Italy because his government’s holding centres for migrants are like “concentration camps”.


Fortress Europe is alive and well
And the data is based on??? Survey??? Ok let me do one survey here... Answer a) strongly Agree b) Agree c) disagree d) strongly Disagree...

a) You love UK?
b) UK is good place for Muslims?
c) U identify urself Briton.
d) You love britons.
e) you like briton society.
and so on...

Take this survey to Briton Muslims (Indian subcontinent Muslims), the answer will be (a) for all question, you know why??? coz we who live in west don't want to leave the opportunity....

On contrast in core heart we know what we are and we know what we do. Muslims are not well merging up with Briton society. recent demand to Halal house in Dutch land is one of the example.. Briton is emerging as nursery of Fundamentalists, Yesterday The Economist shows in 10 years Muslims have increased 12% from 8%. while other religion increased marginally.

A briton is upset of this problem, and due to it, Hindu and Sikhs too are suffering... :(

Typical hindu reply- with only his measly brain to back the sh!t that came out-
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