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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

She should have recorded it in the video or cursed her out individually.
Why dont you organize camps in the west, telling people about good side of Islam? dont you think that will help by creating direct people to people contact?

I have been involved in this sort of thing. None of which I can tell you about too vocally on here, it was away from this profile, and something I'd been doing personally a while ago.

And we are trying to change opinions, it doesn't go beyond some local newspapers, small community steps, student news papers and union press. Yet for every one of our attempts, one ISIS beheading in a land far away that has nothing to do for us, is more than enough to give us bad press and destroy everything we worked for here.

One murder of Lee Rigby was enough to warrant the sort of hate, I've seldom ever seen in the UK, not least against muslims and NEVER so openly, vocally, and in a socially acceptable way.
Society is going towards downfall. The conflict between Muslims and Christians are inevitable. Media is fueling up this fire while new generation is intolerant. This intolerant is developing educated extremist, which are unlike illiterate ones, since they can't be dialogue out with logic. Human values don't have any value in next era.

I am just waiting what will happen first. A conflict between civilizations that will destroy whole existence of this high tech world or AI taking over the world. In both cases, Human demise is the destiny.
Notice how they emphasize "Islamic" and "Islamist" while reporting their pet terrorist organizations, and make their enemies, particularly the kurds appear as some sort of free-thinking christians or something. Fox News and CNN is literally "ISIS news" now.

That's old news.

The spectrum has shifted entirely further than it was before. Some prominent personalities here you can talk about in the media especially:

Bill Maher, who has very openly attacked Islam, Muslims, claims to be a 'liberal' on most issues, except the Israel-Palestine issue, where he's a a bigger f*cking hawk than the republicans he bashes on his show. Sam harris, same as above; new athiesst, former Jewish, pseudo-liberal. Rupert Murdoch, to some extent, he and his networks are generally very sleazy, Muslims no exception. Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, and their their connections with European facists. 'Activists' (bigots in disguise) such as Ayaan Ali. A large section of the pro-Israeli crowd on the internet, the JIDf and other trolls, they can be found on fb, twitter and youtube very easily, and their methodology and motivation is both very telling and very disturbing.
I have been involved in this sort of thing. None of which I can tell you about too vocally on here, it was away from this profile, and something I'd been doing personally a while ago.

And we are trying to change opinions, it doesn't go beyond some local newspapers, small community steps, student news papers and union press. Yet for every one of our attempts, one ISIS beheading in a land far away that has nothing to do for us, is more than enough to give us bad press and destroy everything we worked for here.

One murder of Lee Rigby was enough to warrant the sort of hate, I've seldom ever seen in the UK, not least against muslims and NEVER so openly, vocally, and in a socially acceptable way.
I do understand that they are liberals Muslims doing what ever they can with their best abilities to condemn these incidents but unfortunately their voices are crushed or diminished by the extremists...Hence liberals like you need numbers to counter the extremists...
I am not very much aware of your contacts, but through your your channels about which you mentioned in first line of response, then try to contact other liberals Muslims in other countries and mobilize them. for combined event. Choose any holy Islamic day as a day and organize people to people contact in many countries simultaneously...that will have a positive impact for sure..
I know I am just blabbering here, but this is what i would do if i had the means...
I do understand that they are liberals Muslims doing what ever they can with their best abilities to condemn these incidents but unfortunately their voices are crushed or diminished by the extremists...Hence liberals like you need numbers to counter the extremists...
I am not very much aware of your contacts, but through your your channels about which you mentioned in first line of response, then try to contact other liberals Muslims in other countries and mobilize them. for combined event. Choose any holy Islamic day as a day and organize people to people contact in many countries simultaneously...that will have a positive impact for sure..
I know I am just blabbering here, but this is what i would do if i had the means...

There's two problems.

One is that many Muslim liberals, in fact, not even liberals, just normal Muslims, teachers, school children, uni students, public sector workers, lawyers, businessmen etc. All have daily lives that do not revolve around the politics that plagues their collective image. Take for example the Iraq war, it was being done in Britains name, and it was DEEPLY unpopular among brits, millions marched against it, and then all fell silent, nobody cared any more, everyone went on with their daily lives.

Many Muslims have chosen not to interrupt their daily lives for the sake of telling the world what it ought to realise by itself.

It would be nice if they did make more of an effort, but it is a perfectly reasonable response not to go out of your way to do it on a grand scale every few months just to appease a new wave of right wing thinking in the public.

That's one problem, the other is that the media is inherently geared to give you the news that has maximum impact and that interests people most, a few hundred muslims carrying signs of peace won't get a fraction of the attention as 2-3 Muslims carrying hateful signs. Ever since 9/11, the media has NEVER been representative, there's an enforced bias, even if the motivation for the bias isn't anti-Islam, that's what it becomes upon reporting.
Society is going towards downfall. The conflict between Muslims and Christians are inevitable. Media is fueling up this fire while new generation is intolerant. This intolerant is developing educated extremist, which are unlike illiterate ones, since they can't be dialogue out with logic. Human values don't have any value in next era.

I am just waiting what will happen first. A conflict between civilizations that will destroy whole existence of this high tech world or AI taking over the world. In both cases, Human demise is the destiny.

It's actually something our Prophet mentioned in hadith, he said we will be killed in Western lands and then Christians will attack us in Middle East....he said that beginning will be very difficult for us but we will come out benefitted from it and we will win the the struggle. So really this is a good sign, obviously Christians want to keep reiterating their dominace over the world and keep asserting control over foreign nations. So not much we can do, it's better to fight it out so we don't deal with this problem in the future.
I have my doubts also. :-)

The entire episode over a can made me think, but still, we'll wait and see where this goes, if she really was telling the truth, I've no doubt that if she was lying it'd be out soon enough. It is entirely possible that she wasn't lying and maybe she overreacted.

Also, paranoia is on the rise here in Europe, I say that with a high degree of certainty. if it has not risen, then some change has definitely happened to make it more acceptable, vocal.

It has become normal to voice your opinion against a minority group, to paint all people with one brush is socially acceptable where it wasn't 5 or 10 years ago. And the political landscape of Europe reflects this, I can name you a few facist parties per country that have experienced a huge rise in popularity over the last few years.

It is beyond me how you can call Europeans "paranoid" when only in the last couple of years they saw their soldiers beheaded on the street,people killed for drawing cartoons,countless plots of terrorist acts thwarted by authorities ,people who came from other parts of the world refusing to integrate just because they see Euro culture as "kaffir",European women targeted for sex slavery because according to some "believers" they're sluts,etc,etc.You know,at a certain point in time people will ask themselves a very simple,straightforward question:"Wouldn't it just be easier if they go away so we can move on with our lives?".Not that situation is that simple but you seemed to have figured it out,Europeans are extremists,why don't they just accept that they'll be cut down on a random day by some extremist (pls don't call him islamist extremism while he kills you shouting Allah akhbar!,that just looks bad in the press....call him..."the fluffy angry dude extremist").
hehehe 8 pages on a superficial story. People (Asian People) living in West knows how they are treated over there.
I wonder if the media will run the story. There are always two sides to anything like this.
I personally have had opened cans handed to many times, and this is going back at least two and half decades, well before the mass hysteria we have now. The air stewardess would open it up for you and then hand you the can, with a glass to drink from.
I'm sure the flight attendant would have done that.

As for the guy using threatening words, it could have happened, and and the airline should investigate, provided she complains. There are plenty of Americans that will stand up for the rights of an individual and yes that includes a Muslim.

See the man in uniform, among others below.

It is beyond me how you can call Europeans "paranoid" when only in the last couple of years they saw their soldiers beheaded on the street,people killed for drawing cartoons,countless plots of terrorist acts thwarted by authorities ,people who came from other parts of the world refusing to integrate just because they see Euro culture as "kaffir",European women targeted for sex slavery because according to some "believers" they're sluts,etc,etc.You know,at a certain point in time people will ask themselves a very simple,straightforward question:"Wouldn't it just be easier if they go away so we can move on with our lives?".Not that situation is that simple but you seemed to have figured it out,Europeans are extremists,why don't they just accept that they'll be cut down on a random day by some extremist (pls don't call him islamist extremism while he kills you shouting Allah akhbar!,that just looks bad in the press....call him..."the fluffy angry dude extremist").
I'm not calling Europeans paranoid, I am saying paranoia is one the rise on Europe. And it is.
It's like me saying, terrorism is on the rise in the Middle East, and you interpreting that Middle Easterners are terrorists.

There are over 44 million muslims in Europe, If even 5% are extremists, or misfits, that's 2.2 million of them! 2.2 million!
2.2*(10^6!) If even 0.1% were terrorists, that's 44000 terrorists. Clearly then, from we can tell Europe doesn't seem to have that many terrorists otherwise we'd know about it.

The question of Muslims not integrating was around before 9/11 and before Iraq, and it is a separate question from terrorism in the Islamic community in Europe, the diverse, non-homogeneous community of over 20 million. To say that then all Muslims need to be kicked out or dealt with in the way that the far right suggests, and even you are suggesting.

Is not even paranoia, it is MAD, and impossible without genocide which I'm sure you're happy with.

Now that doesn't lead me to conclude all European are paranoid, no, just a percentage who think like you are paranoid, and some among that group are in fact mad.
It is beyond me how you can call Europeans "paranoid" when only in the last couple of years they saw their soldiers beheaded on the street,people killed for drawing cartoons,countless plots of terrorist acts thwarted by authorities ,people who came from other parts of the world refusing to integrate just because they see Euro culture as "kaffir",European women targeted for sex slavery because according to some "believers" they're sluts,etc,etc.You know,at a certain point in time people will ask themselves a very simple,straightforward question:"Wouldn't it just be easier if they go away so we can move on with our lives?".Not that situation is that simple but you seemed to have figured it out,Europeans are extremists,why don't they just accept that they'll be cut down on a random day by some extremist (pls don't call him islamist extremism while he kills you shouting Allah akhbar!,that just looks bad in the press....call him..."the fluffy angry dude extremist").
You never get tired with this moaning approach and keep posting same shit over and over again. How many European soldiers got beheaded on streets? their numbers are a lot less than our soldiers who sacrificed more lives in this war on terror. If your government stay away from poking their nose in internal affairs of others nation then you dont get involve in it and you do suffer when you get involve . You are idiot who only see tiny violent minority but ignore vast peaceful majority and their contribution. Go get a life
Someone should remind this lady the place of slander in Islam.

Where is 'Israel' mentioned? It's hashtag written 'Islamophobia-is-real', you're really a fucking idiot if you can't read that.

You are really a fucking idiot if you call people like that for misreading ISREAL as ISRAEL in a forum full of people who blame the evil Juice for every misfortune they had. Since you are the flag carrier of the lot, how about shutting your hole?
Someone should remind this lady the place of slander in Islam.

You are really a fucking idiot if you call people like that for misreading ISREAL as ISRAEL in a forum full of people who blame the evil Juice for every misfortune they had. Since you are the flag carrier of the lot, how about shutting your hole?

Hey asswipe Israel was not mentioned anywhere in the thread up until your post. So why the phuck did you bring it up?
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