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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

maybe it all did happen, but maybe she was being a pissy little bxch about a can of coke, and maybe a rude flight attendant actually was following rules, and maybe some one did say something about 'muslims' if she was dressed in that obvious arab garbage bag.. and maybe, just maybe, no one thought it worth their time to go be a social justice warrior when they're at 30 thousand feet on an international flight.

here in India we just busted a fake victimhood story about a 'muslim' girl who was apparently thrown out of a housing society for her faith, it later turned out she was an atheist and a professional media manager who specialized in this kind of sensationalist 'social interest' stories, and was a member of rabid anti right wing 'we hate the new nationalist govt' type leftist groups.
Well I am not privy to the situation in Europe , but was there not a pew research which showed a fair percent of Muslims support sharia law and beheading of Danish cartoonist. Pew research is considered quite reliable isn't it?
I've only seen one such very extensive pew document about Sharia, not the beheading one.
Sharia law is a tricky thing, and that is misrepresented in the media, a lot like the word Jihad is misrepresented. Most people think Sharia law involves, stoning, beheading, and mutilation as punishment for minor social offences. This is incorrect, Sharia, is a basic set of guidelines intended for Muslims to use as their law should that be what it is. There is no compulsion in religion, neither is there compulsion in choosing those laws for yourself or imposing them on others. In fact, it is explicitly taught in Islam to follow the laws of a given land as long as they do not directly cause you disobey God's laws, there really is no example of such an issue in western laws I can think of. Also, during the Prophet's time Jews and Christians were allowed to be governed by the rules of their own books.

So both Muslims themselves are unsure of what this means too. Ask any Christian whether they believe in the laws of the Bible, a lot of them will say yes, ask them about some of the uglier punishments and laws in the old testament, they might not be so keen.

Here's a nice video of Jon Stewart on that issue of what really is so special about Sharia compared to Biblical law or the law of the Torah etc.

Airlines have a pretty good idea of attendants per flight. If this story is true, other passengers will corroborate. People should know by now there are plenty of exposed hoaxes regarding racial/ethnic discrimination, not just on airplanes, but everywhere. If there is a crowd, someone will speak up.

But I guess patience is not much of a virtue when there is a dire personal need to look at US in a negative light whenever possible.
Sharia law is a tricky thing, and that is misrepresented
That is the problem. Not only misrepresented in media it can be mis implemented as well if a power wielding mullah goes nuts. So let's not implement religious laws in modern states. Be it Jewish or sharia. Here is the link to the pew research.
PewResearch (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

35% is no small no.
That is the problem. Not only misrepresented in media it can be mis implemented as well if a power wielding mullah goes nuts. So let's not implement religious laws in modern states. Be it Jewish or sharia. Here is the link to the pew research.
PewResearch (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

35% is no small no.
How many young people participated in this survey? and what will be their 35%?
Read the PDF. And not everyone can be asked that's why its called survey. Representational statistics.
No but its depend whether you pick young Muslim people randomly or you pick those who keep extremist thoughts. whether they are males or female.

Again there are many others factors for exmaple awareness of religion and education which seem less in youngster

according to your link " The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified"

"Muslims who are 30 or older, by contrast, just 6% say suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified, while 82% say such attacks are never warranted"

depend how you twist the finding of this pew reserach . Btw your pew reserach is quiet old 2007

here is

Global Muslim report reveals opposition to suicide bombing in US | World news | The Guardian
No but its depend whether you pick young Muslim people randomly or you pick those who keep extremist thoughts. whether they are males or female.

Again there are many others factors for exmaple awareness of religion and education which seem less in youngster

according to your link " The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified"

"Muslims who are 30 or older, by contrast, just 6% say suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified, while 82% say such attacks are never warranted"

depend how you twist the finding of this pew reserach . Btw your pew reserach is quiet old 2007

here is

Global Muslim report reveals opposition to suicide bombing in US | World news | The Guardian

The highest level of support among Muslims for suicide bombings, saying they are "often" or "sometimes" justified, is 40% in Palestine, followed by 39% in Afghanistan, 29% in Egypt and 26% in Bangladesh. The lowest levels – lower than the US – include Russia, where there is only 4%. The US figure is closer to Iraq, where 7% say it is "often" or "sometimes" justified and 91% that it is "never" or "rarely" and Indonesia, 7% and 92% respectively.

Sahgal said the relatively low level of support for suicide bombings in the US fits into a larger pattern showing up differences between US Muslims and their co-religionists round the world. American Muslims are more accepting of the idea that there are various routes to heaven, not just Islam. Fifty-six percent of American Muslims take this view compared with the 18% global median.

According to the survey, Muslims worldwide tend to be friends mainly with other Muslims: the global median for those whose friends are only or mostly other Muslims is a high 95%. In America, though, about half of the Muslims will have friends who are non-Muslim. Only 48% of American Muslims said all or most of their friends were Muslim.

Still,unnacceptable high figures all in all,in my opinion.
The highest level of support among Muslims for suicide bombings, saying they are "often" or "sometimes" justified, is 40% in Palestine, followed by 39% in Afghanistan, 29% in Egypt and 26% in Bangladesh. The lowest levels – lower than the US – include Russia, where there is only 4%. The US figure is closer to Iraq, where 7% say it is "often" or "sometimes" justified and 91% that it is "never" or "rarely" and Indonesia, 7% and 92% respectively.

Sahgal said the relatively low level of support for suicide bombings in the US fits into a larger pattern showing up differences between US Muslims and their co-religionists round the world. American Muslims are more accepting of the idea that there are various routes to heaven, not just Islam. Fifty-six percent of American Muslims take this view compared with the 18% global median.

According to the survey, Muslims worldwide tend to be friends mainly with other Muslims: the global median for those whose friends are only or mostly other Muslims is a high 95%. In America, though, about half of the Muslims will have friends who are non-Muslim. Only 48% of American Muslims said all or most of their friends were Muslim.

Still,unnacceptable high figures all in all,in my opinion.
Somehow he will say its acceptable. Quote me when it happens.
The highest level of support among Muslims for suicide bombings, saying they are "often" or "sometimes" justified, is 40% in Palestine, followed by 39% in Afghanistan, 29% in Egypt and 26% in Bangladesh. The lowest levels – lower than the US – include Russia, where there is only 4%. The US figure is closer to Iraq, where 7% say it is "often" or "sometimes" justified and 91% that it is "never" or "rarely" and Indonesia, 7% and 92% respectively.

Sahgal said the relatively low level of support for suicide bombings in the US fits into a larger pattern showing up differences between US Muslims and their co-religionists round the world. American Muslims are more accepting of the idea that there are various routes to heaven, not just Islam. Fifty-six percent of American Muslims take this view compared with the 18% global median.

According to the survey, Muslims worldwide tend to be friends mainly with other Muslims: the global median for those whose friends are only or mostly other Muslims is a high 95%. In America, though, about half of the Muslims will have friends who are non-Muslim. Only 48% of American Muslims said all or most of their friends were Muslim.

Still,unnacceptable high figures all in all,in my opinion.
well look at the areas where they say suicide is justify ..these are mostly areas where there is war/conflict/crisis going on. It is also another point to define suicide.. A suicide bomber would kill less innocent people than a pilot who throw bomb in civillian population without any discrimination and kill hundred of innocent civilians if not thousand and here they boht are wrong as they boht killed civilians for their political goals but guess what pilot will get away from his war crimes or killing innocent because he is wearing uniform and its called collateral damage even if its intentional

Somehow he will say its acceptable. Quote me when it happens.
there are people who just want to see glass as half empty rather than half full so there is nothing much you can do with these people who just look for negativity
You are blaming the society which has given you enough space in their cities, they have allowed you to live in the free speech, allowed you to live in atmosphere of free religion and what the society got in return? 9/11? bomb blasts? beheading? how many times liberal muslims have spoken against the crimes towards the free society?

How would a society react? So, stop demanding always...Start doing sometime to let society feel that they are no under threat......Currently there is too much of anger towards muslims in general across the world because liberal muslims are not speaking......

Remember....when in Rome, do what romans do...So mix with the society and stop demanding separate laws etc..
Your diplomat got cavity searched n arrested for crimes... You ppl went ape shit!

A woman asks a can of soda.. She gets cursing n swearing ,. N you try to FUKIN justify it with more indian retard logic!

Fk you.

Abusing innocent woman in public is a non issue for you.
Hail you.

He's indian .. The only issue that he "mighty" consider an issue would be a woman getting gangraped and killed.
That is the problem. Not only misrepresented in media it can be mis implemented as well if a power wielding mullah goes nuts. So let's not implement religious laws in modern states. Be it Jewish or sharia. Here is the link to the pew research.
PewResearch (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

35% is no small no.

Hell even 5% is too high. But, I had to reread those figures because they added up to greater than 100%.
Only counting the rarely justified do you get those, otherwise it's closer to 13-19%, still too high. But here's a contradictory pew finding I saw.


There aren't about Muslims in the west or Europe. But still, the numbers aren't low enough but, the figures you quoted are slightly off.

Now, it would be interesting to see the number of people in the same nations that think. And this has been done before.

Here's a gallup poll in the US, Muslims seeming least willing on this issue.



Even atheists scored higher.

Similar studies, asked the same thing, now suicide bombing and targetting and killing civilians, I don't see the difference, one might seem more glamorous to do it from a control room in Las Vegas, with a joy stick and video game antics in country across the globe. I don't see the difference.


See here, Muslim countries it seemed ranked lowest. Whereas the US, ranked the highest.

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