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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

He's indian .. The only issue that he "mighty" consider an issue would be a woman getting gangraped and killed.

There was this Japanese woman who went travelling in India independently for 2 months fully aware of the risks involved. Asked if everything went OK on her return, she told friends: "Yes it was fine. I only got raped twice."

If they can generalize us then we should do the same

Hell even 5% is too high. But, I had to reread those figures because they added up to greater than 100%.
Only counting the rarely justified do you get those, otherwise it's closer to 13-19%, still too high. But here's a contradictory pew finding I saw.


There aren't about Muslims in the west or Europe. But still, the numbers aren't low enough but, the figures you quoted are slightly off.

Now, it would be interesting to see the number of people in the same nations that think. And this has been done before.

Here's a gallup poll in the US, Muslims seeming least willing on this issue.



Even atheists scored higher.

Similar studies, asked the same thing, now suicide bombing and targetting and killing civilians, I don't see the difference, one might seem more glamorous to do it from a control room in Las Vegas, with a joy stick and video game antics in country across the globe. I don't see the difference.


See here, Muslim countries it seemed ranked lowest. Whereas the US, ranked the highest.

Do you think these finding will matter to them? they already made up their mind about Muslims and then go for finding survey matched to their preconceived ideas about Muslims
well look at the areas where they say suicide is justify ..these are mostly areas where there is war/conflict/crisis going on. It is also another point to define suicide.. A suicide bomber would kill less innocent people than a pilot who throw bomb in civillian population without any discrimination and kill hundred of innocent civilians if not thousand and here they boht are wrong as they boht killed civilians for their political goals but guess what pilot will get away from his war crimes or killing innocent because he is wearing uniform and its called collateral damage even if its intentional

I can give you that point but here is where we're starting to go in cercles with our debate.Those areeas are prime lands from where immigrants come to Europe.You will tell me (as i've been told often in here) that i'm racist,i will tell you that i'm not ok with people from countries where 1/3 of the general public thinks it's ok to blow yourself up amongst civilians coming here to live because of valid safety concerns.
they want to eliminate muslims from earth but they cannt
Hell even 5% is too high. But, I had to reread those figures because they added up to greater than 100%.
Only counting the rarely justified do you get those, otherwise it's closer to 13-19%, still too high. But here's a contradictory pew finding I saw.


There aren't about Muslims in the west or Europe. But still, the numbers aren't low enough but, the figures you quoted are slightly off.

Now, it would be interesting to see the number of people in the same nations that think. And this has been done before.

Here's a gallup poll in the US, Muslims seeming least willing on this issue.



Even atheists scored higher.

Similar studies, asked the same thing, now suicide bombing and targetting and killing civilians, I don't see the difference, one might seem more glamorous to do it from a control room in Las Vegas, with a joy stick and video game antics in country across the globe. I don't see the difference.


See here, Muslim countries it seemed ranked lowest. Whereas the US, ranked the highest.


When you drop a bomb from 10.000 feet there's a high possibility of hitting civilians.The alternative is simply not going to war,not to defend yourself,not to fight for what you believe in.People who answered that point realise this,they've only said that they know that in a war civilian casualties will exist and they accept that.You can't have war without civilians getting hurt however much you try to avoid it.The situation is vastly different when you're blowing yourself up amongst innocents,that is no mistake,that is an intentional act.Westerners accept the reality that in war innocents may die,those muslims understand the reality that civilians must die.
I can give you that point but here is where we're starting to go in cercles with our debate.Those areeas are prime lands from where immigrants come to Europe.You will tell me (as i've been told often in here) that i'm racist,i will tell you that i'm not ok with people from countries where 1/3 of the general public thinks it's ok to blow yourself up amongst civilians coming here to live because of valid safety concerns.
You are not getting the point there. These few people in survey are justifying suicide bombing in their land where there is war or political crisis going on and where different people supporting different groups for example many Palestinians support hamas. They support suicide bombing there because they don't have ability to go for conventional wars with their opponents. How you think Palestinians can fight with powerful army of Israel? How Iraqi or Afghani can fight conventional wars with Nato forces? If you ask these same people that whether its ok to blow yourself in cities of Japan or china then their answer will be no because they dont have any wars or conflict with these countries. I said killing of innocent is wrong no matter who does it while you think only suicide bomber can kill innocent. What about those army personnel who intentionally target civilian population? are they less criminal than suicide bomber?

I am sorry for the role I played in Fallujah | Ross Caputi | Comment is free | The Guardian
The systemic atrocity of Afghanistan's occupation | Ross Caputi | World news | The Guardian

The death of innocent civilians is nothing new in Afghanistan, but these 16 victims, nine of whom were children, were allegedly murdered by a rogue soldier, rather than the usual killers – drone attacks, air strikes and stray bullets. This incident has elicited rage among Afghans and westerners alike. But why are westerners not equally outraged when drone attacks kill entire families?

Point to think?
But why are westerners not equally outraged when drone attacks kill entire families?

Point to think?

Because they accept as unavoidable collateral damage,this is what it is in fact.They are however outraged when a soldier goes rogue and starts killing innocents intentionally.Now,that is truly unacceptable and it's severily punished.
Because they accept as unavoidable collateral damage,this is what it is in fact.They are however outraged when a soldier goes rogue and starts killing innocents intentionally.Now,that is truly unacceptable and it's severily punished.
collateral damage is very fancy word. Well that soldier is still considered hero and no trails whatsoever. Even if killing civilians is intentional it still come under collateral damage but it make less significance from a victim point of view. Read the full article.
It is beyond me how you can call Europeans "paranoid"
True that some European people aren't paranoid but ''wild and uncivilized - indeed that they are half-devil and half-man'' Martin Luther
I feel sorry for those who have been misled.
The amount rubbish that sometimes goes for discussion around here is beyond belief. So one woman got can of coke that was already opened and some rude comments deserve 11 pages of garbage?
9/11 is deeply ingranied within the American psyche and the regular media coverage of news about Muslims has reinforced the American mind to regard the Muslim's as threat. This is a phenomenon that has developed in the last 15 years.

So given this it does not surprise me at all that this incident happened. In fact given the widespread Islamaphobia I am surprised that worse incidents of hatred have not happened. The relative safety of Muslim's in USA or the wider West is testimony to their law abiding nature, their law enforcement and more mature societies.

In fact the only reason why this ruckus has been made is because people do not expect this to happen in Western societies. There is expectation of high standard and justice in the West and when muslims slightly feel compromised they scream and howl. I am not saying these acts are justified but Muslim reaction to these are indicative of deep hypocracy that blights our societies. Just to illustrate my point read the thread below.

Pashtuns, demanding safety, refuse to bury dead from Pakistan bus hijackings that killed 19 | Page 2

So we have had in Pakistan 19 of our citizens dragged out of bus and shot like they were cattle. What is the reaction of this forum? Subdued? Every other day Hazara Pakistani are murdered like flies yet I do not see this forum going crazy? Yet here is a women who was abused - such abuse probably happened 1,000 times across Pakistan today and we have all this dramabazi. People need to get a grip and do bit of introspection.


Suicide bombers is not a Muslim invention much as Western media might paint it as such. Overlooking the Kamikazi of Japan the Hindu Tamil Tigers refined the use of suicide bombers in 1990s to a level as yet to be reached by Muslims. The Muslim's have began to use suicide bombing after they saw TT using it in Sri Lankan civil war.

Let's get this right. Nobody does 'suicide' for fun. We as humans are hardwired to live and not to die. To overcome this natural instinct must take some major impetus. Don't fool yourselves or masticate that only Muslims do this. Most Muslim jurists are agreed that suicide is against Islam. The causes of suicide are sense of shear injustice and helplessness to address that injustice.

In short to quote Flamer "Westerners accept the reality that in war innocents may die,those muslims understand the reality that civilians must die" if you gave F-16s jets, cruise missiles, M1 Abram tanks trust me those suicide bombers would come after their targets flying F-16s and use precision munitions guided by lasers and then they also can qualitfy the western criterion "accept the reality that in war innocents may die"

Furthermore there is no differance between Muslim's or "Westerners" in how they wage war. The only differance is capability and means. At a doctrinal level there is zero differance. The end justifies the means. Why not ask the American's on what basis did they use two nuclear devices on top of two cities of milllions of civilian, babies, mothers, pensioners?

The use of a nuclear device on city is as and if worse morally then a suicide bomber as the majority of victims are going to be civilians only in the former the victims will run into 100,000s. If the USA could justify Hiroshima or Nagasakhi trust me so can the terrorists.

The entire North Africa, Middle East all the way to Pakistan is going through political upheavel and if anybody dare make judgements I would ask those people to look at Europe between 1900-1950 and see the instability that Europe witnessed. How many died before some semblance of order was achieved? 50 million? Or is it 80 million or is it 100 million?

Only yesterday ( 1993) The Bosnian Muslims were massacred in 1,000s like cattle so we don't really need any people to walk with air of superiority. Just like Europe stabilised so will the Muslim world but rest assured 50 million are not going to die.


"Between 1980 and 2000 the largest number of suicide attacks was carried out by separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) of Sri Lanka. The first suicide attack by LTTE was in 1987.[70] The number of attacks conducted by LTTE was almost double that of nine other major extremist organizations.

* The Tamil's of Sri Lanka are Hindu.

Suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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When you drop a bomb from 10.000 feet there's a high possibility of hitting civilians.The alternative is simply not going to war,not to defend yourself,not to fight for what you believe in.People who answered that point realise this,they've only said that they know that in a war civilian casualties will exist and they accept that.You can't have war without civilians getting hurt however much you try to avoid it.The situation is vastly different when you're blowing yourself up amongst innocents,that is no mistake,that is an intentional act.Westerners accept the reality that in war innocents may die,those muslims understand the reality that civilians must die.

You are horribly mistaken if you think THAT is the only way civilian deaths are judged in the minds of those that voted that it is justified or that, that is the only way the civilised conventional militaries total up their civilian tolls. The rules of engagement are always drawn up based on what kind of enemy and what kind capabilities they're dealing with.

So let me give you an example, when one is able to defeat it's enemy head on without any need for targeting civilians, it won't. When it is convenient to do so, it will. That's how the Vietnam war began as something not so devastating, taking the NVA head on. it ended with desperate attempts to dislodge the Viet Cong, ending with the carper bombing of Laos killing millions, use of weapons like agent orange. Now the crimes of the world war some people still justify, I've come across Brits and Americans who justify (wrongly) the bombing and destruction of Dresden days before the surrender of Germany, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

A taliban suicide bomber won't regret blowing himself in a market place if he sees a soldier or two as his target. A US drone operator will get the green light to take out a compound containing a 'suspected' militant regardless of what children of other civilians may be present and they often are. And that is despite the massive disparity and technological advantage.

Now, granted, the taliban sometimes aims directly for civilians. And the US, tries, sometimes to a void civilian deaths, other times it weighs up the gains and goes ahead.

But, why should I hold the taliban (nut cases) to the same standard as I hold a UN mandated war by the most advanced military in the world who's primary role is nation building and who's military is accountable to all for upholding the values of freedom and righteous liberties?

Take the situation where if the TTP in Pakistan blow up places and kill children, they do, that's them. But if I heard that our military has caused deaths, it does happen, though we are FAR more careful than our allies from the West... when it does happen, my reaction will not be just 'sh*t happens, it's war.'... no, find out how it happened, why it happened, who is to be held responsible, and make sure to find a way to make it never happen again.

There's also another reason why I hold the US in this particular war to a higher standard, Obama said long ago that this is a war of hearts and minds, it is, and every civilian death scores major points for the terrorist and their recruit base. Every death at the hands of a talibastard is a martyrdom and serves to destroy their cause by unpopularity among people, every death at the hands of those who need to be held accountable is a sad fate that may lead to further death.
I think this topic has got to 11 pages because almost everyone who has travelled to US has faced some strange type of behaviour by the airlines or airport staff and reading about more such incidents just makes people want to comment

Once I've traveled on United Airlines and when I got to the ticket desk , they took away my passport and did not issue a boarding card , when I asked the spectacled crabby old woman to give me back my passport , very rudely she gave me a serial number and told me to go to the gate , you'll get your passport and boarding pass at the gate.

So I went to the gate and asked the person at the gate about my passport and boarding card , she looked up something on her screen and very dismissively told me to go take a seat. I was without my passport and without a boarding card and with all the stories going around about how people from Pakistan are treated made me very nervous.

It was almost at the very end that I was able to get the boarding card and also my passport back and board the flight. This was also on United Airlines , must be some protocol for passengers from certain countries but walking from checkin to flight gate without my passport was not the greatest experience.
She made an issue out of a non issue.
If somebody served you an open can of your drink of preference, while they give others unopened cans for their drinks, would you drink it??

Below is a screen shot from the facebook profile of a Muslim woman,Taheera Ahmed, travelling in United Airlines.She tells the incident of a very strange act of discrimination towards her.The incident highlights the growing element of lack of tolerance and extremism in the west.
Man that's some messed up stuff. I feel sad for her. Goes to show the mentality of people in society.
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