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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

Thanks to the so called holy warriors and their sympathisers .Now a common Muslim woman is also facing discrimination
You admitted your ignorance in your own statement....If things do not get limelight, it indicates either they are of very small scale or done just to show without any substance.... until so called protest, statements, fatwas have impact on the society, they are nothing but mere eye wash...

Also compare the number of people protesting against a bomb blast and number of people praising the bomber as shaheed itself speaks the true nature of the protests...so just gathering few hundreds is not going to derail the mentality of extremists...you need people in the tune of millions who can rally against them and tell them it is not acceptable...untill then, the world will keep on looking towards muslims with suspicion. .

That's foolish. You think just because the 'scale' of these things is small, that they're under-reported in the media?

Pure ignorance.

First you were claiming that they never do it, or just not enough examples, and now you're pushing the story that the scale isn't enough? Please, spare me the BS.

Muslims, like citizens of any other place in the world don't need to apologise on anyone's behalf, or condemn anything to prove a point. Have you ever attended an anti-ISIS rally? No? Then why expect muslims to deviate from their normal lives as any other citizens of their country or as westerners, and do that?

Besides, even if I DID count and display the times Muslims openly condemned terrorism, and the media either didn't report, or the story never reached some people such as yourself. Even if I were to list those endless examples, it would be impractical and useless. Anyone who thinks your way is so deep in their own foolishness, there's no digging I could do to help you out. So please, like I asked, google some instances and report back here and tell me if you think that Muslims don't speak up as you said in the first post.

If you were a higher ranking member, I'd take this debate to a one on one, in the senior's cafe. There I could cream this sort of opinion, here one has to shovel through the posts just to get to it.
What if she does not wear Islamic attire and appear less religious (if she is)? that would've helped. Putting a tattoo can make her look cool and neutral to many Americans who have a strong dislike for Islam and everything related to it.
Internet is the no.1 enemy and it is creating more awareness all over the world regarding world religions.
Also compare the number of people protesting against a bomb blast and number of people praising the bomber as shaheed itself speaks the true nature of the protests...so just gathering few hundreds is not going to derail the mentality of extremists...you need people in the tune of millions who can rally against them and tell them it is not acceptable...untill then, the world will keep on looking towards muslims with suspicion. .

Want to know a bold statement that tells people that we are against this sort of stuff, that most people, even you don't realise?

WE are the ones fighting them, not you in your pretty coloured jets that do nothing but lay an egg at 15,000 ft and fly off to safety. Not you valiant warriors of freedom drawing cartoons, defying terrorists, not you deployed to limited muslim lands making the situation worse.

Iraqis are fighting ISIS, Syrians are fighting ISIS, Kurds are fighting ISIS, Afghans are fighting the Taliban, Pakistanis are fighting the taliban, all of the above are fighting al qaeda.

If the millions of people fighting isn't enough to get it through some people's thick heads, what's the point needing Muslims to rally in 'greater numbers'.

What a bloody joke!
On the surface, would seem to be either a complete lie or gross exaggeration, particular the childishly depicted response from the co-passengers.

So convenient that the co-passengers that could have corroborated her story about discrimination by the airline are apparently islamophobes. :lol:

Any further details? Complaint with the airline or other authorities?
What if she does not wear Islamic attire and appear less religious (if she is)? that would've helped. Putting a tattoo can make her look cool and neutral to many Americans who have a strong dislike for Islam and everything related to it.
Internet is the no.1 enemy and it is creating more awareness all over the world regarding world religions.

That's no solution to this sort of thing. That's like asking, Sikhs who are abused because they wear turbans, to get rid of them and trim their hair short. It's a woman's choice what she wants to wear, if it's a hijab, then no smartass should be able to say to her otherwise.

No doubt he hijab is what did it, but this isn't a good solution. It directly goes against the very principles of freedom and civil liberty the west prides itself on.

It's on the internet then it must be true I guess. But what's Israel have to do with this?

Where is 'Israel' mentioned? It's hashtag written 'Islamophobia-is-real', you're really a fucking idiot if you can't read that.
Both Pakistanis and Indians in the US are called Desis and get along well with each other.(I have some relatives and friends in US who told this..even in Australia Indians and Pakistanis are like friends)

hmm....the first time I heard the term "Desi" is when I joined this forum.
Want to know a bold statement that tells people that we are against this sort of stuff, that most people, even you don't realise?

WE are the ones fighting them, not you in your pretty coloured jets that do nothing but lay an egg at 15,000 ft and fly off to safety. Not you valiant warriors of freedom drawing cartoons, defying terrorists, not you deployed to limited muslim lands making the situation worse.

Iraqis are fighting ISIS, Syrians are fighting ISIS, Kurds are fighting ISIS, Afghans are fighting the Taliban, Pakistanis are fighting the taliban, all of the above are fighting al qaeda.

If the millions of people fighting isn't enough to get it through some people's thick heads, what's the point needing Muslims to rally in 'greater numbers'.

What a bloody joke!

You are fighting them because now they are haunting and killing your own people at your own home..had they been only killing the non-Muslims, I am damn sure there would be no reaction from Muslim world... Also, there is still the policy of good terrorist, bad terrorist in many countries including many Muslims countries, so this fight is with the limited goal of clearing the mess from their own country.....Hence don't believe in these arguments of we fighting , we doing this, we doing that.....

Also, I want to ask, why do Muslims live under the evil jews government in west, why don't they migrate to those countries where Islam is prominent? Why to face daily discrimination from these petty west countries when the west is not contributing anything towards the society like couple of posters claiming here?
These guys played a massive role. And it is easy to spot them in the media.

ISIS or pro-Israel figures...?

Because we can cite examples where pro-Israel figures in West refuse to discuss I/P conflict through a Palestinian and Israeli narrative. They discuss it through 'Muslim' narrative. Look at Bill Maher, Jewish US talkshow host. During the summer conflict in Gaza, he brought people to discuss the situation. However, he didn't discuss it as the issue it is. He tried portraying the conflict as not one related to land disputes but a 'Islamic' problem which is seen all around the world. This way he twists the nature of conflict in order to get public opinion on Israel's side but also very convenient ploy for future moves. In future, Israel could annex West Bank and it will be presented as a struggle against Islamic extremism. It is also exploited in that sense. Indians agree with this narrative since it is narrative they present against Pakistan/Kashmiris.

It's acceptable because the West is center of power. And also because Russia/China don't like religion much either. So it will always be acceptable until balance of power shifts to Muslim nations.
Sure, it is possible.

It is also possible, that a unicorn was on the flight, and midway between said flight, aliens abducted the air hostess, and brainwashed her, which is why she messed up with the cans.

But, really? It is entirely possible that she overreacted, but to go into such an elaborate plot just to say that it didn't happen and she made it up to push some agenda?

We'll have to wait, it is possible she overreacted, if it's a fake story, it's not to far from being believable, I've witnessed a steady rise in paranoia in Europe, I can't say the same for the US.

I didn't create the elaborate plot. I merely cleaned up the embellishments in Tahera Ahmad's story and this is what was left. Pretty much everything I stated in my post is part of her original post (including the part about the flight attendent opening the other passenger's beer can after Tahera called her out on it). When you consider what happens if a passenger starts acting up during a flight, you'll realize how far-fetched the story of the random guy hurling abuses at her across the aisle is. Google her, see who she is. I believe her as much as I believe a pastor working the "Christianity is under attack" angle on Fox News.

Paranoia is not on the rise. It's always been there. Events from recent history have made it more socially acceptable. So now you see more of it in the public domain as opposed to being hidden in the shadows like it used to be. People who hated Muslims still do. What's dwindling is the group that unconditionally stood up for you. They're now merely spectators.
You are fighting them because now they are haunting and killing your own people at your own home..had they been only killing the non-Muslims, I am damn sure there would be no reaction from Muslim world... Also, there is still the policy of good terrorist, bad terrorist in many countries including many Muslims countries, so this fight is with the limited goal of clearing the mess from their own country.....Hence don't believe in these arguments of we fighting , we doing this, we doing that.....

So let me get this straight? Fighting terrorists, fighting them more prominently than any other group of people in the world. having common people, religious leaders, political figures and heads of state unilaterally and unequivocally condemning terrorism.

You, are still wanting more, greater demonstrations. Let me tell you, we've done more than enough to sway most people, and need not have done it for the sake of swaying fools and ignorant blockheaded facists.

Useless argument, stop wasting my time.

You really ought to have your username changed, your posts really don't do it any justice.

Also, I want to ask, why do Muslims live under the evil jews government in west, why don't they migrate to those countries where Islam is prominent? Why to face daily discrimination from these petty west countries when the west is not contributing anything towards the society like couple of posters claiming here?

Because these places provide better lives to all of them, more freedom, including religious, more tolerance, economic and social liberalism, jobs, work, money and a sustainable future.

And now those Muslims are citizens fo those countries and it would be incorrect to phrase them as if they are not, by law they are.
So let me get this straight? Fighting terrorists, fighting them more prominently than any other group of people in the world. having common people, religious leaders, political figures and heads of state unilaterally and unequivocally condemning terrorism.

You, are still wanting more, greater demonstrations. Let me tell you, we've done more than enough to sway most people, and need not have done it for the sake of swaying fools and ignorant blockheaded facists.

Useless argument, stop wasting my time.

You really ought to have your username changed, your posts really don't do it any justice.
Why dont you organize camps in the west, telling people about good side of Islam? dont you think that will help by creating direct people to people contact?
If you're arguing that this sort of sentiment to minorities is worse in the US than in Europe, I'd disagree. The kind of sentiment, reasons and how it manifests itself varies. From my limited assessment of Islam's place in Europe and the US. I can say that for the US, it will be easier for them to put this ugly episode behind them. Europe won't so easily heel, it takes a lot longer to cure Europe's far right.

And unlike the US, there are other factors fuelling the far right in Europe besides Muslims, the system we have here and EU is meeting its strongest opposition ever. And that is playing its part. When a large part of the Eurozone has been on the decline, and the rest severely slowed down and tasked with sharing the load, it is easy target for Eurosceptics to blame some elements in a simplistic way, and still garner huge support for such rhetoric.
My post was intended to give a generic reference on what happens to minorities in West.
Though I do full agree with what you are saying. I have spent my student life in Europe and know exactly how difficult it is for a person going from a country where he/she is a first rate citizen to become a second rate.

The Eurozone was designed to diversify and integrate the people of Europe. Still can not forget the facial expressions of my 75yr old teacher when I asked him what was it like during the WW2 when the Germans Planes were bombing. He retaliated by saying that the Germans still need to be taught a lesson.
I didn't create the elaborate plot. I merely cleaned up the embellishments in Tahera Ahmad's story and this is what was left. Pretty much everything I stated in my post is part of her original post (including the part about the flight attendent opening the other passenger's beer can after Tahera called her out on it). When you consider what happens if a passenger starts acting up during a flight, you'll realize how far-fetched the story of the random guy hurling abuses at her across the aisle is. Google her, see who she is. I believe her as much as I believe a pastor working the "Christianity is under attack" angle on Fox News.

Paranoia is not on the rise. It's always been there. Events from recent history have made it more socially acceptable. So now you see more of it in the public domain as opposed to being hidden in the shadows like it used to be. People who hated Muslims still do. What's dwindling is the group that unconditionally stood up for you. They're now merely spectators.

I have my doubts also. :-)

The entire episode over a can made me think, but still, we'll wait and see where this goes, if she really was telling the truth, I've no doubt that if she was lying it'd be out soon enough. It is entirely possible that she wasn't lying and maybe she overreacted.

Also, paranoia is on the rise here in Europe, I say that with a high degree of certainty. if it has not risen, then some change has definitely happened to make it more acceptable, vocal.

It has become normal to voice your opinion against a minority group, to paint all people with one brush is socially acceptable where it wasn't 5 or 10 years ago. And the political landscape of Europe reflects this, I can name you a few facist parties per country that have experienced a huge rise in popularity over the last few years.

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