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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

You are blaming the society which has given you enough space in their cities, they have allowed you to live in the free speech, allowed you to live in atmosphere of free religion and what the society got in return? 9/11? bomb blasts? beheading? how many times liberal muslims have spoken against the crimes towards the free society?

How would a society react? So, stop demanding always...Start doing sometime to let society feel that they are no under threat......Currently there is too much of anger towards muslims in general across the world because liberal muslims are not speaking......

Remember....when in Rome, do what romans do...So mix with the society and stop demanding separate laws etc..

They have given nothing to human so far what they giving to muslims its not for muslims only they owe big time to humanity what they have done to native american read oklahoma trail and with blacks latinos if they wanted to keep america alive then sud realize they owe big time to immigrants. Clearly its for their survival.
hmm.. hatred is everywhere but not to the level we think.. gujratis(both hindu and muslim) dont like pakistanis and vice versa... gujrati hindus and muslims live separately, dont love each other exactly but get on ok.
Punjabis on both sides get along fine, irrespective of religion.
South Indians keep to themselves. Rest of Indians are too few to matter.
Both Pakistanis and Indians in the US are called Desis and get along well with each other.(I have some relatives and friends in US who told this..even in Australia Indians and Pakistanis are like friends)
It's on the rise, just as I've been bitching about it since summer 2 years ago.

You are blaming the society which has given you enough space in their cities, they have allowed you to live in the free speech, allowed you to live in atmosphere of free religion and what the society got in return? 9/11? bomb blasts? beheading? how many times liberal muslims have spoken against the crimes towards the free society?

How would a society react? So, stop demanding always...Start doing sometime to let society feel that they are no under threat......Currently there is too much of anger towards muslims in general across the world because liberal muslims are not speaking......

Remember....when in Rome, do what romans do...So mix with the society and stop demanding separate laws etc..

Here's something for ignoramuses like you to chew on.

Question in bold; all the damn time! If you have a half a functioning brain, google and you'll find thousands of instances.
It is a fact that these protests, statements, fatwas are never given the limelight like the extremists are.

Also, the second part in bold. Muslims on the whole, the vast majority are not demanding their own system, their own personal lives are none of your bloody business. They work, live, learn, here like anyone else, they vote, they're members of their parliaments, halls of government.

And lastly, they are in fact, by their millions, romans by definition. So your argument is completely invalid.

'unbiasedopinion'... laughable.

How unopened cola can, can be used as weapon?

Can be used to build fission reactors to make an improvised nuclear weapon at 30,000ft

sad incident if true. but as long as some moron Muslims are doing terrorist acts it is inevitable that innocent Muslims will face such discrimination. It is our duty to clear extremist people from our respective nations. and we should teach our children true meaning of Islam.

It's a vicious cycle. Random minority among minority muslim claims to do something in the name of Islam, the media reports it so, now what the media doesn't do is, report the condemnation, nor do they apply the same logic when faced with say Anders Breivik types, a Christian extremist. The people become more hostile, as does the environment, sections of muslims in those societies get alienated, making them more vulnerable to extremism. Making the general public more willing to fix every problem in the muslim world with a hammer, and we're back to square one... increase in the likelihood of another attack.

Unfortunately, I hold western society to a higher standard than I do for extremists, that's when things like this happen, I expect them to react in a way that is sane and less damaging.
extremism in the west :eek:

And its rising actually. Both media, and bible thumping church pastors need to cool off, otherwise, our very fabric of growth, capitalist society our forefathers built over hundreds of years, is in danger!!

Issues with blacks with Police, issues with Muslims, and all. Our leaders need to wake up and keep this mess away from our borders. What they do in the Middle East and ISIS, needs to stay the fuk away from America and forever. We do not want, or need to even imagine that bullshiit starting here, in terms of intolerance!
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It's on the rise, just as I've been bitching about it since summer 2 years ago.

Here's something for ignoramuses like you to chew on.

Question in bold; all the damn time! If you have a half a functioning brain, google and you'll find thousands of instances.
It is a fact that these protests, statements, fatwas are never given the limelight like the extremists are.

Also, the second part in bold. Muslims on the whole, the vast majority are not demanding their own system, their own personal lives are none of your bloody business. They work, live, learn, here like anyone else, they vote, they're members of their parliaments, halls of government.

And lastly, they are in fact, by their millions, romans by definition. So your argument is completely invalid.

'unbiasedopinion'... laughable.

Can be used to build fission reactors to make an improvised nuclear weapon at 30,000ft

It's a vicious cycle. Random minority among minority muslim claims to do something in the name of Islam, the media reports it so, now what the media doesn't do is, report the condemnation, nor do they apply the same logic when faced with say Anders Breivik types, a Christian extremist. The people become more hostile, as does the environment, sections of muslims in those societies get alienated, making them more vulnerable to extremism. Making the general public more willing to fix every problem in the muslim world with a hammer, and we're back to square one... increase in the likelihood of another attack.

Unfortunately, I hold western society to a higher standard than I do for extremists, that's when things like this happen, I expect them to react in a way that is sane and less damaging.
USA has always been a Settlers paradise. Historically they killed the local population so that the British could live there. Local wars started of with the help from France. The African migrants were all treated as slaves, and if it wasn't for Martin Luther King they would have remained like that.

The problems all across Europe is very different than that of USA. People from Europe have been Kings of the world at some point in time. They have lost the wast kingdoms and land that they controlled but still tend to live with the same pride that they are still the kings..

After the World Wars they have realized that there is Human Rights. Every human is born an individual hence they do not require to be married and have children. They can enjoy their life on Saturday night and sleep all day on Sunday and then back to work on Monday. They do not have any money on Monday so they can not afford to do much.

They do not have any responsibility towards parents of family live hence the population is shrinking. I have known people making enough money but at the end of 20 yrs of service all they have saved in the bank is not more that a few thousand. What ever they have like house or house hold stuff is all on easy installments.

The only population that is able to save and have family is Muslims or Hindus. This is creating a problem the country is changing from Christian to Muslim majority.
@Jungibaaz - Do you believe Tahera Ahmad's version of the events? That a random stranger on a plane cussed her out?

Here my version of the events. No, I wasn't on the plane but I'd bet money on it.

Flight attendant gave her an open can and the other guy an unopened can. She asked for an unopened can. The flight attendent responded with her "we're not allowed to give you unopened cans" line. Tahera pointed out that the other guy got an unopened can of beer. Flight attendent took his can, opened it and gave it back to the guy. Tahera continued to argue, probably kept on and on. She started looking around for support from the other passengers. At that point, the other passengers started to worry that if she didn't stop, the situation was going to escalate and the plane was going to be diverted to the nearest airport (that's what they do in the U.S., for people who don't know) and completely mess up their day. So one of them probably said (under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear) "just take the f**king coke".

The Islamophobia angle is something she threw in. She just faced what thousands of air travelers face. Poor service and a stubborn, unyielding airline staff. As for the passenger, I'm sure you've stood in line behind someone and cursed them under your breath as they stood there and argued with the counter person over 50 cents.

Bookmark this post. When the dust settles, this will turn out to be the true version of the events. The rest is just the Director of interfaith relations at Northwestern Univeristy pushing her agenda.
And its rising actually. Both media, and bible thumping church pastors need to cool off, otherwise, our very fabric of growth, capitalist society our forefather built over hundreds of years, is in danger!!

Issues with blacks with Police, issues with Muslims, and all. Our leaders need to wake up and keep this mess away from our borders. What they do in the Middle East and ISIS, needs to stay the fuk away from America and forever. We do not want, need to even imagine that bullshiit starting here, in terms of intolerance!
true that, but I cant forget the fact that there are "normal" Muslim families that are quiet about their young siblings slipping away to do Jihad under the ISIS banner which involves raping and beheading Christians and Shias and blowing up any historical or religious building they can get their hands on.
@Jungibaaz - Do you believe Tahera Ahmad's version of the events? That a random stranger on a plane cussed her out?

Here my version of the events. No, I wasn't on the plane but I'd bet money on it.

Flight attendant gave her an open can and the other guy an unopened can. She asked for an unopened can. The flight attendent responded with her "we're not allowed to give you unopened cans" line. Tahera pointed out that the other guy got an unopened can of beer. Flight attendent took his can, opened it and gave it back to the guy. Tahera continued to argue, probably kept on and on. She started looking around for support from the other passengers. At that point, the other passengers started to worry that if she didn't stop, the situation was going to escalate and the plane was going to be diverted to the nearest airport (that's what they do in the U.S., for people who don't know) and completely mess up their day. So one of them probably said (under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear) "just take the f**king coke".

The Islamophobia angle is something she threw in. She just faced what thousands of air travelers face. Poor service and a stubborn, unyielding airline staff. As for the passenger, I'm sure you've stood in line behind someone and cursed them under your breath as they stood there and argued with the counter person over 50 cents.

Bookmark this post. When the dust settles, this will turn out to be the true version of the events. The rest is just the Director of interfaith relations at Northwestern Univeristy pushing her agenda.

Sure, it is possible.

It is also possible, that a unicorn was on the flight, and midway between said flight, aliens abducted the air hostess, and brainwashed her, which is why she messed up with the cans.

But, really? It is entirely possible that she overreacted, but to go into such an elaborate plot just to say that it didn't happen and she made it up to push some agenda?

We'll have to wait, it is possible she overreacted, if it's a fake story, it's not to far from being believable, I've witnessed a steady rise in paranoia in Europe, I can't say the same for the US.
They have given nothing to human so far what they giving to muslims its not for muslims only they owe big time to humanity what they have done to native american read oklahoma trail and with blacks latinos if they wanted to keep america alive then sud realize they owe big time to immigrants. Clearly its for their survival.
Come on...the laptop, the electricity, the internet you are using is because of them...dont be so naive...

More over during those era, killing entire race was not very unpopular..that was the era of expansion. arabs have killed people in millions when they were expanding.....world war, isnt that also human killing of great numbers...so lets not go into that side of the story...
USA has always been a Settlers paradise. Historically they killed the local population so that the British could live there. Local wars started of with the help from France. The African migrants were all treated as slaves, and if it wasn't for Martin Luther King they would have remained like that.

The problems all across Europe is very different than that of USA. People from Europe have been Kings of the world at some point in time. They have lost the wast kingdoms and land that they controlled but still tend to live with the same pride that they are still the kings..

After the World Wars they have realized that there is Human Rights. Every human is born an individual hence they do not require to be married and have children. They can enjoy their life on Saturday night and sleep all day on Sunday and then back to work on Monday. They do not have any money on Monday so they can not afford to do much.

They do not have any responsibility towards parents of family live hence the population is shrinking. I have known people making enough money but at the end of 20 yrs of service all they have saved in the bank is not more that a few thousand. What ever they have like house or house hold stuff is all on easy installments.

The only population that is able to save and have family is Muslims or Hindus. This is creating a problem the country is changing from Christian to Muslim majority.

If you're arguing that this sort of sentiment to minorities is worse in the US than in Europe, I'd disagree. The kind of sentiment, reasons and how it manifests itself varies. From my limited assessment of Islam's place in Europe and the US. I can say that for the US, it will be easier for them to put this ugly episode behind them. Europe won't so easily heel, it takes a lot longer to cure Europe's far right.

And unlike the US, there are other factors fuelling the far right in Europe besides Muslims, the system we have here and EU is meeting its strongest opposition ever. And that is playing its part. When a large part of the Eurozone has been on the decline, and the rest severely slowed down and tasked with sharing the load, it is easy target for Eurosceptics to blame some elements in a simplistic way, and still garner huge support for such rhetoric.
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Question in bold; all the damn time! If you have a half a functioning brain, google and you'll find thousands of instances.
It is a fact that these protests, statements, fatwas are never given the limelight like the extremists are.
You admitted your ignorance in your own statement....If things do not get limelight, it indicates either they are of very small scale or done just to show without any substance.... until so called protest, statements, fatwas have impact on the society, they are nothing but mere eye wash...

Also compare the number of people protesting against a bomb blast and number of people praising the bomber as shaheed itself speaks the true nature of the protests...so just gathering few hundreds is not going to derail the mentality of extremists...you need people in the tune of millions who can rally against them and tell them it is not acceptable...untill then, the world will keep on looking towards muslims with suspicion. .

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