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Muslim student in Hijab takes on Hindu extremists

Pakistani Liberals will still attack her and support the Hindutva lynch mobs because they are self hating Muslims who only sing foolish songs of, "Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai!"
Yeh their secular liberal atheistic ideology demands that, they attack Hindus or India on these forums out of nationalism or the fact they were born or hail from Pakistan, if they we're born in India they would attack Pakistan, they have no sense of objective right and wrong nor objective morality!

Yup eventually have to move on. Logic & substance has no value in front of brick wall. Unfortunately the guy never read my replies at all and tells me that I support Hindutva also I am liberal. Firstly, I wonder why such a blatant lie at first place. Secondly, I wonder how can I be both ?. Hindutvas hate liberals and they are opposite of em. Anyways.. just leave it. that'll be crazy of me to continue in such scenario..
If your a liberal/secular/atheist your love and hate would automatically depend on racism and nationalism, you have no objective morality.
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You will find educated, progressive & enlightened Maulanas supporter of Pakistan
Everyone had different opinions. Islam is one. Different molvis are allowed to hold different opinions on things just like liberals do.
Those very few enlightened maulanas were ridiculed by almost all extremist religious groups of india
It wasn’t “few” in fact few was the people against Pakistan.
Jamaat-e-islami leader
Jamaat e Islami follow deobandi sect. Deobandi is a minority in the sub continent. Even among deobandis many many supported Pakistan. Dr. Israr is a example.
That link only shows a minority in a minority’s view. Jamaat e Islami is from minority deobandi sect from which a minority were against Pakistan.

Again with the ignorance.
You put up a whole argument against “Mullahs” but can’t differentiate between different sects of the subcontinent or their views and you haven’t even done enough research to prove any sect in majority was against the creation of Pakistan.
Instead of relying on some random link online next time take some times out to do some research before you make such bold claims.

He is a typical Pakistani Liberal.... His automatic response to Hindutva lynching of Muslim defenceless girls is to attack Islam and the poor Muslim girls.

These Pakistani Liberals are worse than the Hindutva.
Agreed 100%.
Funny thing is these “educated”, “enlightened” and “progressive” idiots are the most ignorant. They have 0 evidence to back up their claims and sound like a broken record repeating the same anti mullah anti madressa propaganda.

Outrage after hijab-wearing woman heckled by Hindu mob in India​

Authorities shut educational institutions after protests over the ban on hijab intensifies in southern Karnataka state.

Indian student activists from Muslim Students Federation (MSF) hold placards during a protest against hijab restriction, in New Delhi

Muslim students and members of Muslim Students Federation protest against the recent hijab ban in New Delhi [Rajat Gupta/EPA]

Published On 8 Feb 20228 Feb 2022
A video posted on Twitter showing a hijab-wearing Muslim student being heckled by a Hindu far-right mob at a college in Karnataka state has caused outrage amid intensifying protests over ban on Islamic headscarves in the southern state.
Muskan Khan was surrounded by men wearing saffron scarves as she arrived at her college in Mandya, the viral video showed, as she confronted the protesters, many of whom, she said, were outsiders.

Saffroni Terrorists terrorized....

Just a regular day in India: An Indian woman wearing #hijab was trying to go to college in #Mandya, #Karnataka and was heckled by a group of saffron-clad men chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram’.


15 hours ago
India has world's biggest statues, Statue of Unity Statue of Equality, But, this is reality... All Equality, Unity in papers and statues...
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'Pick Up Weapons, Kill Anti-Nationals': All the Hate Speech at Prayagraj Dharam Sansad​

From calls to attack masjids and maulvis, to appeals to Hindutva followers to kill those they think are anti-national, here is all the hate speech, calls to violence, and contempt of court and Constitution that took place at the Dharam Sansad event titled ‘Sant Sammelan Against Islamic Jihad and for the Creation of Hindu Rashtra’,

in poll-bound UP’s Prayagraj on 29 January. All of this occurred in front of a large number of personnel of the UP Police. But will the state authorities, the UP Police, or the Election Commission take action against the hate speech and calls to violence made in Prayagraj?
He is a typical Pakistani Liberal.... His automatic response to Hindutva lynching of Muslim defenceless girls is to attack Islam and the poor Muslim girls.

These Pakistani Liberals are worse than the Hindutva.

Agreed 100%.

So you are agreeing 100% with the above completely false statement sums up entire debate. : )

So that guy clutch from nowhere cooks up story in his mind, i won't be surprised if he accuses me of blashphemy as well and you are agreeing with him not just 1% but 100%. He is proven liar as this thread is documentary evidence of it. Everyone with eyes in this thread can see that I never wrote even a word supporting Hindutva, or said anything at all to that girl. So you got to be careful while agreeing to certified liars. Infact liberals are always against any right-wing violence led party. RSS/BJP and hindutva is extreme opposite of liberal & secular mentality.

Only thing i did was to point out him that Why he went off-topic and start maligning Pakistan by saying that Pakistani liberals would have raped or done this & that to this girl etc. People of his type leave no chance behind in maligning our country. The response I got was amazing and entertaining as well as a reminder to us what radical extremism is doing to us. It not only produced likes of TTP but its penetrating in our society. His response was making up a story on imaginary or illusions which I never said.

So don't ruin your credibility with agreeing to 100% proven False statements. Since you both agree that I support Hindutva and in a parallel universe or alternate reality I am liberal as well. So I give you open challenge to quote a single word in my entire discussion ever on PDF where i have supported Hindutva : ) ... Be man enough and show it to us!. Lastly, its high time to grow up and atleast understand what is liberal, what is secular. These have nothing to do with extremist religious groups (like Hindutva ideaology, RSS, TLP, TTP etc).. These people are Paak from all these evils.

God Bless.

P.S: My point is never to win arguments here in the forum. My point is that people should learn from each other and never think themselves as absolutely 100% correct always. Same applies to me.
Yeh their secular liberal atheistic ideology demands that, they attack Hindus or India on these forums out of nationalism or the fact they were born or hail from Pakistan, if they we're born in India they would attack Pakistan, they have no sense of objective right and wrong nor objective morality!

If your a liberal/secular/atheist your love and hate would automatically depend on racism and nationalism, you have no objective morality.

Dear, never reach to a conclusion that quick. Your logic is flawed as this can be applied to anyone regardless of ethnicity. Going by your logic (not mine), if you are religious extremist and IF you'd be borned into a hindu family. You'd be doing all hindu religion festivals etc, going to temple with dedicated hindu beliefs. As your religious by nature and you consider anything else is wrong except your religion then you'd be probably hating muslims and feel lucky to be a hindu. Interestingly I replied you exactly with your logic that applies more fittingly to religious extremists.. As liberals or seculars are not extremists by nature. Violence or extreme practices does not appeal them naturally. So probably your logic fits on yourself more then it to liberals. BTW fyi, liberals / seculars are not always atheists. The illusion of many here in this forum is that they are very paak saaaf musalman and the other guy is probably atheist or whatever.. Keeping that illusion of good musalmaan while uttering hatred, accusations and lies is direct contradiction with it at first place. No will get impressed with such good musalmans.

Yup eventually have to move on. Logic & substance has no value in front of brick wall. Unfortunately the guy never read my replies at all and tells me that I support Hindutva also I am liberal. Firstly, I wonder why such a blatant lie at first place. Secondly, I wonder how can I be both ?. Hindutvas hate liberals and they are opposite of em. Anyways.. just leave it. that'll be crazy of me to continue in such scenario..

Did I engage you with your posting or is it just that hasty habit of you replying for the sake of it? I have told you to behave while on the Forum since you have such a flawed perception about this place. What you say or support or even keep ranting, is not my problem. I have problem when this place is being attacked, taken for granted or threatened at all. Now, I think I am very clear to tell you about the way we should act on the Forum. Got it?


Hindutvas hate liberals and they are opposite of em.
Snake eating snake; so it doesn't makes any difference unless you are trying everything out to divert the discussion towards a new goal post since saffron clad chaddi extremists are currently center of discussion.

Only Kumar from UAE will try hard to derail the topic. I didn't quote you for your so called philosophy of Hindutva hating Liberals' and liberal eating Hindutva alive. No one is more liberal than Islam. the problem with the people is that never don't read or learn Islam instead, believes into whatever being said by individual or act of an individual since most of times, people needs short cuts to reach Jannah.
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Will build my own defense site & forum.

It just took 3 posts to see your real intention on the Forum including 330 messages in years and yet you have audacity to threaten the Forum. I wouldn't be surprised you being one of the same member that did so before and famous for being a low life troll given the same behaviour and approach. Since you are so much interested in other things than the civil & respectful posting on this Forum; I hereby make it easy for your relieving of any posting rights so that you can focus better while being out of the Forum forever.

It just took 3 posts to see your real intention on the Forum including 330 messages in years and yet you have audacity to threaten the Forum. I wouldn't be surprised you being one of the same member that did so before and famous for being a low life troll given the same behaviour and approach. Since you are so much interested in other things than the civil & respectful posting on this Forum; I hereby make it easy for your relieving of any posting rights so that you can focus better while being out of the Forum forever.


Sir Jee: Huth haula rakho.
بھائی! دھمکی اور بدتمیزی کی یہاں کوئی جگہ نہیں۔
ہاتھ ہولا ہی رکھیا اسی لئی انا سامجھان دی کوشش کیتی جے۔

I understand. There are certain protocols, which needs to be regarded. Discipline warrants that. Still, I believe that he is a good poster, may be somewhat emotional. Many of us are. My comment was in that perspective.
I understand. There are certain protocols, which needs to be regarded. Discipline warrants that. Still, I believe that he is a good poster, may be somewhat emotional. Many of us are. My comment was in that perspective.

I have deleted his post and you can't read what he is up-to. An ignorant who doesn't read properly as what's being said & follow it in accordance to maintain the decorum. 300+ posts in 7 years and yet issuing threats to the Forum & being disrespectful to Admin. No tolerance buddy. Trust me, there is no good or bad policy. There are rules to be followed. Haven't you seen title holders or even Professional Tag holders are kicked out permanently? We are not here to get hate speeches. A person with so many swing moods at a time is not consistent neither helpful at all... .can risk your life sometimes hence, cannot be presumed trustworthy.

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