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Muslim student in Hijab takes on Hindu extremists

I have deleted his post and you can't read what he is up-to. An ignorant who doesn't read properly as what's being said & follow it in accordance to maintain the decorum. 300+ posts in 7 years and yet issuing threats to the Forum & being disrespectful to Admin. No tolerance buddy. Trust me, there is no good or bad policy. There are rules to be followed. Haven't you seen title holders or even Professional Tag holders are kicked out permanently? We are not here to get hate speeches. A person with so many swing moods at a time is not consistent neither helpful at all... .can risk your life sometimes hence, cannot be presumed trustworthy.

I get it. Thanks.
OurDaughter used the Power of Toheed and scared the mob of good Indians!


Yes, Quaid e Azam R.A. was right then as he is now and as he shall be a 500years from now!

A Jinah is born once in a few centuries.

Yes, we are gratefull for Pakistan ...even with all its flaws and mismanagement....as we should be for OurLand....

When BabriMasjid was demolished by the mob of good Indians... Rajiv looked the other way!

The muslims in India have always been at the mercy of the good Indians... from fake intellectuals to SaffranBandits...

Even if the muslims in India are 250million.... they are still living among 1.2+billion good Indians... being spread thin they don't form a Core anywhere...
A muslim muhulla is always surrounded by 5times good Indians.

Have we forgotten what happened in MuqboozaDelhi?

A gang of 10+ brave good Indian men raped a girl of 12 or 13.... and this is not the first time...

Have we forgotten how the brave Indian men raped and killed a muslim girl of 8 years in IoJK?

When you have their 'saffran spiritual leaders' asking/encouraging the good Indian men to rape muslim women in public speeches what do you think is happening?
Even the Indian women leaders have been telling this in public... videos of such Indianness abound...

Calling muslims living in India names is unbecoming and uncalled for... we must exercise Ijtinab!

They don't look upto BD for help
...they look to us, OurPakistan for help!
They are not accused of chantting BangladeshZindabad... they are victimised for chantting PakistanZindabad in their hearts...

Let us be truly Paks and exercise Ijtinab from passing judgement on muslims living in India... the good Indians of all hues don't like them... infact, hate them.

Where do you think the reckless, obsessive hate for Pakistan comes from... the good Indians hate OurTehzeeb, OurDeen and OurLand.... all of them without exception.
Anyone who has notions of idealised secular India is living in some parallel universe.... but luckily the good Indians are abusing such innocence on daily basis!

It is a CivilisationalWar... very long and very old. The War-on-Terror provided the good Indians a golden opportunity to come out of their closet..that is why they have become emboldened...knowing full well that none of the so-called 'international community' is going to lift a finger on them.

GenocideWatch can keep publishing all the reports it wants... but nothing is going to happen... no self-proclaimed leaders of morality/HumanRights are going to sanction the good Indians...

Hence, let us show compassion and reflect on the Idea of Pakistan... being grateful for OurLand... let us not close OurHeart to Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan!

After all these SaffronRhetoric of Raping MuslimWomen and Killing Muslims... we are heading towards an unimaginable Tragedy... and for their own Genocide the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan will be blamed... just like PakKashmiris!

When the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan call for our help... we must not shy away, claiming some RainbowReasons.... the day for such a call is not far off...

Ijtinab from criticising the Victims, please!!!


Paa Jee: An extraordinary and excellent post.

Allah aap ko khush rakhay.

Dil khoon kay aansoo ro raha hae, iss shair Muslim larhki ko daikh ker.

We will, Inshallah, settle all accounts with this Hindutvadi scum.
I think it is time that govt of India bans and jails these terrorist hindi organizations like Bajrang Dal and RSS. In my entire life I have not met a single India hindu or sikh or whatever who wants to be associated with such organizations. Their recruits are mostly lower poor hindus who are easy to manipulate and their leaders are mostly upper caste hindus who take advantage.

Little doubt that this is a tactic used by BJP to secure its power.
But the tragedy is that it harms India. Because the result is alienation of a minority, which in sheer numbers happen to be worlds second largest muslim population.
Cannot understand how this is going to benefit India as a state.

BJP could have directed the energy of these masses towards more productive means like education, entrepreneurship etc.
But instead it chooses to play petty politics.
Little doubt that this is a tactic used by BJP to secure its power.
But the tragedy is that it harms India. Because the result is alienation of a minority, which in sheer numbers happen to be worlds second largest muslim population.
Cannot understand how this is going to benefit India as a state.

BJP could have directed the energy of these masses towards more productive means like education, entrepreneurship etc.
But instead it chooses to play petty politics.

Hatred of elite Hindus, for Indian Muslims, far outweighs any other consideration.
So that guy clutch from nowhere cooks up story in his mind, i won't be surprised if he accuses me of blashphemy

You are just a Hindutva appeasers.... Look at the thumbs up I get versus you
I thought South Indians were more enlightened and progressive versus their northern Indian, hindi cowbelt counterparts. But it seems this menace has plagued indian society at all levels.
Any and every individual can be radicalized with a suitable approach.

Your comment suggests that you may not know the modus operandi of Sangh. It is a grass root movement that grooms kids in all parts of India from an early age. There is an organized curriculum with boot camp like programs that are tiered for kids of different age group. This has proliferated to different parts of India with variable success rate (that is usually proportional to a sympathetic political base in the area). Karnataka has always been a 50/50 state. It is currently ruled by BJP.

Kerala and Tamil Nadu may have lesser influence. But Sangh will have pockets of strong hold there as well.
You are just a Hindutva appeasers.... Look at the thumbs up I get versus you
The bizarre irony is you get lots of thumbs up if you write Modi and Yogi are best for Pakistan. So, Pakistanis admit they support Hindutva, yet you talk of appeasing Hindutva. Very bizarre. I remember people here abusing Muslims of Chattisgarh where they are less than 2% of the state population. It was like Hindutva heaven.
So you are agreeing 100% with the above completely false statement sums up entire debate. : )

So that guy clutch from nowhere cooks up story in his mind, i won't be surprised if he accuses me of blashphemy as well and you are agreeing with him not just 1% but 100%. He is proven liar as this thread is documentary evidence of it. Everyone with eyes in this thread can see that I never wrote even a word supporting Hindutva, or said anything at all to that girl. So you got to be careful while agreeing to certified liars. Infact liberals are always against any right-wing violence led party. RSS/BJP and hindutva is extreme opposite of liberal & secular mentality.

Only thing i did was to point out him that Why he went off-topic and start maligning Pakistan by saying that Pakistani liberals would have raped or done this & that to this girl etc. People of his type leave no chance behind in maligning our country. The response I got was amazing and entertaining as well as a reminder to us what radical extremism is doing to us. It not only produced likes of TTP but its penetrating in our society. His response was making up a story on imaginary or illusions which I never said.

So don't ruin your credibility with agreeing to 100% proven False statements. Since you both agree that I support Hindutva and in a parallel universe or alternate reality I am liberal as well. So I give you open challenge to quote a single word in my entire discussion ever on PDF where i have supported Hindutva : ) ... Be man enough and show it to us!. Lastly, its high time to grow up and atleast understand what is liberal, what is secular. These have nothing to do with extremist religious groups (like Hindutva ideaology, RSS, TLP, TTP etc).. These people are Paak from all these evils.

God Bless.

P.S: My point is never to win arguments here in the forum. My point is that people should learn from each other and never think themselves as absolutely 100% correct always. Same applies to me.

Burn Pakistani Hindutva Neoliberal... Burn...

the problem with the people is that never don't read or learn Islam instead, believes into whatever being said by individual or act of an individual since most of times, people needs short cuts to reach Jannah.
100% agree with you.
Islam already tells us to respect minorities especially ones living in a Muslim country under a agreement. Islam tells us what terrorists like ttp are and tells us to fight against khawarij. Islam tells us to be educated on the deen. Islam tells us to be peaceful and tolerant but when enemy attacks defend our selves and do jihad. Hadith tell us I’m end times we’ll have people who recite Quran from their lips but are jahils. Many many ulema warned us from created this “mullah” profession as it will exploit and harm Islam. Everyone in Islam should be capable of knowing the basics, yet we’ve allowed mullahism to become professionalism and we’re suffering from that today.
To make matters worse, ignorant people end up blaming all Muslims for one jahil mullah while completely ignoring what Islam actually says.

Outrage after hijab-wearing woman heckled by Hindu mob in India​

Authorities shut educational institutions after protests over the ban on hijab intensifies in southern Karnataka state.

Indian student activists from Muslim Students Federation (MSF) hold placards during a protest against hijab restriction, in New Delhi

Muslim students and members of Muslim Students Federation protest against the recent hijab ban in New Delhi [Rajat Gupta/EPA]

Published On 8 Feb 20228 Feb 2022
A video posted on Twitter showing a hijab-wearing Muslim student being heckled by a Hindu far-right mob at a college in Karnataka state has caused outrage amid intensifying protests over ban on Islamic headscarves in the southern state.
Muskan Khan was surrounded by men wearing saffron scarves as she arrived at her college in Mandya, the viral video showed, as she confronted the protesters, many of whom, she said, were outsiders.

Saffroni Terrorists terrorized....

Just a regular day in India: An Indian woman wearing #hijab was trying to go to college in #Mandya, #Karnataka and was heckled by a group of saffron-clad men chanting ‘Jai Shree Ram’.


15 hours ago
India has world's biggest statues, Statue of Unity Statue of Equality, But, this is reality... All Equality, Unity in papers and statues...
A video clip from a Turkish movie based on the true story of Atif Hoja, an Ottoman Muslim scholar. He opposed the replacement of the Fez and turban with the European-style hat as a part of the republican revolution. He was sentenced to death for that.

In this clip:
Judge: this hat is made of cloth, and your turban is made of cloth too. Why can't you wear this hat?
Atif Hoja: the Turkish flag hanging behind you is made of cloth, and the British flag is also made of cloth. Why don't you replace the Turkish flag with the British flag?

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