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Muslim Philosopher Says Islam Has Given Birth To Monsters, Needs Reform

Teachings of Islam are just like other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Christianity. Yet extremist terror groups are only coming out of Islam and no other faiths. You think you can fool non-Muslims with such rubbish?

Never denied some Muslims are committing terrorist acts. All Muslims are not terrorists though, otherwise you would have a suicide blast every minute don't you think?
Never denied some Muslims are committing terrorist acts. All Muslims are not terrorists though, otherwise you would have a suicide blast every minute don't you think?
But almost all terrorists are Muslim. Get your facts right! :)
Almost all Muslim countries are politically unstable ridden with poverty and corrupt clergy. Btw Lords Resistance army says hello.:wave:
Lords Resistance army are probably Christian, but are they too savage barbarians like ISIS?
They were not countered by ulemas. Those who were countered were themselves real ulema, philosiphers like Averroes, Avicenna who are admired even to this day.
No they were not countered by these guys
Nothing coz this verse literally protects him:

Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed, then disbelieved, and then increased in disbelief - never will Allah forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way. [Quran 4:137]

If a person is allowed to be killed after the red statement how can he commit the blue and green one?

2ndly, ALLAH wont forgive them nothing to do with other men or shariah....it is clear it becomes a matter between man and ALLAH

Not sure but the same website you quoted seems to have the repeated disbelieve part too...So if he is chopped due to the 1st disbelieve how did he repeatedly disbelieve?
Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly - islamqa.info!

How so?

Does this verse provided apostate to Islam with a magic force field which would deflect the Sword that would be swung to cut his neck? A punishment proscribed by Sharia and implemented by most of muslim world.These muslim countries have legions of Koran Hafiz in their employ, you cannot gripe about ignorance of Koran as an excuse.


@gambit @Norwegian , This is an example of what you people were arguing.


1. You are an Ahemadi muslim. You are neither considered a muslim by Shias, nor by Sunnis. You could argue about your sect, but none of your argument could be taken as a stand of mainstream muslims.

I do care what Non Muslims think about Islam. Because according to some of them me being a Muslim is a crime. I will challenge wrong perceptions held by all sides.

2. You care about what Whites/Westerners think about Islam because you are in their country and they have potential to hurt your interests. You yourself have been hateful towards Hindus as pointed out by other posters. Your views on this matter are those of a Hypocrite.

So you are against labeling people based on faith (or race) I presume?

Would you see an irony here? And would you understand why it is so difficult for people to trust folks like you?

It is only what is convenient at a given time. There is no conviction, just superficiality and worse connivance.

No, Angola has not ‘banned Islam’. It’s a little more complicated than that. | Daily Maverick
...actual evidence of such a ban remained slim.

Even human rights agencies working in Angola were confused, indicating at first that it may well be true – the political space in Angola has closed significantly in recent weeks and now, it appears, the religious space too.

Still, actual proof of the ban was hard to come by.

...a photograph emerged, purporting to depict the destruction of a mosque in Angola.

The photograph however was soon debunked - It was actually taken in Nigeria. Others say that the photo was taken somewhere in the Middle East. But wherever the photo was actually taken, it certainly was not Angola.

In addition to this, Mufti Ismail Menk, a Zimbabwean Muslim scholar, issued a statement saying he had consulted with Angolan scholars who said the story was “completely fabricated”.
Still...When I asked for a country that actually banned Islam, which inevitably would criminalize Muslims simply for being Muslims, I was asking about the West, of which the Muslims believes to be the source of all their ills anyway. My mistake.
Lords Resistance army are probably Christian, but are they too savage barbarians like ISIS?

There are a lot of Christian terrorist groups, even though most of them do not have as high a toll as Islamic. You do not know about them due to lack of media exposure.

These are examples from India.

"The National Liberation Front of Tripura(NLFT), a rebel group that seeks the secession of Tripura,North-East India, from the country, has been described as Christian terrorists engaging in terrorist violence motivated by their Christian beliefs.The NLFT includes in its aims the forced conversion of all tribal people in Tripura to Christianity.The NLFT is listed as a terrorist organization in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002.The state government contends that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the NLFT.Reports from the state government and Indian media describe activities such as the acquisition by the NLFT of explosives through the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura,and threats of killing Hindus celebrating religious festivals.Over 20 Hindus in Tripura were reported to have been killed by the NLFT from 1999 to 2001 for resisting forced conversion to Christianity"

National Liberation Front of Tripura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Nagaland is a Christian majority state in India. Many terrorist incidents have been documented there as a result of an insurgency against the government. This insurgency was originally led by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland(NSCN), who has indulged in terrorist activities varying from kidnapping, illegal drug trafficking, extortion, etc.The group has committed religious violence, as a part of NSCN's described mission of forcibly converting the animist Naga to Christianity, which has been described by B. B. Kumar as Christian terrorism.Other goals include the formation of a greater Nagaland. There are occasional reports of the NSCN using force to convert locals of neighboring states to Christianity"

"The National Socialist Council of Nagaland, Issac-Muivah faction (slogan: "Nagaland for Christ"), is accused of carrying out the 1992–1993 ethnic cleansing of Kuki tribes in Manipur, said to have leave over 900 people dead. During that NSCN-IM operation, 350 Kuki villages were driven out and about 100,000 Kukis were turned into refugees"

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christianity in North-East India is still in "burn all Heretics" mode.

The actual purpose for the Qura'an is for the followers---the muslims---be good to the weak, the meek, the poor, the needy, the less fortunate---to help living----.

Neither does Allah needs your prayers or zakat or namaz, your fastings or your hajj----it will be all slammed back at your faces----
People please,

I see a lot of user getting hurt by his opinion. I get that this is a very sharp comment from his side about the sorry and miserable condition of muslim we are living in

Whether its all the truth, or whether his way of saying is too sharp, it doesn't change the fact

we are all entitled to our opinion. But please be reminded that we need to be open and logical in debating/discussing issue
1. You are an Ahemadi muslim. You are neither considered a muslim by Shias, nor by Sunnis. You could argue about your sect, but none of your argument could be taken as a stand of mainstream muslims.

Indeed. But still a Muslim though. You however are a Hindutva troll, no one considers you a decent human never mind being a Muslim.:laugh:
Lords Resistance army are probably Christian, but are they too savage barbarians like ISIS?

Probably Christian? They say so so we must all accept it, we must also call all Christians terrorists because of Lord's Resistance Army right?
Indeed. But still a Muslim though. You however are a Hindutva troll, no one considers you a decent human never mind being a Muslim.:laugh:

You do know this is karma coming back to bite. ;)

No one needs a certificate from such self loathing people.

No, Angola has not ‘banned Islam’. It’s a little more complicated than that. | Daily Maverick

Still...When I asked for a country that actually banned Islam, which inevitably would criminalize Muslims simply for being Muslims, I was asking about the West, of which the Muslims believes to be the source of all their ills anyway. My mistake.
Do you think the world is a more safer place with less extremism after the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?
You care about what Whites/Westerners think about Islam because you are in their country and they have potential to hurt your interests. You yourself have been hateful towards Hindus as pointed out by other posters. Your views on this matter are those of a Hypocrite.

It is just a dhakosala (making a show) of reasonableness, there is no real difference from those such people profess to oppose.

The underlying brainwashing, hatred, rage driving the extremism... There is no difference at all.

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