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Muslim Philosopher Says Islam Has Given Birth To Monsters, Needs Reform

If it crosses that it is not even Islam
Oh yes it does. Why else would Kingdom of Jordan summon its 5000 Imams and order them to preach 'moderate' Islam or else? :D
In bid to counter ISIS’ rise, Jordan gives new marching orders to clerics: Preach moderate Islam — or else | National Post

When where?
I meant hypothetically an ISIS terrorist is caught and sent in front of Shariah Court. What would it do when he says he did what he did in the name of Islam? Shariah court cannot say, oh no, you are not a Muslim, cause the terrorist would still be follower of Islam despite his past terrorist crimes.

Oh dear GOD...do you even know what is Wahhabism?
Wahhabism is Islamic teachings of preacher Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab. The majority of the world's Wahhabis are from Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Same countries are major contributors of jihad and terrorism in the world.
The “State Sponsors” of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey: Why are they No Subject to Sanctions? | Global Research

1stly, Jihad means to strive...no one can force you to strive...and striving is always for something good...no one wastes their lives for useless stuff....
Total BS. ISIS Jihadists are not striving for something good. They wish to dominate non-Muslims and other Muslims of dissimilar faith as their own. Why else would they be chopping of heads of their adversaries and enslaving Yazidis, Kurdish minorities?

1) you cant be forced to strive
Ever heard of forced enlistment in the military? There you are "forced" to fight for your nation militarily!

2) you cant do bad when you strive
Ever heard of forced jihad, sexual jihad, war crimes committed by men who were forced to strive for their nation?

Child marriages is nothing to do with Islam...Islam says the criteria for marriage (something other religions didnt put) is sanity, willingness and witness
Yet, child marriages are common place in Muslim Arab world. They derive their justification from prophet Muhammad (SAW) marriage with Hadhrat Aisha (RA) at a child age .

Apostasy : do you know that word originated from Greek...no idea how it tried to creep into Islam...fair enough hypocrites who did apostasy as a means to earn a small gain were loathed many were asked to get out of the land and not lead others astray...
LOL. Apostasy in Islam is still a very bad "crime". All apostates are killed if they do not leave Muslim lands on time:
Why is the apostate to be executed in Islam? - islamqa.info

Imagine any Muslim in any Muslim majority country leaving Islam and becoming Christian or a Jew. Imagine what would happen to him following Islamic teachings? :D

**** film industry and magazines and whatever it is associated with are also oppressing women where you are paid more to show more skin? - How many actresses were paid "extra" to show more skin? do some research instead of reading wiki
If they are paid to do it, they should not not take the payment in the first place. Its not oppression when you are not forced to do something. Its their choice they took the payment and signed the contract. Do Muslim girls have a choice if they wish to take Hijab or not? :D
Oh yes it does. Why else would Kingdom of Jordan summon its 5000 Imams and order them to preach 'moderate' Islam or else?
That is like saying just coz a butcher told you while chopping a scorpion that he was chopping a cow you are supposed to believe him? Seriously is that your counter argument? Lets forget what Islam says and just like the other jahil follow and preach what others are doing as ISLAM?

I meant hypothetically an ISIS terrorist is caught and sent in front of Shariah Court.
1stly who will catch him? for now they sell news...everyone is watching the tamasha only

What would it do when he says he did what he did in the name of Islam? Shariah court cannot say, oh no, you are not a Muslim, cause the terrorist would still be follower of Islam despite his past terrorist crimes.
Just like Shariah would punish a rapist be he a Muslim or not the punishment is set! For killing and exploiting women they are bound to be punished! Heck those 100 + SCHOLARS wrote their names on that letter to ISIS have done wrong that they signed has details of how ISIS are wrong based on shariah

Open Letter to Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi, by leading global Scholars of Islam.

Wahhabism is Islamic teachings of preacher Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab. The majority of the world's Wahhabis are from Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Same countries are major contributors of jihad and terrorism in the world.
Thats what media tells us just like Media tells us all Jews are bad and same media also tells us that Zionists are protecting themselves....

I gave you the explanation on video...watch it!

Total BS. ISIS Jihadists are not striving for something good.
After being systematically brainwashed by media truth seems like BS to you ....How different are you from the Jahil Muslims who blindly follow their pir for whatever he says?

Since they are not striving for something good- which is the literal translation of the ARABIC WORD jihad then you can not use THE ARABIC WORD JIHAD to translate it and hence it is not jihad....

Ever heard of forced jihad, sexual jihad, war crimes committed by men who were forced to strive for their nation?
Again you cant mix and match words coz the media is forming new words...I told you the meaning of jihad now how can it in any way fit in with what you said?

And that is what it is: war crimes committed by men ---Heck it is not even a war crime...I openly call them pimps! Coz that is all what they did...No justification!

Yet, child marriages are common place in Muslim Arab world. They derive their justification from prophet Muhammad (SAW) marriage with Hadhrat Aisha (RA) at a child age .

She was anywhere between 9-18 and mind you In most of the western countries the minimum age for marriage is 18 years. (Some would like to argue that this could be 16 or 15 but none would argue it to be 9)

And the 4 that makes a marriage legal:

Stable mental state
Age - puberty
Consent - Otherwise the marriage is void

Haq mahr is then ONLY set...

If you want to read child marriages I suggest you open the torah or the bible someday: Bible: Child Marriage in Ancient Israelite times – Paedophilia? | Discover The Truth

Would you deny that long time back even during the middle ages ....women aged 16 were legally married off? That was back then ....go back further the age becomes significantly less and puberty is really the only thing differentiating who can marry when...

All apostates are killed if they do not leave Muslim lands on time:
No where in Shariah does it suggest 1 punishment as the ONLY punishment for crimes....Always killing is the last resort like capital punishment is the highest level of punishment in some countries

Imagine any Muslim in any Muslim majority country leaving Islam and becoming Christian or a Jew. Imagine what would happen to him following Islamic teachings?
Nothing coz this verse literally protects him:

Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed, then disbelieved, and then increased in disbelief - never will Allah forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way. [Quran 4:137]

If a person is allowed to be killed after the red statement how can he commit the blue and green one?

2ndly, ALLAH wont forgive them nothing to do with other men or shariah....it is clear it becomes a matter between man and ALLAH

Not sure but the same website you quoted seems to have the repeated disbelieve part too...So if he is chopped due to the 1st disbelieve how did he repeatedly disbelieve?
Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly - islamqa.info

Its not oppression when you are not forced to do something. Its their choice they took the payment and signed the contract.
Well you sure did answer it:
Muslim girls have a choice
Islam is their contract!
Would you deny that long time back even during the middle ages ....women aged 16 were legally married off? That was back then ....go back further the age becomes significantly less and puberty is really the only thing differentiating who can marry when...
Yes, but that was Middle Ages. No parent in their rightful mind today would marry off their daughters at such young age as 16, not in the West at least. But its common place in Arab world to arrange marriage between 12-13 years to old buffoons of at least age 50. What is logic in that?

No where in Shariah does it suggest 1 punishment as the ONLY punishment for crimes....Always killing is the last resort like capital punishment is the highest level of punishment in some countries
Yes, killing is the last resort, but that doesn't seem to bother those who follow apostasy laws in Muslim countries. I have read news of Muslims who got killed for converting to Christianity.
Defend yourself. I would support any Non Muslim who wants help. But I will not listen to gibberish like all Muslims are terrorists, Islam is a terrorist religion. That's not defending yourself, that's plain and simple hate.
Yeah...Suuuuuuuuuuure...You would...:rolleyes:
Strange, you want me to pick up a gun and kill the same Taliban & Al-Qaida which your country helped and fund? Will I be considered a good guy or a baddie?
That horse have been debunked to death and the corpse rotted way -- a long time ago.

I speak up and write a lot about extremism. That is my duty. I'm not a trained soldier so I will not take law into my hands. I'm not in any government or in power. I do what is in my power to speak against extremism in Muslim nations and will continue to do so. My biggest weapon is my faith in Allah and prayer.
Right...Let others take the laws into their own hands and forces non-Muslims to convert. Safer to talk than to act, even when lawlessness is obvious and so 'in-your-face'.
Again. You want all of Muslims to pay for the crimes of terrorists and extremists? I understand your mentality very well. Trying to remind you again and again that not all Muslims think the same, neither are they united, nor do they have a single leadership which is telling them to do the above crimes you mentioned.

Conversion by force is against the teachings of Islam. I will continue to defend my faith and tell the truth about Islam. Yes force conversion has happened and is appertaining in Muslim nations. But it is due to corruption of clergy to gain more power. Religion is an ideology, a very powerful force. In the wrong hands it is used for evil ways. In good hands it can be force of good.
If you believe -- not just merely think -- that a forced conversion is an evil in Islam, then all the Muslims are already paying for that evil, in tangible and intangible ways. Least of all, the intangible is the perception that your religion is a violent and intolerant one compares to others, even when the histories of those other religions may contain similar evils.

If the laws cannot act against the corrupt clergy, then what is preventing the ordinary Muslims from acting ? Why do so many of these ordinary Muslims continues to follow these corrupt clergy ? Ideas cannot exists unless there are people willing to propagate them, and obviously there are plenty of ordinary Muslims who believes in forced conversions. Enough that the idea of a forced conversion is no longer an evil but a good in the name of Islam.
The agendas of Islamists is not benefits for the rest of Muslims but for themselves. But who I'm I kidding you think every Muslim is a secret operative of Muslim Brotherhood.
Hey...Plenty of people here believe I am a CIA agent and naturally a lackey of the Zionists.
If you believe -- not just merely think -- that a forced conversion is an evil in Islam, then all the Muslims are already paying for that evil, in tangible and intangible ways. Least of all, the intangible is the perception that your religion is a violent and intolerant one compares to others, even when the histories of those other religions may contain similar evils.

If the laws cannot act against the corrupt clergy, then what is preventing the ordinary Muslims from acting ? Why do so many of these ordinary Muslims continues to follow these corrupt clergy ? Ideas cannot exists unless there are people willing to propagate them, and obviously there are plenty of ordinary Muslims who believes in forced conversions. Enough that the idea of a forced conversion is no longer an evil but a good in the name of Islam.

If you had studied Islamic theology you would know that there are so many perversion and additions in Islamic teachings over time that it will give you a headache. Conversion by force is not supported by Quran. But I cannot deny that this is happening in Muslim majority nations, some Muslims are also supporting this.
. .
The actual purpose of life according to Quran is to recognise Allah and worship Him. If you truly love Allah then you cannot hate his creations no matter what. Now do Muslims follow these teachings? I would say no majority do not. There is too much emphasis on the appearance and outer practises.

So you think Muslims have a conspiracy to breed fast to take over the world? You must be really young to think that 1.2 Billion people on earth think the same. I can't blame you. Your media is to blame for this.
So you admit that the majority of Muslims do not follow Islam correctly, as much as YOU, a relatively nobody, believes what is 'correct' and what is 'incorrect' ? Then do not complain if non-Muslims have certain unfavorable perceptions of Islam and Muslims. It is not our burden to distinguish out what is 'correct' and 'incorrect' under Islam. It is YOURS.
So you admit that the majority of Muslims do not follow Islam correctly, as much as YOU, a relatively nobody, believes what is 'correct' and what is 'incorrect' ? Then do not complain if non-Muslims have certain unfavorable perceptions of Islam and Muslims. It is not our burden to distinguish out what is 'correct' and 'incorrect' under Islam. It is YOURS.

I see from your point of view you are correct. But from my point of view I have to face the wrath of both Islamists and Islam haters. When I condemn a terrorist act, I'm a secret operative of Al-Qaida according to Islam bashers, according to Islamists I'm a western agent planted to destroy Islam from within.
If you had studied Islamic theology you would know that there are so many perversion and additions in Islamic teachings over time that it will give you a headache. Conversion by force is not supported by Quran. But I cannot deny that this is happening in Muslim majority nations, some Muslims are also supporting this.
I do not care. And neither do the rest of the non-Muslims.

You believe that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are US creations. But do you care about the details of how they came to be and why they are NOT what you believe them to be ? Of course you do not care.
So you admit that the majority of Muslims do not follow Islam correctly, as much as YOU, a relatively nobody, believes what is 'correct' and what is 'incorrect' ? Then do not complain if non-Muslims have certain unfavorable perceptions of Islam and Muslims. It is not our burden to distinguish out what is 'correct' and 'incorrect' under Islam. It is YOURS.

Problem with Islam is that not even its followers know what is right and wrong. This dilemma occurs when a civilization has lost all its substance, its leadership that is responsible for establishing what is right and what is wrong in its society. For ISIS terrorists, their version of Caliphate is perfect. For Iranian Shiites, their understanding of Islamic governance is perfect. For Pakistanis, their brand of Sunnism is the greatest. With such absurdity and no real agreement on what is right and wrong kind of Islam, how would a normal Muslim like me know what is 'true' Islam, yet alone an outsider like you?
I see from your point of view you are correct. But from my point of view I have to face the wrath of both Islamists and Islam haters. When I condemn a terrorist act, I'm a secret operative of Al-Qaida according to Islam bashers, according to Islamists I'm a western agent planted to destroy Islam from within.
The Islam haters are not going to behead you. The wrath from them is imaginary and a convenient excuse for you not to act.

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