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Muslim Philosopher Says Islam Has Given Birth To Monsters, Needs Reform

It doesn't matter if it's law bearing or not law bearing if they claim to be a messenger of Allah. If u think any one claims to be a prophet after Muhammad (pbuh) then I'm sorry I cannot call u Muslim.
Its not about what I think. I was just showing you what Qadianis think, not me. If they believe they are Muslims, a secular state believe it too, but not a rigid Islamic one. And that's the core of the problem with Islamic societies. They wanna IMPOSE their religious jurisdiction on those who believe otherwise. If modern Christian states were like this, hardly anyone could be considered a "true" Christian here, only heretics :D

Let here not be any bad blood between us. But they shouldn't be persecuted either.
Agreed. Please tell this to CM of Punjab!

In Jerusalem the Jews and Christians were hardly persecuted.
Its debatable. There were times they were not persecuted but also times when regular persecution of Christian pilgrims from Europe by Muslims led to centuries of Crusades:
Cause of the Crusades

There may have been some bad leaders but other than that it was pretty good. We aren't allowed to persecute the minorities in a Muslim society. We could not implement our law on them.
Yes, I know all that but WHO will implement this in reality and make sure no Muslim violates sanctuary of a non-Muslim? Look at Pakistan where non-Muslims are burned alive based on rumors and compare it with the treatment of non-Muslims in Canada.

And I don't recognize isis as Muslims with there fake Yankee jihad. What kind of jihad unjustly kills Muslims and minorities? Jihad was meant do defend yourself from an oppressor.
So how come Mujahideen did not end their jihad when oppression of Soviets was over in Afghanistan? Why did they continue and evolved into terrorist Al-Qaeda and so on?
Mujahideen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But if isis new this then they wouldn't be killing innocent yazdhis and blowing up mosques. The masjid was supposed to be a house of Allah has it changed?
Of course it has changed. Israel had to blow up many mosques in Gaza because it was used not for prayer but as a strategic outpost by Hamas terrorists.

It's the other way around, where ever the muslims live, the people with other faith can't get along very well with them :)
Invert antisemitism? Hahaha! Try the same strawman argument with a Jew and blame his faith why he is hated all over the world and then see what happens :D
Its not about what I think. I was just showing you what Qadianis think, not me. If they believe they are Muslims, a secular state believe it too, but not a rigid Islamic one. And that's the core of the problem with Islamic societies. They wanna IMPOSE their religious jurisdiction on those who believe otherwise. If modern Christian states were like this, hardly anyone could be considered a "true" Christian here, only heretics :D

Agreed. Please tell this to CM of Punjab!

Its debatable. There were times they were not persecuted but also times when regular persecution of Christian pilgrims from Europe by Muslims led to centuries of Crusades:
Cause of the Crusades

Yes, I know all that but WHO will implement this in reality and make sure no Muslim violates sanctuary of a non-Muslim? Look at Pakistan where non-Muslims are burned alive based on rumors and compare it with the treatment of non-Muslims in Canada.

So how come Mujahideen did not end their jihad when oppression of Soviets was over in Afghanistan? Why did they continue and evolved into terrorist Al-Qaeda and so on?
Mujahideen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course it has changed. Israel had to blow up many mosques in Gaza because it was used not for prayer but as a strategic outpost by Hamas terrorists.

If the Crusaders were there to liberate the Christians then how come on there way to Jerusalem they killed fellow Christians in Constantinople. Also IN Jerusalem they killed Christians.

This is the problem with May Pakistanis. They do this kind of stuff then make Islam look bad. What I have noticed is that it is only the poor areas that do this. If we want to stop this then we have got to make the poor people's standard of living higher so they can get an education and learn properly. But corrupt people in Pakistan won't let this happen. AKA- Nawaz Sharif and his nooni cronies.

That I don't know about the Taliban. If I had to guess its because Pakistan's ISI wants to control that region. I don't believe that they are the real mujaheddin though.

But Israel had an excuse. Isis just does it for no reason. They put on tape and glorify it.
. .
Reform Jews are just as murderous and racist as Orthodox Jews when it comes to killing non-Jews from the promised land because Gawd reserved that land for his Chosen People..
That's because unlike Muslims and Christians, Jews in Israel and elsewhere actually consider themselves a long-lost Hebrew-nation. Also Judaism is a culture as well with a certain set of values, language and norms:
Are Jews a Nation or a Religion? | Jewish Virtual Library

Yet, Jews are probably the most atheist people of all Abrahamic religions. They see Land of Israel as their land because they can trace their historical, cultural, religious and national roots from that region of Judea and Samaria, and not because they hate Palestinians. If even Chinese were living on that land and killing Jews for fun, they would have reacted the same way against them:
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On a shorter note, Christians in Israel get along very well with Jewish "evil" majority, unlike again Muslim Arabs :D
Christianity in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zionism has hijacked Judaism to instill a racist, supremacist ideology among many Jews, and they use military force to enforce their will.
No, sorry, that's not what majority of Jews believe in. Only ultra-orthodox Jews believe Israel should not exist until the appearance of Jewish Messiah. Yet they are still a minority among world Jewish population that supports Israel:
What percentage of Jews are Zionists? | True Torah Jews

Many Christians use American military might to help Israel because Jesus' return depends on Israel's existence as a Jewish State.
Oh, no really? Maybe Jewish Israel should also exist to hasten the appearance of Muslim Mahdi, no? :D Maybe Iran should nuke this illegal state for their twelver hidden imam to appear as well! :D

If you want other examples, learn about Kony in Africa, the conflict in Northern Ireland, Balkans, etc, etc.
Sub-saharan conflicts are miniscule compared with daily blood baths in Syria and Iraq. Also conflicts in Balkan, Ireland are over long time ago. Again, their average IQ is not at sub-saharan or middle eastern level!

The only difference between these religious bigots and Islamic ones is one of media power and public relations.
No, really? With all this Zionist media might, how come they are unable to filter Israeli war crimes which practically every news channel in the world has shown 24/7 during recent conflict with Hamas?

All of Israel's might is puny compared to American diplomatic, financial and military muscle.
Indeed. It was Americans who defeated 5 arab armies combined in 1948, 1967, 1973, 1982 and so on :D

The Israelis get the Americans to do their dirty work.
Yeah, true. Except Americans are on the Palestinian (Hamas terrorists) side :D

The fact remains that the problems in the Muslim world stem from lax law enforcement. When the law is absent, all kinds of criminals will fill the vacuum. Some of them will use religion (ISIS, Kony, etc.), others will use ethnicity or other means
There was very strict law enforcement in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria when all hell broke loose in those Muslim majority states! :D
Because its the teachings of Quran. I will say what's in the Quran. Neither I'm scared to talk against Islamism which is basically a from of political activism which has hijacked Islam for its own agendas.
There may be an agenda, but it is an agenda that benefit the Muslims at large. You are just not enlightened enough to see it.

From what I have seen so far, the most important thing for any Muslim is not a personal relationship with Allah through devotion and study of the faith, although Islam have plenty of rituals and rules designed for that goal, but that it is the enlargement of the population of Muslims. Simple as that. Yes, the Christians are commanded to 'spread the word' and in Christendom's history, the obedience to that commandment was taken to the extreme, including forced conversions of non-Christians. But that is the past for the Christians, and an abhorrent one as condemned by modern day's Christians. So what we are seeing now is that what is the past for the Christians is the present for the Muslims.

You need to enjoy the ride.

I will continue to speak out when all Muslims are called terrorists. When a Somali stabs someone in London, the headlines reads Muslim stabs man. When a White male stabs someone the headlines says man stabs man. You see the hypocrisy? So I will continue to say whatever I wish to say.
It is an inconsistency, not hypocrisy. A hypocrite is someone who advocate for others for reserve himself away from what he advocated.

But so what if it is an inconsistency ? So what if you do not like it ? Whatever harm to your religion's and community's image, it is NOTHING compare to when a person is forced to enter your community against his/her will. On one side, one Muslim forced someone to convert to Islam and while on the other side, another Muslim is yelling in my ear that Islam says 'no compulsion in religion'. I do not care for what you may scream in defense of your religion. I only care about the sobs of the victims of those forced conversions. And I see most of the Muslims do not care for the same thing as I do.

I have always spoken against persecution of any minorities in Muslim countries. Don't expect me to raise arms and kill the extremists ones because then there is no difference between me and them. I try my best to convince mislead youths to understand that what extremists are doing is damaging Islam. They are not holy warriors of Islam but rather a stain.
Yes, we do. We do not care about your personal perception of yourself. As far as we are concerned, it is selfish of you to refrain from doing all things necessary to prevent an act that you publicly condemned just because you might be offended by your actions. As far as we are concerned, in doing nothing to clean up your house, there is no difference between you and them. May be a little different in that they are braver than you in working to enlarge the community.

The extremists Muslims or terrorists or whatever you wish to call them are the biggest enemy of Muslims like me. You wouldn't know, You live safely in your countries and watch news on CNN where you form your opinion. Most of Pakistanis have have family members or friends who were victim to these extremists. Before taking a higher moral ground think about actually reading up on what you are going to do. CNN or Fox news does not count as reliable source. Cheers.
But you expect the non-Muslims victims to defend themselves ? And if they do it in ways you do not approve, you call them 'Islamophobes' and the like.

Just yesterday the local Muslim community raised money for Poppy appeal in remembrance of the fallen heroes of United Kingdom.
Give them a gold star.
Is it? Try here:
Reform Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Calvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now where is reform equivalent of Islam? The closest you come across reform Muslims are Qadianis. But hey, we don't even "consider" their beliefs Islamic even when they say that they still believe in prophet Muhammad (PBUH), one god Allah and all other major tenants of Islam except the finality of prophethood in Islam as their interpretation of it is different than other traditional Islamic sects:
Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khatam an-Nabiyyin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of such different interpretation of one single issue, our so-called ulemas kicked Qadianis out of Islamic Ummah by enacting Blasphemy Laws of 1974 and later Ordinance XX during Zia's regime. That clearly shows the level of ignorance and resistance to reform any traditional thoughts and views in Islamic society such as Pakistan. Rest of the Muslim countries are no better.

Funny. Just because he defeated you in rational arguments, you troll him to study 'Arabic' just to ensure he becomes somehow "positive" of Islamic bigotry?

What a stupid trollish post. You can also get very famous by writing a good book that refutes Western criticisms of Islamic dogma. But of course that needs hard work and an IQ above 100 which most Muslims do not have anymore due to centuries of inbreeding.

Yes, it also proves the true level of ignorance and bigotry in traditional Muslim societies.

Really? Show me one army, militia or other terror group that kills innocents in the name of their religion or proudly brands themselves as followers of Moses or Jesus while beheading their opponents?

So you think indigenous Israeli defense industries is junk like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey? :D
Defense industry of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this the reason why so many countries including US is buying these state-of-the-art defensive technologies from Israel instead of Muslim countries? :D

Let's say IK fails to deliver his promises in KPK, he might as well join hands with Islamists and start Jihad against Pakistani minorities? How many Pakistanis would actually buy this sort of crap? No one! Its not 1974, but 2014.

Where are these great people now in the Muslim world, thanks to Taqlid and loss of Ijtihad.

Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc actively practice their respective religions. Why are we Muslims so obsessed with this phony superiority complex that only "we" are the true followers of the "right" religion? We are only 1.6 billion in total. Hardly a majority. Chinese and Indians alone outnumber us in population. :D

What has this to do with the discussion on hand? Go visit some Zionist news sites such as Jpost and read the talkbacks of Jews who complain all the time why their conflict with Palestine gets so much international media coverage, while other conflicts in the same regions such as ISIS, Syria does not! If Jews control all the worlds media, as Muslims believe, why so much international coverage of Israeli war crimes in Gaza and West Bank? Self-contradictions? :D

Islam is the only world religion that projects itself as a totalitarian one. Read the ideology of that "great" Islamist Maulana Maududi who is admired by millions of Pakistanis alone. He was the one who coined the terms like 'Islamic State' and 'Islamic Revolution' which hopefully didn't materialize in his homeland due to lack of support but elsewhere in Iran, Iraq and Syria :D
Abul A'la Maududi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its not the question of numbers but of ideology itself. It doesn't matter how many Muslim terrorists joined ISIS or how many sympathizes with its leadership. Question remains that why is there such a barbaric, medieval ideology still surviving in this modern age of science and enlightenment? Unless it is dealt with once and for all, it WILL find its new homes elsewhere in the future. See the spread of Al-Qaeda to Africa (Boko Haram and Al-Shabab) once that was explicitly an Afghan jihadist organization. Muslims of the world didn't retaliate collectively against that Islamist terror organization, and now we have its branches all over the world despite the death of its founder :D

LOL. What a straw-man argument coming from you! Converts or home-grown terrorists, fact remains that it is a kind of Islamic ideology that is used to brainwash innocent people into behaving like mindless killers in the name of Allah!

What? Please elaborate.

No idea what you are talking about.

Islam is a complete failure, especially in the Middle East. Once that was called cradle of civilisations (Syria and Iraq) is today in ruins, despite the presence of vast amounts of natural resources like oil and gas. Instead of investing this large quantities of wealth and money on human development of their people, these Saudis, Qataris, Iraqis, Egyptians etc invested it to spread their radical brands of Islam all over the world, turning the minds of innocent Muslims into Zombies. It happened during and after Afghan Jihad, Iranian Revolution and continues to do so through this day. And then they blame Israel or US for being "responsible" of current sectarian mess that they themselves helped to create by their moronic policies.

Does it matter? Hassan Nisar, famous Pakistani senior analyst, visited Norway last year. He was so impressed with our way of life here and commented that only difference between heaven and Norway is that in heaven people never die, while here people die after reaching a certain natural age:

He also commented that churches here are desolate BECAUSE these people have made their life their religion. They do not lie, cheat, steal, defraud their own people. In other words, so-called "godless" people here follow more core values of religion in real-life than Muslims do in their corrupt, self-contradictory and hypocritic societies.

In Pakistan, mosques are jam-packed during sermons and prayers, yet in the same nation charity saints like Edhi gets robbed in broad daylight. We are collectively champions of corruption, illiteracy, bigotry and falsehoods. Our economics have failed as well as our social fabric of the society. No wonder why these godless Western nations reach the top of Islamicity Index while Muslim majority Malaysia came at 33rd place, still behind Jewish State of Israel :D
Islamicity Index: Malaysia leads other Islamic nations at 33 | Astro Awani

I have seen many practicing Christians here. They are a minority but they still exist; go to church every sunday, celebrate all Christian festivals with glory of the Christ. Yet, none of them are radical enough to kill anyone who voluntarily leaves their religion as is the case with apostasy in Muslim lands. Imagine the state of so-called Islamic nations if punishment for apostasy was banned. Imagine how many LESS practicing Muslims would be around if compulsion 'to remain in the cult or be killed' was removed?

Oh sure it does. Haven't you seen what these practicing Muslims are doing in Western countries? They are evading taxes, lying to authorities in order to receive maximum social benefits, sending money to their former homelands via illegal methods and so on. Muslims in Western countries are NOT living like angels if this is what you believe. They came here from a corrupt society and all they did was that they corrupted this comparatively corruption free society! No local norwegian ever heard the term tax-evader until a big Taxi-company was caught which hired mostly immigrants from Pakistan :D

LOL. You know it is considered very racist to say such things like bimbo to blondes. Average Nordic person has an IQ of 100 or above. Compare it to the broader Muslim world which never even reaches close to 90! Its all about IQ stupid!

Better to be alone and right than be wrong but get backing of majority of idiots. Most great thinkers that humanity has produced were hated by their societies during their lifetime, and only after they died or became old, that they were celebrated as heroes.

I have seen all sides of Islam, and believe me, its not very bright on either side. Sufism had once a real potential to become salvation of Islam, but our greatest Sufi saints died long time ago and none of their followers took their place as true saints as they became corrupt by time and age.

LOL. At times you sound really ridiculous! Yes, Islam came as a salvation to humanity's social, economic, spiritual problems. And it DID bring that salvation for a time being, especially during and 30 years after Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) death. But from there on, Islam has only brought death and destruction, not only to its followers, but also to the followers of other faiths.
Eternal sectarian strife between Shiites and Sunnis is to this day spilling the blood of innocent Muslims all over the world. If we could not collectively figure and sort out our differences for the past 1400 years peacefully, what makes you think we just might this time or ever in the future? Islam war meant to be a universal religion, yet every new convert has to CHOOSE between unlimited number of sects and divisions in Islam. You cannot "just" be a Muslim. You must be Sunni, Shiite, Deobandi, Barelvi and so on... What a farce! :D

Go whine some place else. I was born and raised as a Muslim. I know pretty much about Islam, Muslim society and the West than you can even imagine!
You don't have knowledge of Islam your ignorance about Islam is crystal clear Islam is complete those dumbos talking about reforms basically think they know better than GOD and this only shows how big ignorant idiots they are and we give a dam about these kind of Abu Juhals @Akheilos Stop wasting time with this man who thinks he knows better than GOD
You don't have knowledge of Islam your ignorance about Islam is crystal clear Islam is complete those dumbos talking about reforms basically think they know better than GOD and this only shows how big ignorant idiots they are and we give a dam about these kind of Abu Juhals @Akheilos Stop wasting time with this man who thinks he knows better than GOD

You are the ignorant one here. Check out the early history of Islam from Mu'tazili, Ash'ari, Qadariyah perspective to get some depth in your discussion. Islam which you consider as-is never was as-is 1000 years ago.
You are the ignorant one here. Check out the early history of Islam from Mu'tazili, Ash'ari, Qadariyah perspective to get some depth in your discussion. Islam which you consider as-is never was as-is 1000 years ago.
Yes I know of these deviant groups who were countered by Ulemas and defeated biggest retards were these groups and they were thrown out by real scholars of Islam and defeated and humiliated its you who are showing your level of ignorance and proving yourself as loyal student of Abu Juhal

Thank you for your post---it is a shame that when the muslims look at the mirror----they see nothing----a nobody.

What they have lost is their CHARACTER---. When character is lost---all is lost---.
That's because unlike Muslims and Christians, Jews in Israel and elsewhere actually consider themselves a long-lost Hebrew-nation. Also Judaism is a culture as well with a certain set of values, language and norms:
Are Jews a Nation or a Religion? | Jewish Virtual Library

It is irrelevant what the Jews consider themselves. Just because I may consider myself the King of England doesn't mean I get to rule England. The issue was whether religion has been hijacked to assert supremacy over others and to use force.

Zionist Jews are the prime example of that.

Yet, Jews are probably the most atheist people of all Abrahamic religions. They see Land of Israel as their land because they can trace their historical, cultural, religious and national roots from that region of Judea and Samaria, and not because they hate Palestinians. If even Chinese were living on that land and killing Jews for fun, they would have reacted the same way against them:
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another load of twaddle. You clearly have no understanding of either atheism or history of that land.

Your ignorance on this subject is on such a monumental level that it is an embarrassment even to read your posts. Just cutting and pasting wikipedia links shows your intellectual laziness.

I suggest you educate yourself on atheism and how it relates to Judaism.
Once you have wrapped your mind around that apparent conundrum, you can start learning about the various conquests in ancient Israel, and why the Hebrew rule was one of many, nothing special.

As for "historical links", try taking that twaddle to court and see how quickly you get thrown out while the judge laughs at you.

On a shorter note, Christians in Israel get along very well with Jewish "evil" majority, unlike again Muslim Arabs :D
Christianity in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really need to get out more often and learn about the world from various sources instead of soaking up wikipedia. Learn about the Christian Arabs thrown our of their homes because they are not Jewish. Not being allowed to go back because they are not Jewish. Having to sell their own houses by court order to make room for Jewish homes in Jerusalem.

No, sorry, that's not what majority of Jews believe in. Only ultra-orthodox Jews believe Israel should not exist until the appearance of Jewish Messiah. Yet they are still a minority among world Jewish population that supports Israel:
What percentage of Jews are Zionists? | True Torah Jews

Another fantasy.

As much as I admire True Torah Jews for resisting the fanatical Zionism of Israel, they are a minuscule minority among Jews. Zionist propaganda permeates most mainstream temples, both Reform and Orthodox.

Again, I suggest you learn about the real world from real Jews, instead of soaking up nonsense on the internet.

Oh, no really? Maybe Jewish Israel should also exist to hasten the appearance of Muslim Mahdi, no? :D Maybe Iran should nuke this illegal state for their twelver hidden imam to appear as well! :D

I have no idea what this non-sequitur fabrication from your confused mind is supposed to mean Perhaps a little less nitrous oxide, and a little more sobering rest might improve the coherence of your sentences.

Sub-saharan conflicts are miniscule compared with daily blood baths in Syria and Iraq. Also conflicts in Balkan, Ireland are over long time ago. Again, their average IQ is not at sub-saharan or middle eastern level!

What is your obsession with attacking entire groups of people and their IQ?
First it was Muslims, now it's Middle Easterners and Africans.

I am not going to waste any more time educating you on the past and current events around the world since it is clear you are incapable of taking the initiative beyond whatever is spoon-fed to you in wikipedia.

No, really? With all this Zionist media might, how come they are unable to filter Israeli war crimes which practically every news channel in the world has shown 24/7 during recent conflict with Hamas?

The reality of Israel, within and without, is far, far worse than what is reported in the mainstream media. I know because I have personally known and lived with several IDF soldiers.

Once again, you need to top being intellectually lazy and take responsibility for your own education.

Indeed. It was Americans who defeated 5 arab armies combined in 1948, 1967, 1973, 1982 and so on :D

If you think global politics is won on the battlefield, you are too naive.

I already mentioned diplomatic, financial and other aspects, although I doubt you have the capacity to understand these concepts.

Yeah, true. Except Americans are on the Palestinian (Hamas terrorists) side :D

This statement is beyond idiotic.

If you get cornered in your ignorance, just run along, as the other Islamophobes here do. Don't dig a deeper hole for yourself and put a lame emoticon to highlight your own embarrassment.

There was very strict law enforcement in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria when all hell broke loose in those Muslim majority states! :D

Extremist Muslims factions only came to power once law and order was destroyed in those countries.
Last edited:
Is it? Try here:
Reform Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Calvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now where is reform equivalent of Islam? The closest you come across reform Muslims are Qadianis. But hey, we don't even "consider" their beliefs Islamic even when they say that they still believe in prophet Muhammad (PBUH), one god Allah and all other major tenants of Islam except the finality of prophethood in Islam as their interpretation of it is different than other traditional Islamic sects:
Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khatam an-Nabiyyin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of such different interpretation of one single issue, our so-called ulemas kicked Qadianis out of Islamic Ummah by enacting Blasphemy Laws of 1974 and later Ordinance XX during Zia's regime. That clearly shows the level of ignorance and resistance to reform any traditional thoughts and views in Islamic society such as Pakistan. Rest of the Muslim countries are no better.

Funny. Just because he defeated you in rational arguments, you troll him to study 'Arabic' just to ensure he becomes somehow "positive" of Islamic bigotry?

What a stupid trollish post. You can also get very famous by writing a good book that refutes Western criticisms of Islamic dogma. But of course that needs hard work and an IQ above 100 which most Muslims do not have anymore due to centuries of inbreeding.

Yes, it also proves the true level of ignorance and bigotry in traditional Muslim societies.

Really? Show me one army, militia or other terror group that kills innocents in the name of their religion or proudly brands themselves as followers of Moses or Jesus while beheading their opponents?

So you think indigenous Israeli defense industries is junk like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey? :D
Defense industry of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this the reason why so many countries including US is buying these state-of-the-art defensive technologies from Israel instead of Muslim countries? :D

Let's say IK fails to deliver his promises in KPK, he might as well join hands with Islamists and start Jihad against Pakistani minorities? How many Pakistanis would actually buy this sort of crap? No one! Its not 1974, but 2014.

Where are these great people now in the Muslim world, thanks to Taqlid and loss of Ijtihad.

Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc actively practice their respective religions. Why are we Muslims so obsessed with this phony superiority complex that only "we" are the true followers of the "right" religion? We are only 1.6 billion in total. Hardly a majority. Chinese and Indians alone outnumber us in population. :D

What has this to do with the discussion on hand? Go visit some Zionist news sites such as Jpost and read the talkbacks of Jews who complain all the time why their conflict with Palestine gets so much international media coverage, while other conflicts in the same regions such as ISIS, Syria does not! If Jews control all the worlds media, as Muslims believe, why so much international coverage of Israeli war crimes in Gaza and West Bank? Self-contradictions? :D

Islam is the only world religion that projects itself as a totalitarian one. Read the ideology of that "great" Islamist Maulana Maududi who is admired by millions of Pakistanis alone. He was the one who coined the terms like 'Islamic State' and 'Islamic Revolution' which hopefully didn't materialize in his homeland due to lack of support but elsewhere in Iran, Iraq and Syria :D
Abul A'la Maududi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its not the question of numbers but of ideology itself. It doesn't matter how many Muslim terrorists joined ISIS or how many sympathizes with its leadership. Question remains that why is there such a barbaric, medieval ideology still surviving in this modern age of science and enlightenment? Unless it is dealt with once and for all, it WILL find its new homes elsewhere in the future. See the spread of Al-Qaeda to Africa (Boko Haram and Al-Shabab) once that was explicitly an Afghan jihadist organization. Muslims of the world didn't retaliate collectively against that Islamist terror organization, and now we have its branches all over the world despite the death of its founder :D

LOL. What a straw-man argument coming from you! Converts or home-grown terrorists, fact remains that it is a kind of Islamic ideology that is used to brainwash innocent people into behaving like mindless killers in the name of Allah!

What? Please elaborate.

No idea what you are talking about.

Islam is a complete failure, especially in the Middle East. Once that was called cradle of civilisations (Syria and Iraq) is today in ruins, despite the presence of vast amounts of natural resources like oil and gas. Instead of investing this large quantities of wealth and money on human development of their people, these Saudis, Qataris, Iraqis, Egyptians etc invested it to spread their radical brands of Islam all over the world, turning the minds of innocent Muslims into Zombies. It happened during and after Afghan Jihad, Iranian Revolution and continues to do so through this day. And then they blame Israel or US for being "responsible" of current sectarian mess that they themselves helped to create by their moronic policies.

Does it matter? Hassan Nisar, famous Pakistani senior analyst, visited Norway last year. He was so impressed with our way of life here and commented that only difference between heaven and Norway is that in heaven people never die, while here people die after reaching a certain natural age:

He also commented that churches here are desolate BECAUSE these people have made their life their religion. They do not lie, cheat, steal, defraud their own people. In other words, so-called "godless" people here follow more core values of religion in real-life than Muslims do in their corrupt, self-contradictory and hypocritic societies.

In Pakistan, mosques are jam-packed during sermons and prayers, yet in the same nation charity saints like Edhi gets robbed in broad daylight. We are collectively champions of corruption, illiteracy, bigotry and falsehoods. Our economics have failed as well as our social fabric of the society. No wonder why these godless Western nations reach the top of Islamicity Index while Muslim majority Malaysia came at 33rd place, still behind Jewish State of Israel :D
Islamicity Index: Malaysia leads other Islamic nations at 33 | Astro Awani

I have seen many practicing Christians here. They are a minority but they still exist; go to church every sunday, celebrate all Christian festivals with glory of the Christ. Yet, none of them are radical enough to kill anyone who voluntarily leaves their religion as is the case with apostasy in Muslim lands. Imagine the state of so-called Islamic nations if punishment for apostasy was banned. Imagine how many LESS practicing Muslims would be around if compulsion 'to remain in the cult or be killed' was removed?

Oh sure it does. Haven't you seen what these practicing Muslims are doing in Western countries? They are evading taxes, lying to authorities in order to receive maximum social benefits, sending money to their former homelands via illegal methods and so on. Muslims in Western countries are NOT living like angels if this is what you believe. They came here from a corrupt society and all they did was that they corrupted this comparatively corruption free society! No local norwegian ever heard the term tax-evader until a big Taxi-company was caught which hired mostly immigrants from Pakistan :D

LOL. You know it is considered very racist to say such things like bimbo to blondes. Average Nordic person has an IQ of 100 or above. Compare it to the broader Muslim world which never even reaches close to 90! Its all about IQ stupid!

Better to be alone and right than be wrong but get backing of majority of idiots. Most great thinkers that humanity has produced were hated by their societies during their lifetime, and only after they died or became old, that they were celebrated as heroes.

I have seen all sides of Islam, and believe me, its not very bright on either side. Sufism had once a real potential to become salvation of Islam, but our greatest Sufi saints died long time ago and none of their followers took their place as true saints as they became corrupt by time and age.

LOL. At times you sound really ridiculous! Yes, Islam came as a salvation to humanity's social, economic, spiritual problems. And it DID bring that salvation for a time being, especially during and 30 years after Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) death. But from there on, Islam has only brought death and destruction, not only to its followers, but also to the followers of other faiths.
Eternal sectarian strife between Shiites and Sunnis is to this day spilling the blood of innocent Muslims all over the world. If we could not collectively figure and sort out our differences for the past 1400 years peacefully, what makes you think we just might this time or ever in the future? Islam war meant to be a universal religion, yet every new convert has to CHOOSE between unlimited number of sects and divisions in Islam. You cannot "just" be a Muslim. You must be Sunni, Shiite, Deobandi, Barelvi and so on... What a farce! :D

Go whine some place else. I was born and raised as a Muslim. I know pretty much about Islam, Muslim society and the West than you can even imagine!

no wonder why you are trying so hard to get in sight of peoples here , by replying to many peoples one at time ..
and IQ has nothing to do religion but even to understand this you need 0.1 % IQ level which you lack ...
There may be an agenda, but it is an agenda that benefit the Muslims at large. You are just not enlightened enough to see it.

The agendas of Islamists is not benefits for the rest of Muslims but for themselves. But who I'm I kidding you think every Muslim is a secret operative of Muslim Brotherhood.
From what I have seen so far, the most important thing for any Muslim is not a personal relationship with Allah through devotion and study of the faith, although Islam have plenty of rituals and rules designed for that goal, but that it is the enlargement of the population of Muslims.

The actual purpose of life according to Quran is to recognise Allah and worship Him. If you truly love Allah then you cannot hate his creations no matter what. Now do Muslims follow these teachings? I would say no majority do not. There is too much emphasis on the appearance and outer practises.

So you think Muslims have a conspiracy to breed fast to take over the world? You must be really young to think that 1.2 Billion people on earth think the same. I can't blame you. Your media is to blame for this.
It is an inconsistency, not hypocrisy. A hypocrite is someone who advocate for others for reserve himself away from what he advocated.
But so what if it is an inconsistency ? So what if you do not like it ? Whatever harm to your religion's and community's image, it is NOTHING compare to when a person is forced to enter your community against his/her will. On one side, one Muslim forced someone to convert to Islam and while on the other side, another Muslim is yelling in my ear that Islam says 'no compulsion in religion'. I do not care for what you may scream in defense of your religion. I only care about the sobs of the victims of those forced conversions. And I see most of the Muslims do not care for the same thing as I do.

Again. You want all of Muslims to pay for the crimes of terrorists and extremists? I understand your mentality very well. Trying to remind you again and again that not all Muslims think the same, neither are they united, nor do they have a single leadership which is telling them to do the above crimes you mentioned.

Conversion by force is against the teachings of Islam. I will continue to defend my faith and tell the truth about Islam. Yes force conversion has happened and is appertaining in Muslim nations. But it is due to corruption of clergy to gain more power. Religion is an ideology, a very powerful force. In the wrong hands it is used for evil ways. In good hands it can be force of good.
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