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'Muslim nations firm in halting Israel'

Israel gives Arab countries in neighborhood an issue to distract populace from local problem. Does anyone actually believe KSA, Jordan, ... care about Palestinians? Palestinians are not going anywhere. No one will take them.

Funny that first as usual you are off topic and secondly 100 years ago people probably thought that about the jews
The military and the financial strength is pretty much well known, and its western lobby makes it one of the strongest nation in the world. But I find the question of Israel like a ticking time bomb. The reasons behind Israel's creation is now almost irrelevant at this stage. The entire middle east cannot accept Israel's existence and most countries regardless of religion, sees it as an aggressor than anything else. THe country has existed around 60 years, but how will it survive the next 60 years? Will it continue to live as a state despite of all the hatred in the middle east? Or will it be soon accepted by its neighbours and everyone will benefit mutually? Or should it take the harder route by occupying most of middle east to a point where its not under a threat anymore?
Israel gives Arab countries in neighborhood an issue to distract populace from local problem. Does anyone actually believe KSA, Jordan, ... care about Palestinians? Palestinians are not going anywhere. No one will take them.

If Israel did not exist another pariah would have been created.

An interesting project for a budding political sience student out there, plot the relationship between unrest in Iran and the number of anti Israel statments made by its politicians. After all complaining yet again about the Jews stops people googling Iran/snipers/Syria ;)
Your leaders(Muslim Leaders) are in US pay roll does that not mean that any one who comes to be a leader is vulnarable to get corrupt. Its your problem to have these people in the lead. Let me say it loud and clear, if you yourself become the leader, you'll be easily pulled by the US to their payroll.

ill take the US payroll and give it to the poor LOL
That's sucidal for whole Muslim nations...
Israel+US+,NAtO will be on prowl to send back muslim nations back 100years just like iraq,Afghanistan....
And India would not miss that oppurtunity......

So Lets hope Muslim world will once join together n attack Israel...and then there will be end to terrorism problem in the world;)

cant believe the mods haven't banned u yet, you cant think like that
All that means is that a Pakistani can not go to Israel.. No loss for anyone ;)

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

If your aunt had a mustache, she would be your uncle ;)

having a mustache doesn't change your gender, maybe in india :D
Even the processor your PC is using is invented in USA.. common you can't remove entire nation from face of earth .. but by your thinking and trying to implement that you will remove your self from face of earth one sure

In specially in Intel the most of the top hardware and chip-set engineer is from Israel, indirectly they loving it. :azn:
Muslims need to unite...the rest of the world is united...only Muslims are scattered..

European union... NATO...are united on the basis of being from one continent and one general culture..

muslims could formulate a union on similar grounds if not purely on religion..
fortunately all muslim countries are clustered near each other.
Muslims need to unite.....

Could you tell this to Syrians? They will come kiss your feet for this wonderful statement.

They are being "united" with death and destruction all thanks their Allawi "brother" Muslim government and troops.

p.s. Repeating a village Maulvi and making statements like Muslims needs this or that, is foolish at best.
Muslims need to unite...the rest of the world is united...only Muslims are scattered..

European union... NATO...are united on the basis of being from one continent and one general culture..

muslims could formulate a union on similar grounds if not purely on religion..
fortunately all muslim countries are clustered near each other.

rofl europe is united :hitwall: you do really live in the UK dont you? Germans bitching about the Itallians greeks and spanish english bitching about every one french stealing every thing thats not nailed down i must have visited a different europe from yours
A nation so small as to be inconsequential on a world map brings the muslim world so much grief. Instead of "halting Israel", why not ask all those massive muslim nations around the Jewish State to provide Palestinians with some land...in actuality, they could provide more space than Palestinians would have had without the creation of Israel.
Why doesnt Iran, such a massive nation, make some space for Palestinians, why doesnt Jordan, that has a massive population of Palestinian refugees that live in squalor do something about their well being. None of the middle eastern nations care about the Palestinians, it is merely a ploy to deflect attention from their own disastrous regimes and to protect strategic interests. I find it sad when the very real cause of Palestinians is hijacked by political causes. The muslim nations, not Israel, arent doing enough for the Palestinians.

But then what about us & Afghanistan (DuranD lINE)
Could you tell this to Syrians? They will come kiss your feet for this wonderful statement.

They are being "united" with death and destruction all thanks their Allawi "brother" Muslim government and troops.

p.s. Repeating a village Maulvi and making statements like Muslims needs this or that, is foolish at best.

we cant even agree on one simple thing that we "do need to unite" mainly because complex minded people like yourself come up with the most negative statement possible...
ever hear of the phrase "Positive thinking" being an optimist" and such?
Innocent people have a knack for shooting rockets at crowded markets....

are you kidding? those 2 year old kids who cant even walk yet are shooting rockets.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

I never knew Hamas are innocents.

Does you passport have list of countries or it says that you can't travel to Israel on this passport, if later is the case then it is proved that ISrael is a country.

there is no country called isreil, they just stole Palestinian land.
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