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Muslim men chopped Bodies burnt in CAR(Africa)


Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates
Two Muslim men have been lynched in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, in the latest attack amid worsening sectarian divide and bloody anarchy.

A Christian mob, which suspected that the two men were involved in another case of sectarian violence, set upon the men and killed them on Sunday morning. Their dead bodies were dragged through the streets and burnt in a public square.

More than 1,000 people have been killed since violence escalated a month ago, and nearly 1 million people have fled their homes since a rebel leader backed by Muslim rebels seized power last year..
Bodies burnt in CAR lynching - Yahoo News UK

And than they point fingers at the Muslims.......:coffee:
why is this Africa is like this?Sudan is at top of large oil reserves look at their condition.some CAR has large gold reserves
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why is this Africa is like this?Sudan is at top of large oil reserves look at their condition.some CAR has large god reserves
I was thinkind the same thing,Africa has lot of natural resources....
I was thinkind the same thing,Africa has lot of natural resources....

Yes .But there is some answer in internet ,I searched.Most of article about chaos in Africa clearly pointed that is this same natural resources is the main reason for their miserable condition.West companies always have an eye in this resources.They create disturbances and loot all that resources.But unfortunately Africans cant understand it
Yes .But there is some answer in internet ,I searched.Most of article about chaos in Africa clearly pointed that is this same natural resources is the main reason for their miserable condition.West companies always have an eye in this resources.They create disturbances and loot all that resources.But unfortunately Africans cant understand it
Majority in Africa are Muslims of Christians?
Why am i getting the feeling that the title is kinda misleading? :undecided:
Majority in Africa are Muslims of Christians?

I dont know much about their religions.But they care about tribes more than the religions.Sudan present president is particular tribe and rebel vice president is another tribe.So you can assume it is tribal war is going on in South Sudan.But US and Israel support creation of South Sudan.I think you know the reason of their interest.
Democracy my friend democracy.

What type of democracy is that?we follow democracy ,west follow democracy,pakistan follow democracy .now Arab states start to implement democracy .But Africa is different except SA
What type of democracy is that?we follow democracy ,west follow democracy,pakistan follow democracy .now Arab states start to implement democracy .But Africa is different except SA

This type of democracy go wherever oil & precious mineral are found. Find some mega reserves in India than to know that your democracy needs some improvements or not.
What type of democracy is that?we follow democracy ,west follow democracy,pakistan follow democracy .now Arab states start to implement democracy .But Africa is different except SA

That is some old version of Democrazy. They need to update their Democrazy software.

What has democracy to do with it?

Everything When you have huge reserves of Oil,Gas,Gold and Diamonds Democrazy comes to u breaking all doors.
This type of democracy go wherever oil & precious mineral are found. Find some mega reserves in India than to know that your democracy needs some improvements or not.

You are wrong.There is mega reserves in India. coal,iron.uranium,Thorium etc.Oil also in Rajasthan ,Mumbai and Assam
Shale gas resources in entire western seaboard. Dont blind your eyes with anti -India cataract.Accept reality about India.

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