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Muslim joining the US military



New Recruit

Jun 30, 2008
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Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is that since pakistan is fighting the same enemy i dont know what to do. should i join or should i not. is it haram? do u think ill be like a kafir? i want a military occupation but to be honest i dont think i can make it in pakistan's military becuase i heard its academic test are VERY hard. now comming from an american muslim kid we dont rlly study too much lol (partiesss). I been hearing from muslims and my parents saying that they wont treat me fairly and such. but of course my recurters wont say that. but some muslims say it and some say it ok and they treat u well.

im rllly stuck here bros plz give me sum advice thanx salam1
Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is that since pakistan is fighting the same enemy i dont know what to do. should i join or should i not. is it haram? do u think ill be like a kafir? i want a military occupation but to be honest i dont think i can make it in pakistan's military becuase i heard its academic test are VERY hard. now comming from an american muslim kid we dont rlly study too much lol (partiesss). I been hearing from muslims and my parents saying that they wont treat me fairly and such. but of course my recurters wont say that. but some muslims say it and some say it ok and they treat u well.

im rllly stuck here bros plz give me sum advice thanx salam1

Go for it dear, all you want to do is to earn an honest living and perhaps you can do much more for Muslims in a position of power than sitting in your drawing room.:cheers:
Go ahead. You are fighting for your country there is nothing more admirable than that. All these people who are saying that you are a traitor are wrong, they are the type who sit and talk but never take any actions.
Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is that since pakistan is fighting the same enemy i dont know what to do. should i join or should i not. is it haram? do u think ill be like a kafir? i want a military occupation but to be honest i dont think i can make it in pakistan's military becuase i heard its academic test are VERY hard. now comming from an american muslim kid we dont rlly study too much lol (partiesss). I been hearing from muslims and my parents saying that they wont treat me fairly and such. but of course my recurters wont say that. but some muslims say it and some say it ok and they treat u well.

im rllly stuck here bros plz give me sum advice thanx salam1

If a muslim broke into your house and he had a gun and he was about to kill your family, would you not kill that muslim? Of course you would.

It's the same in the military. You are not killing innocent people, you are killing people who want to kill you and your family.
Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is that since pakistan is fighting the same enemy i dont know what to do. should i join or should i not. is it haram? do u think ill be like a kafir? i want a military occupation but to be honest i dont think i can make it in pakistan's military becuase i heard its academic test are VERY hard. now comming from an american muslim kid we dont rlly study too much lol (partiesss). I been hearing from muslims and my parents saying that they wont treat me fairly and such. but of course my recurters wont say that. but some muslims say it and some say it ok and they treat u well.

im rllly stuck here bros plz give me sum advice thanx salam1

I'm not a military professional or a very religious person, but I can assure you that if you join our military you will be accompanied by 10,000 to 20,000 Muslims. Surely, they do not have many complaints.

Recently, there was an attack by a Muslim Major in Fort Hood. He killed 13 people and since then the military community has been pretty paranoid. But we Americans are either smart and open minded or just plain stupid, there will always be someone there to stand up for you so do not worry about that.

Your real problem may be answering other Muslims who call you a 'traitor.'

Stand up to them and be strong. Tell them that they need to get out of conspiracy-theory-land and get back into the real world.

"You will be killing Muslims"
Tell them about the suicide bomber who just killed 48 innocent people the other day. Was he Muslim?

"Will I become Kaffir?"
No, because you will be fighting kaffirs if you go to Afghanistan.
I wouldn't place my money on Iraq though.

These guys are American heroes and at the same time, Muslim:


And this guy is what we would consider the REAL traitor:

Good luck. Anymore questions, feel free to ask.
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Well your point of view is understandable but the reality is this

a) You won't get any respect in US military

Look at the story of the Military Major who snapped after neglect and abuse in US army - the guy was psychiatrist but he had mental break down ppl called him traitor no one tried to help the guy... or what abuse he took...while other ppl who blow up IRS buildings are called angry citizens ... specially women and children

b) The moment you will speak against the army established hierarchy you will be dismissed non honorable discharge who will give you job with that reference??

c) If you will be asked to bomb area you know civilians Muslims will be praying just becasue you have intelligence would you go ahead and kill muslims ?

I use to think that US forces have some , credibility but in past 10 years that credibility has been shattered to dust ....

The moment you will enter the army you will be surrounded by religious soliders most of them will not be muslim - when you will be in battle field you will get to hear - jabs and comments from drop outs who will call you part of the enemy ... even though you are in US forces ...

Your own company will challenge your loyalty in field after any confrontation , if you will be on duty and tour, if you encounter fire , and some ppl will die ppl will snap and start harassing you to vent out their anger ... you will hear crap like "whose side are you on"

You can forget about being promoted ... you will always be overlooked in favour of other soliders who might be less qualified.

d) When you will have a case when you will spot any illegal activites in US forces you will be at once , court marshalled you should do some research on various muslim chaplins who were let go when they complained of wrong doings

And false lies will show up on newspapers , that you had a bad character and you are a serial lier (a strategy to discredit you)

e) You will only be used a marketing tool nothing more ....to please concerned muslim
just to show up smiling at muslim gathering etc as a pupet ...

My view changed about the system after I saw the story of that major who snapped in US and also there is alot of discrimination going on against Muslims in all forms on borders...

I am stating on what I read in newspaper

But if you can handle all above - and survive go ahead - mostly even if you join you won't be allow any access to anything worth joining you will be stuck sweeping the floor in baracks

I would however suggest you go in to US gov and become a politician , being a solider you will only be a pawn

At least you will be able to help american public who are suffering due to war mongering Bush and Neo con Republicans - , I think muslims can play important role in US gov to help people stand up again

US soliders and army and military has to do alot to rebuild their lost honor sorry .. but firing missiles at civilian credits no honor
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I can encourage you to Join the US Army Even I have been thinking about joining RAAF.

But Take care of one thing which Nadal also faced and he is being portrayed as a traitor but his story must be learnt.

Look if you ever become a Part of an invasion to another Islamic country that would be the toughest decision of your Life.

For instance you just think about Recent Iraqi Invasion or Afghan Invasion they both are Unjust and Brutal .

In the end of the day you make your own decision but i do encourage you to join them tough.

Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is that since pakistan is fighting the same enemy i dont know what to do. should i join or should i not. is it haram? do u think ill be like a kafir? i want a military occupation but to be honest i dont think i can make it in pakistan's military becuase i heard its academic test are VERY hard. now comming from an american muslim kid we dont rlly study too much lol (partiesss). I been hearing from muslims and my parents saying that they wont treat me fairly and such. but of course my recurters wont say that. but some muslims say it and some say it ok and they treat u well.

im rllly stuck here bros plz give me sum advice thanx salam1

You would only be killing those that deserved to be killed as they should not be considered muslims.

As long as you are muscular, strong, not weak-minded and are able to stand up for yourself this should not be a problem.

My cousin was in the infantry with the USMC and was honorably discharged with the rank of Corporal. Being an enlisted service member is not an ideal way to join the military. From what he and other Marines has told me you will face harsh living conditions and the training for USMC although achievable is one of the hardest in the world. If you are to join you should plan to go to boot camp during the winter time as the summer boot camps you will have to face extreme heat and will be more suspectible to illness as the conditions at Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton are not for the faint.

How old are you?

If you are in your teens or early 20's as I mentioned previously enlisting in the USMC is not the way to go. You should finish college first - attain a four year degree and then serve as an officer. You will go through OCS (Officer Candiate School) and you will then go into your field of specialization training whether it be training artilary, infantry or whatever you decide. This is the best way to serve in the military. You will graduate OCS with the rank of Second-Lieutenant and you will have rank over all the enlisted members. And you the potentional to go up the ranks to Captain and higher.

I strongly suggest you follow my advice and not join as an enlisted member but go through OCS and become an officer. If war erupts and you are deployed you will be on the front lines and you have a great chance of being killed or maimed You will be doing all the dirty work. Plus enlisted members of the USMC and other parts of the military are mostly uneducated and can be ignorant and tough to deal with. This is a very serious decision to make considering the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Depending on your skin-color and how you look or if the locals find out your are Muslim, you will be specifically targeted more than any other service member and have a significant chance of not returning home alive or in once piece.

Additonally, another thing to consider is that Marines always go into battle/war before the Army and are always the ones that undertake heavy combat assignments whether enlisted or not you will always be in dangerous situations.


I hope they execute him. :angry: :sniper:

This gentleman deserved some , help by doctors and psychiatrist
Can't blame a guy who was being abused by his superiors for being muslims -

Anyone can snap and he was a solider under stress , if soliders in Iraq can kill citizens and burn the bodies I am sure this solider deserved some care and help in hospital more then the ones that did the crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan there are thousand and thousand of US soliders walking free in US , who killed ppl , went thru courts and got 20-40 hour community service and they were off with discharge from army ...

Its wrong to judge the major , just becasue he snapped under extreme stress for long times - he had a very stressful job

Rules have to be same - if Non Us Solider kills civilians he has to get convicted , if this Muslim is convicted - otherwise its a double standard and muslims should avoid the US army
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This gentleman deserved some , help by doctors and psychiatrist
Can't blame a guy who was being abused by his superiors for being muslims -

Anyone can snap and he was a solider under stress , if soliders in Iraq can kill citizens and burn the bodies I am sure this solider deserved some care and help in hospital more then the ones that did the crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan

Its wrong to judge the major , just becasue he snapped under extreme stress for long times - he had a very stressful job

He premediated these killings as he spoke to a radical Imam in Yemen and planned this out for a long time.

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