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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

That IS an aspect that needs mention. Muslim Indian women who have completed their education and gone into the job market are on par with any other community's womenfolk in their social values and progressive outlook. I'm glad this has found mention. Personally I was too depressed to think of these ameliorative aspects, but they exist.
That's not the point she was making lol...

You do realise she was mocking Indian women who choose to follow their religion?

She was indirectly only accepting the "progressive and independent" women as a positive part of Indian society, whereas those that don't fit that definition for her, were attention seeking and what not, i.e. the Hijabis.
I am certain India is still a rural nation, I thought it was still around 36% or thereabouts, even whilst using the usual threshold to classify urban settlements. Which in the case of India I think is 5000, for some countries it is even lower. So any settlement above 5000 is Urban, whereas in actuality it is still a village.
Where did you get the 60% figure from?
Current census demographics. I keep looking up Census figures; the last occasion was when someone was trying to tell us why Aligarh district was Muslim majority - you may give your imagination a free rein to think of what he thought had happened, and what he thought was the case.

As it happens, there was dead silence after I reproduced the district census figures that showed (I do not remember, this is from memory) that Muslims formed 17% of the population.
That's not the point she was making lol...

You do realise she was mocking Indian women who choose to follow their religion?
I did not read it that way at all. If you mean that by exclusion, those Indian women who were not what she described are the validated ones, and she was mocking them, that is both unkind, and not a view that I would take. Following one's religion does not require as an article of faith that she should be regressive; it is possible to do both, be progressive and follow her religion.

PS: to add to it, I do not agree that all hijabi girls or women are attention-seeking regressives. It is possible that a small fraction may be.
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I am certain India is still a rural nation, I thought it was still around 36% or thereabouts, even whilst using the usual threshold to classify urban settlements. Which in the case of India I think is 5000, for some countries it is even lower. So any settlement above 5000 is Urban, whereas in actuality it is still a village.
Where did you get the 60% figure from?
Just to clarify, 60% rural.
Current census demographics. I keep looking up Census figures; the last occasion was when someone was trying to tell us why Aligarh district was Muslim majority - you may give your imagination a free rein to think of what he thought had happened, and what he thought was the case.

As it happens, there was dead silence after I reproduced the district census figures that showed (I do not remember, this is from memory) that Muslims formed 17% of the population.

Current, as in the most recent census, I wasn't aware the results had been published, or the 2011 published census.
Still, I am rather shocked because the percentages couldn't possibly have gone up that fast, might have to check because this really is fascinating.

Just because a place has a certain name people tend to develop fantasies, and allow hearsay to rule their common sense. It's quiet funny, especially when in mood for humour lol

Just to clarify, 60% rural.
Oh right, that makes more sense, thanks for the clarification.
I did not read it that way at all. If you mean that by exclusion, those Indian women who were not what she described are the validated ones, and she was mocking them, that is both unkind, and not a view that I would take. Following one's religion does not require as an article of faith that she should be regressive; it is possible to do both, be progressive and follow her religion.
"Fyi, most Indian Muslim girls I know and work with are far progressive and independent than these Hijab seekers damsel in distress."

She was indirectly only accepting the Indian women who are non-practising but Muslim by name... She made her view clear about the practising ones who wear Hijabs...

Read her follow up message about Hindus and eating beef too.
You know what Why should I or any Pakistan should respect someone who doesn't respect us ... ???

You must have listen what Owasi have said just yesterday about us ....

You must be aware about another Mulana just few weeks or months back who was asking Indian Government to armed them to fight against Pakistan .... ???

So under what Moral or Legal Obligation we Pakistanis are bound to respect Indian Muslims ..... ???

You people never took stance for Kashmiri Muslims while they were facing extreme human right violations by the Indian forces not even for their just and basic rights like right of dignity their women were getting rapped but you people were enjoying your dreamed 'secular Bharat'.

You people never see it coming to you as well, as you people never imagined one day could be you people instead of Kashmiris. You people supported the policies and hatred of Indian state in Kashmir ignoring the fact that the Hatred of Indian state was not ONLY against the Kashmir but against MUSLIM COMMUNITY as well.

Now BJP has just started doing some of the initial things, you think is there anyone who can stop them repeating the same in porper India .... ???

Is there anyone who can protect You people in India .... ??

Indian Judiciary .... ???

Indian Democracy .... ???

Indian Secularism .... ???

Indian Political Parties .... ???

Policy of your so called Muslim Leader to act as apologist for Indian State .... ???

Is there any Muslim organization who could even raise the voice for Indian Muslims in political and Legal circles ..... ???

When you people can't even stand for your JUST RIGHTS then how could you expect us to respect you people even when you people love to bash Pakistan every now and then

I paid respect to that young girl because she showed the courage to STAND FOR HER JUST RIGHT, which most of the Indian Muslims don't show.

Plz ... this majority is not new just tell me what organizations Indian Muslims established for their legal and Political rights .... ???

Mullah & their Indian Branded Islamic Organization have anything good for you people ..... ??? or Secular Indian National Congress .... ???

Have you forget most of the anti Muslim pogrom occurred during Congress Rule .... ???

keep dealing your issue in isolations and by trying to integrate with Indian society you will have the same results, this is exactly what you people are doing since 1857.

and BTW may I ask when few young women can peacefully take stance for their right & stage protest outside their college, than how much challenging is it for Indian Men to come out & support their daughters and sisters ???

When Hunder of Indian Hindu men can come out and could harase the school and college going Muslim women than why can't Muslim men in Indian come out peacefully to register their protest.

Bhai Indian are Muslim weaker than 80+ year old lady farmer from Indian Punjab who was protesting for the right of farmers in New Delhi last year .... ???

IF No than this argument don't even stand and IF your answer is "Yes" than it is not even an argument but an excuse
I have come across this behavior in indiam muslims. Indiams in general have a fucked up sense of reality, e.g. Bollywood. I never knew muslims have ashraf and pasmanda castes. Ambedkar, the dalit mofo who wrote the indian constitution, apparently made some muslim history out of thin air (most likely from economic conditions of a particular muslim group).

The RSS wants them to convert to Hinduism WILIINGLY because of Law of the Land (Dharma) and Native Religion propaganda argument. The sarkari musalmans are just blunting the organic anger that boils upon from grassroots. This is not possible without hinduvta trojan horses.
There will come a time when India will weaponize the mass migration of indiam muslims towards Pakistan. And, if somehow we prevent them from entering Pakistan due to security & state of our economy, the Dharma propaganda comes out as a Universal Truth.

And you think you Hindu will be left alone? For every Muslim girl you touch Muslims will touch 1000 Hindu girls.
That is disgusting thinking.
RSS wants you to take that path, and then unleash hell on muslim women.
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progressive and independent than these Hijab seekers damsel in distress
That's what I call kaferization. And, let me assure it is not the eDuCaTioN, it is the anglo-saxon christian propaganda.
The table would turn when children of Khan take their birthright. That day, this education, this progress would be declared as Degeneracy and declared ILLEGAL (remember why Babri masjid was destroyed because hindus call it ILLEGAL, the emphasis is on ILLEGAL).

If they could, they would have.

Indian Muslims are alive today not due to the mercy of RSS but due to the strength of Islam.
When a sword cuts, the body bleeds and feels the pain. Without distinction of religion. This is false bravado speaking, nothing else.
Seriously .... ???

again wrong interpretation of my post oh bhai plz tell where in my you as a person or I as a better individual was discussed .... ???

Plz raise above the personal understanding I in my post simply pointed out the mistakes of Indian muslims from past and present .... why you are taking it personally and ???

and I also mentioned that Indian muslim men even for this issue are not doing anything they are not showing solidarity and support to the Indian Muslim women .... ???

Is it wrong or is it personal remarks against you .... ???

It is difficult to hold a conversation when individual actions, or lack of them, are used as examples to (negatively) generalize a community, which is what you are doing. Furthermore, I have already explained that your communities circumstances and my communities circumstances differ immensely, and to expect one yardstick to measure the "Muslimness" of both is simply an exercise that is very amateurish, at best.

Since you are so interested, let's look at one statement of yours:
"Indian muslim men even for this issue are not doing anything"

Obviously you have made this claim without taking the effort to research, but since it fits your predisposition, you decided to further it.

If I were to provide examples of what Muslim men have done in this particular situation, it is still highly likely that you will find excuse to belittle them. Frankly, I don't think we will ever be worthy enough of your respect, but then again, thankfully we do not follow our religion to get praised by you.

If you are truly interested, you can research on your own and see that Muslim boys protected some of the Muslim girls, while they were walking home, Muslim men helped them file cases against the colleges and courts., Muslim men helped organize rallies in other cities. I suspect all this will not be good enough for you.

You are not fighting.

Kashmiris are fighting while you are whining.

That's why I said Year 2025
Current, as in the most recent census, I wasn't aware the results had been published, or the 2011 published census.
Still, I am rather shocked because the percentages couldn't possibly have gone up that fast, might have to check because this really is fascinating.

Just because a place has a certain name people tend to develop fantasies, and allow hearsay to rule their common sense. It's quiet funny, especially when in mood for humour lol

Oh right, that makes more sense, thanks for the clarification.
Sorry about the clumsy wording.
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