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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

I accept the mistakes of Indian Muslims. Happy?

In a thread that discusses how Muslim girls are not allowed to wear Hijab in college, some guy wants to prove that he is better than all of us.
Seriously .... ???

again wrong interpretation of my post oh bhai plz tell where in my you as a person or I as a better individual was discussed .... ???

Plz raise above the personal understanding I in my post simply pointed out the mistakes of Indian muslims from past and present .... why you are taking it personally and ???

and I also mentioned that Indian muslim men even for this issue are not doing anything they are not showing solidarity and support to the Indian Muslim women .... ???

Is it wrong or is it personal remarks against you .... ???
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Joe you should have posted a quality post in reply to my post (though you know that I am NOT INTERESTED TO DEBATE OR ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION WITH INDIANS) .... but again you do things to cover the crimes of your Nation, we have not involved but even then we are dragged for one reason or another you can read the replies of Indian members even in thread who are asking Indian Muslims to migrate Pakistan

Plz read

(I am quoting an Indian Source )

BTW we do have Legal and Moral Right to get involve in this matter or any matter related to Indian Muslim IF we deem it Fit for our National Cause above quoted line are part of and Agreement b/w India and Pakistan

NOTE: Plz don't reply I am no more interested to Read Hypocrisy
As you wish.
So in essence, the disagreement is about the degree of radicalization (to make it simple) in institutions. You have some hope in the institutions, I have none.

As a member of the targeted community, you would appreciate that time and again these institutions have failed us and simply aided and abetted the systematic targeting of Muslims, rather than protecting them.

Let's run down the sequence of events again

1. Colleges prevent girls wearing hijab from attending
2. Hindu students protest against Muslim girls and create a law and order problem
3. Govt cites law and order to enact new rules
4. Hindus create ruckus around colleges again
5. Govt decides to shut schools again
6. Court provides no interim relief for Muslim girls.

Items 1, 3, 5 and 6 show the role of institution in denying Muslims their rights
Items 2 and 4 show the role of Hindu society in denying Muslims their rights
I have every sympathy for you in your difficult situation, and I retain the right, as I mentioned earlier, to present my understanding of the situation, rather than copy and paste somebody else's. That does not in any way compromise the foundation of my point of view.

From your list, #4 and #5 do not exist; where has this happened? #6 is still hypothetical. I have suggested repeatedly that we should at least wait for the verdict before coming to conclusions about Indian courts.

Again, from your list above, and the interpretation, #3 has nothing to do with the institution, if you mean the educational institutions. #5 and #6 do not exist, yet. That leaves us with #1.

The point about #2 and #4 are blown out of proportion. There is no difficulty in Kerala; there is no difficulty in Tamil Nadu; there is no difficulty in Telangana; there is no difficulty in Andhra Pradesh. Do you think using the very broad brush you have used at all justified? This is a question you must ask yourself, not one where I will impose an answer on you.
Indian Muslims girls and women seem to be meat for the RSS dogs, what are the Indian Muslim men intend to do ?
During the days of Delhi pogrom I saw a video on twitter posted in one of the related thread of this forum and was literally shocked that a muslim man of strongbuild was getting thrashed by a single man while his relative ladies were resisting against the attacker that muslim man even when had the chance of getting up again remained on the ground, while seeing his relative ladies receiving batons strikes on his behalf, he had no will to fight back.

I am not saying all the Indian muslim men are like this but you will observe Indian Muslim women are more active for political rights than Indian muslim men.
I have every sympathy for you in your difficult situation, and I retain the right, as I mentioned earlier, to present my understanding of the situation, rather than copy and paste somebody else's. That does not in any way compromise the foundation of my point of view.

From your list, #4 and #5 do not exist; where has this happened? #6 is still hypothetical. I have suggested repeatedly that we should at least wait for the verdict before coming to conclusions about Indian courts.

Again, from your list above, and the interpretation, #3 has nothing to do with the institution, if you mean the educational institutions. #5 and #6 do not exist, yet. That leaves us with #1.

The point about #2 and #4 are blown out of proportion. There is no difficulty in Kerala; there is no difficulty in Tamil Nadu; there is no difficulty in Telangana; there is no difficulty in Andhra Pradesh. Do you think using the very broad brush you have used at all justified? This is a question you must ask yourself, not one where I will impose an answer on you.

India is a hell for Muslims. Indian Muslims can't eat or dress per their religious beliefs. Indian Muslims need their own country.
You have to accept the underlying logic of 1947. Muslim caliphate in Pakistan and Hindu Rashtra in India. Pakistani's can't [other than ones living in the West] butter both sides of the bread.

Expect and want a Islamic republic in Pakistan and then cry over Hindus Rashtra in India. With regards to Pakistani's introspecting in the West - it happens all the time. We support secularism when it suits us in West but cry for Islamic sharia in Pakistan.

Meaning when we are in majority we want the right to jack the minorities. When we are minority we hide behind secularism as it protects us. We are very flexible and adaptable people.
While I reluctantly accept your proposition, I also want to point out that the situation in India, in my personal opinion, is due to the abject failure of the Indian liberal community - not the Congress party, that is a grab-bag of ideologies, and as difficult to characterise as a bag filled with sawdust, but the liberals, and perhaps the leftists as well. Only marginal efforts were made to bring in compulsory primary education, and until MGR's laughable experiment with providing free school lunches, a joke that left us all embarrassed with its incredible success, there was nowhere any sincerity in providing primary education, or in ensuring, along with it, a reduction in superstition and in conservative religious belief.

The result was a wide-open vacuum for the Sangh Parivar to work its toxic injection of hatred into Indian society. The villages disgorged their half-educated, superstitious elements into the towns and cities - India went from an 80% concentration of population in the villages in 1947, with a population of slightly under 360 million people, to a 60% currently, with a population of 1200 million - and the vote banks were formed, particularly in the over-populated BIMARU states that gives the Sangh's political arm its electoral clout.

I hope you will temper your doomsday scenario with these reflections; it wasn't inevitable, we dragged this fate onto ourselves.
You have to accept the underlying logic of 1947. Muslim caliphate in Pakistan and Hindu Rashtra in India. Pakistani's can't [other than ones living in the West] butter both sides of the bread.

Expect and want a Islamic republic in Pakistan and then cry over Hindus Rashtra in India. With regards to Pakistani's introspecting in the West - it happens all the time. We support secularism when it suits us in West but cry for Islamic sharia in Pakistan.

Meaning when we are in majority we want the right to jack the minorities. When we are minority we hide behind secularism as it protects us. We are very flexible and adaptable people.

We should fight for our right to follow Sharia even in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, Germany, France, Sweden.

Why are you so defensive about being a Muslim and following Islam?
I accept the mistakes of Indian Muslims. Happy?

In a thread that discusses how Muslim girls are not allowed to wear Hijab in college, some guy wants to prove that he is better than all of us.
During the days of Delhi pogrom I saw a video on twitter posted in one of the related thread of this forum and was literally shocked that a muslim man of strongbuild was getting thrashed by a single man while his relative ladies were resisting against the attackers that muslim man when even had the chance of getting up again remained on the ground, while seeing his relative ladies ladies receiving batons strikes on his behalf, he had no will to fight back.

I am not saying all the Indian muslim men are like this but you will observe Indian Muslim women are more active for political rights than Indian muslim men.

Very Well observed !

If the Indian Muslimsdeported ?, and if it’s true are really live so miserably (according to some respected Indian Members it’s not true) then the indian Muslims should look up at the Sikh community, how the Sikh farmer took their basic right to protest. The Indian Muslims are even afraid to peacefully protest, because they now, they will be butchered in gutters . This Indian Muslims girls will shut up in the next weeks, when the first of them will touched by the RSS mobs, and nothing will be there to protect them or bring even justices. End of story.
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Sorry to butt in, but I read his post again, and I have to say sipra was not rude. I have read enough of his posts to realise he knows how to conduct himself. There are serious posters and then there are jokers. I have seen him tell Pakistanis to delete certain posts because in his opinion they crossed the line, although I could not see it myself, but in his opinion they did and he requested those members, I've seen it twice I'm sure. This was an emotive discussion, and I think, in the heat of the moment it was taken in a wrong way.
You yourself admitted that the last 3 chief justices were less then ideal to put it mildly. In my opinion, any court that declares a mosque not to be an essential part of Islam is a kangaroo court, such judgements cannot be viewed in any other way. Even in legal parlance, passing an opinion is not an offence. It is only if passed whilst a court case is ongoing, or if directly targeting a particular judge, to attack the institution, if you hold valid reasons is certainty isn't taken seriously, especially if it was done in a political argument, which this was. Sorry for rambling on longer then I thought, and it probably isn't my place to say so, but he wasn't rude.
Fair enough. I respect your judgement, and withdraw any embittered thoughts I had entertained.

I accept that you were not rude, and I may have over-reacted at a bad moment.

Year 2025 - Indian Muslims fighting for their existence
Bleek - Indian Muslims need to respect us first before they fight for their existence
It is funny, but just at this moment, I don't feel like laughing. The entire situation is ugly.
As i am entitled to my opinion, i think the hijab should be allowed as it only covers the head and hair of the girls.
But under no circumstances should the full veil/ burqa be allowed in school premises. Many terrorists have been cought trying to escape in a burqa, also the full face veil scares children like no other ..!

Who are you to allow or disallow?

Muslims will decide what is right for them. Not you.
Indian filth? And what exactly you are? Tells about your upbringing.

200 millions Muslims live in India, many of my Muslim friends in the media absolutely have zero time for these fundo whines who are crying hoarse on Hijab except it makes noisy news bait.

One needs to check facebook and Instan posts of the six hijabi girls from the Udupi college who are petitioners on this case heard by the High Court, Karnataka would tell a very different story how religious and modest these young teenagers are and who is behind the whole controversy?
I haven't read anything on those lines. Could you reproduce one or two of these? If you feel these will be inflammatory, please feel free to share them off-line.
India went from an 80% concentration of population in the villages in 1947, with a population of slightly under 360 million people, to a 60% currently, with a population of 1200 million

I am certain India is still a rural nation, I thought it was still around 36% or thereabouts, even whilst using the usual threshold to classify urban settlements. Which in the case of India I think is 5000, for some countries it is even lower. So any settlement above 5000 is Urban, whereas in actuality it is still a village.
Where did you get the 60% figure from?
No, didn't get the gist.
Fyi, most Indian Muslim girls I know and work with are far progressive and independent than these Hijab seekers damsel in distress.

And for forumers here, please note 99.99% is India that you don't get to see on Indian tv where people are too busy with their lives and jobs.
That IS an aspect that needs mention. Muslim Indian women who have completed their education and gone into the job market are on par with any other community's womenfolk in their social values and progressive outlook. I'm glad this has found mention. Personally I was too depressed to think of these ameliorative aspects, but they exist.
Very Well observed !

If the Indian Muslims , and if it’s true are really live so miserably ,according to some respected Indian Members it’s not true, then the indian Muslims should look up at the Sikh community, how they took their basic right to protest, the Indian Muslims are even afraid to peacefully protest, because they now, they will be butchered in gossips. This Indian Muslims girls will shut up in the next weeks, when the first of them will touched by the RSS mobs, and nothing will be there to protect them or bring even justices. End of story.

And you think you Hindu will be left alone? For every Muslim girl you touch Muslims will touch 1000 Hindu girls.
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