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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

As i am entitled to my option, i think the hijab should be allowed as it only covers the head and hair of the girls.
But under no circumstances should the full veil/ burqa be allowed in school premises. Many terrorists have been cought trying to escape in a burqa, also the full face veil scares children like no other ..!

I fully agree with you. Reminds me of one incident where a terrorist donned a Burqa


Hijab protests spread in India as girls refuse to be told what not to wear​

By Rhea Mogul, Manveena Suri and Swati Gupta, CNN

Updated 0952 GMT (1752 HKT) February 10, 2022

Muskan Khan stands up to a crowd of men holding saffron scarves who heckled her at the school gates.

Muskan Khan stands up to a crowd of men holding saffron scarves who heckled her at the school gates.

It's a credit to Gandhi and Nehru who envisioned a secular India where all communities get equal rights and moreover they prevented large scale communal atrocities on Muslims living in Hindu majority states at the time of partition.

Very good joke.
"Mogambo khush hua"
FYI, Most Hindus I know and work with are far progressive and independent and love to eat beef than these Hindus who make a big deal about eating beef. Therefore, all Hindus should eat beef.
As if eating beef is a big deal. I myself have eaten beef. Vedic Hindus ate beef.

Your rants got enough attention would be ignored from now onwards. You can carry on your anti Hindu rants and holler to everyone's entertainment.
You have time and again told us that you have no respect for Indian Muslims. Those enjoying the luxury of living in a majority Muslim country or a civilized western society have no idea how challenging and difficult it is to live as a minority in country where the whole society simply hates their existence.

We don’t need to prove anything, we are proven just to God and Nation, read the history of Pakistan.
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:enjoy:Thank you for the good advice. I shall do so when appropriate. If you want my attention, you may get it if you are polite; you will never get it if you are rude. This is just to inform you about this basic principle.
Have a great day.

Sorry to butt in, but I read his post again, and I have to say sipra was not rude. I have read enough of his posts to realise he knows how to conduct himself. There are serious posters and then there are jokers. I have seen him tell Pakistanis to delete certain posts because in his opinion they crossed the line, although I could not see it myself, but in his opinion they did and he requested those members, I've seen it twice I'm sure. This was an emotive discussion, and I think, in the heat of the moment it was taken in a wrong way.
You yourself admitted that the last 3 chief justices were less then ideal to put it mildly. In my opinion, any court that declares a mosque not to be an essential part of Islam is a kangaroo court, such judgements cannot be viewed in any other way. Even in legal parlance, passing an opinion is not an offence. It is only if passed whilst a court case is ongoing, or if directly targeting a particular judge, to attack the institution, if you hold valid reasons is certainty isn't taken seriously, especially if it was done in a political argument, which this was. Sorry for rambling on longer then I thought, and it probably isn't my place to say so, but he wasn't rude.
I feel for Indian Muslims, they are trapped between rock and hard place.
When you are trapped between a rock and hard place, with more pressure from above you become a diamond. So no worries...!
All these debates and fights etc, are just the normal phases of the progression of religions and belief systems.
This is how a single religion splits into factions and also how religion slowly evolves over time.
The biggest problem of Indian Muslims is that they think that Gandhi and Savarkar are different. They are not, as far as Muslims are concerned:

"Natha Singh and Prem Singh
One and the same thing"

Come on sir gg, I am no fan of Gandhi after the things I have learnt in my adult years. But these two characters cannot be compared.
Savarkar is in a special league reserved for the likes of Hitler.
You have time and again told us that you have no respect for Indian Muslims.
You know what Why should I or any Pakistan should respect someone who doesn't respect us ... ???

You must have listen what Owasi have said just yesterday about us ....

You must be aware about another Mulana just few weeks or months back who was asking Indian Government to armed them to fight against Pakistan .... ???

So under what Moral or Legal Obligation we Pakistanis are bound to respect Indian Muslims ..... ???

You people never took stance for Kashmiri Muslims while they were facing extreme human right violations by the Indian forces not even for their just and basic rights like right of dignity their women were getting rapped but you people were enjoying your dreamed 'secular Bharat'.

You people never see it coming to you as well, as you people never imagined one day could be you people instead of Kashmiris. You people supported the policies and hatred of Indian state in Kashmir ignoring the fact that the Hatred of Indian state was not ONLY against the Kashmir but against MUSLIM COMMUNITY as well.

Now BJP has just started doing some of the initial things, you think is there anyone who can stop them repeating the same in porper India .... ???

Is there anyone who can protect You people in India .... ??

Indian Judiciary .... ???

Indian Democracy .... ???

Indian Secularism .... ???

Indian Political Parties .... ???

Policy of your so called Muslim Leader to act as apologist for Indian State .... ???

Is there any Muslim organization who could even raise the voice for Indian Muslims in political and Legal circles ..... ???

When you people can't even stand for your JUST RIGHTS then how could you expect us to respect you people even when you people love to bash Pakistan every now and then

I paid respect to that young girl because she showed the courage to STAND FOR HER JUST RIGHT, which most of the Indian Muslims don't show.
Those enjoying the luxury of living in a majority Muslim country or a civilized western society have no idea how challenging and difficult it is to live as a minority in country where the whole society simply hates their existence.
Plz ... this majority is not new just tell me what organizations Indian Muslims established for their legal and Political rights .... ???

Mullah & their Indian Branded Islamic Organization have anything good for you people ..... ??? or Secular Indian National Congress .... ???

Have you forget most of the anti Muslim pogrom occurred during Congress Rule .... ???

keep dealing your issue in isolations and by trying to integrate with Indian society you will have the same results, this is exactly what you people are doing since 1857.

and BTW may I ask when few young women can peacefully take stance for their right & stage protest outside their college, than how much challenging is it for Indian Men to come out & support their daughters and sisters ???

When Hunder of Indian Hindu men can come out and could harase the school and college going Muslim women than why can't Muslim men in Indian come out peacefully to register their protest.

Bhai are Indian Muslim weaker than 80+ year old lady farmer from Indian Punjab who was protesting for the right of farmers in New Delhi last year .... ???

IF No than this argument don't even stand and IF your answer is "Yes" than it is not even an argument but an excuse
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Having said that, our help will also come from the places that we least expect. Just like the Pharaoh protected Musa (AS).
Sorry for laughing, but this is a loaded question, because it only has one answer.
And, I think everyone on every side of the world knows that it's very extremely probably true.
Come on sir gg, I am no fan of Gandhi after the things I have learnt in my adult years. But these two characters cannot be compared.
Savarkar is in a special league reserved for the likes of Hitler.

In my Post # 350, which you have viewed, I have written a verse by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, who was a contemporary of Gandhi and Savarkar. That is how he viewed them. Quaid e Azam also viewed them, in the same vein. His view was that both INC and Mahasabha want to subjugate and enslave Muslims, but with different methods. One, by naked aggression, and other by softer and veiled technique. That is what has happened in India in the last 75 years. Muslims have been rendered utterly powerless by the machinations of INC, since 1947. Now they are a soft targets for this hardcore Hindutvadi lot. It was INC, who snared the prey, for this BJP, now, to pounce upon. My comment was in that respect.
Indian filth? And what exactly you are? Tells about your upbringing.

200 millions Muslims live in India, many of my Muslim friends in the media absolutely have zero time for these fundo whines who are crying hoarse on Hijab except it makes noisy news bait.

One needs to check facebook and Instan posts of the six hijabi girls from the Udupi college who are petitioners on this case heard by the High Court, Karnataka would tell a very different story how religious and modest these young teenagers are and who is behind the whole controversy?

Have you heard of the concept polite manners?
Sometimes people do and say things to fit in, I have seen it so many times, the nature of the discussion changes so much depending on who is in the group. It applies generally in life, but what I have seen refers to my Indian circle of friends.

Look inside people, then you will realise what they truly feel, and don't be offended, if they are offended by the way they are treated.
As if eating beef is a big deal. I myself have eaten beef. Vedic Hindus ate beef.

Your rants got enough attention would be ignored from now onwards. You can carry on your anti Hindu rants and holler to everyone's entertainment.
That's Hinduphobic and insensitive, you should be ashamed of yourself!
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