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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

What is scientific about wearing or not wearing anything?

Can the teacher not teach if students are wearing hijab?

It is your inner insecurity if you feel uncomfortable by someone's beard, dress, hijab, scarf ......... you cannot and shouldn't dictate anyone take off a piece of clothing. If someone feels modest by wearing an extra piece of clothing, their choice.

Tomorrow some idiot can make a law that saree blouse shouldn't be this long or women wearing saree shouldn't cover their abdomens with saree pallus ........ will you obey it? I won't.

Looks like you don't have answer. Local customs and traditions are stupid superstition for you. At the sametime, you don't have any justification for keeping beard, hijab, special dress etc. Are not they superstitions?
Looks like you don't have answer. Local customs and traditions are stupid superstition for you. At the same time, you don't have any justification for keeping beard, hijab, special dress etc. Are not they superstitions?

Look buddy you tried evolution thing with me, I gave you an answer, you are now beating around the bush asking some stupid questions, how can a person's choice of keeping beard a superstition?

You may have a custom and local tradition of drinking cow urine and eating its dung and even bathing with it … but on personal level it is plain stupidity for me, however, if you do it, that is your choice and I have no issue with it.
Look buddy you tried evolution thing with me, I gave you an answer, you are now beating around the bush asking some stupid questions, how can a person's choice of keeping beard a superstition?

You may have a custom and local tradition of drinking cow urine and eating its dung and even bathing with it … but on personal level it is plain stupidity for me, however, if you do it, that is your choice and I have no issue with it.

Well, You don't have valid arguments. Initially you are arguing that muslims women are required to wear hijab. Now you are saying that it is their personal choice to wear it. First decide it yourself. If it is personal choice, School uniform will not allow to wear anything else.

Some schools don't allow baseball cap, is it not their personal choice?
except Kashmiris i dont support indian muslims, they are 2 different categories kashmiris and rest of indian muslims
Kashmiris are not Indian Muslims. Please do not categorise them as such. It is an insult to their 70 year old fight for independence. They are Kashmiri Muslims. Thats it.
Well, You don't have valid arguments. Initially you are arguing that muslims women are required to wear hijab. Now you are saying that it is their personal choice to wear it. First decide it yourself. If it is personal choice, School uniform will not allow to wear anything else.

Some schools don't allow baseball cap, is it not their personal choice?

Where did I argue that Muslim women are required to wear hijab?

My argument is indian Hindus are being intolerant and hateful. They have started discrimination on mass scale against indian Muslims based on their faith.

You support this discrimination and in an attempt to hide it, you have been presenting all sorts of irrelevant arguments ranging from your evolution to beards to baseball caps.

You are a hateful, intolerant, discriminating person. That is my final answer.
Where did I argue that Muslim women are required to wear hijab?

My argument is indian Hindus are being intolerant and hateful. They have started discrimination on mass scale against indian Muslims based on their faith.

You support this discrimination and in an attempt to hide it, you have been presenting all sorts of irrelevant arguments ranging from your evolution to beards to baseball caps.

You are a hateful, intolerant, discriminating person. That is my final answer.

I am not in a position to change anything. I am just discussing the topic with you in civil manner. Can you think in this way, why can't these students go to collage without Hijab, if it is a personal choice. Their motto is to learn right.
Can you think in this way, why can't these students go to collage without Hijab, if it is a personal choice. Their motto is to learn right.

I asked you before and I will ask you again, why a teacher should refuse / decline some student who wishes to learn based on their outfit?

The primary motive here is learning and dispersing knowledge? or profiling students and then based on what fits your imagination as acceptable allow and disallow?

If it was me I would look at this way and not decline or refuse anyone based on how they appear and what their faith is.

Now about the hijab, is it morally wrong to wear a hijab?
I asked you before and I will ask you again, why a teacher should refuse / decline some student who wishes to learn based on their outfit?

The primary motive here is learning and dispersing knowledge? or profiling students and then based on what fits your imagination as acceptable allow and disallow?

If it was me I would look at this way and not decline or refuse anyone based on how they appear and what their faith is.

Now about the hijab, is it morally wrong to wear a hijab?

That question, you need to answer. What is morally wrong wearing baseball cap or hoody? some schools don't allow it.
School is not demanding to open 3 buttons on their shirt. There is no question of modesty here. All other girls who don't wear hijab are not bitches correct?
What is morally wrong wearing baseball cap or hoody?

Is it required mandatory per them? Is there a belief system behind wearing baseball cap?

There is no question of modesty here.

There is one. I don't know if you are male or female ….. every male knows, how attractive can hair of a lady be. The Urdu poets have been referring to long ghaisu and what not to define the beauty of their crushes / lovers.

All other girls who don't wear hijab are not bitches correct?

You need to correct your assumption, supporting someone who wears hijab doesn't automatically translate into non hijab wearing women to be immoral.

Being immoral and being immodest are two separate things.
Group of Muslim students at a government college in Karnataka state has been forced to sit outside the classroom for weeks now.

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The photo of the girls sitting on the stairs of the college that went viral on social media [Al Jazeera]

Bengaluru, India – When A H Almas, 18, and two of her friends stepped into their classroom on a December morning, the teacher immediately yelled at them: “Get out.”

The Muslim girls were not allowed to sit in the classroom because they were wearing Hijab, or headscarf.

“When we arrived at the door of the classroom, the teacher said we cannot enter with the Hijab,” Almas told Al Jazeera. “She asked us to remove it.”

Since then, a group of six Muslim students at a government-run women’s college in Udupi district in India’s Karnataka state in the south are forced to sit outside the classroom because the college administration alleges they are defying the rules since Hijab is not part of the uniform.


Wow - let shameless Gulf Arabs take note.

They keep hiring these pajeets by the hundreds of thousands.
Is it required mandatory per them? Is there a belief system behind wearing baseball cap?
What if the student is diehard baseball fan?
There is one. I don't know if you are male or female ….. every male knows, how attractive can hair of a lady be. The Urdu poets have been referring to long ghaisu and what not to define the beauty of their crushes / lovers.
I am a male. These students are going to collage to learn. They are not going to perform bollywood dance sequence. Anything can be sexy. Girl eyes also looks sexy. There are countless poetry, songs based on eyes. should they wear black glasses?

You need to correct your assumption, supporting someone who wears hijab doesn't automatically translate into non hijab wearing women to be immoral.

Being immoral and being immodest are two separate things.
Are you not saying that Girls with hijab > girls without hijab.
Why don't you invite these girls to pakistan or Bangladesh ? I am sure they will jump at that offer ? right ?

If your bhikharee beggar kumars had any shame, they would not go to Arab and Muslim countries to work and feed their families with Muslim money and also patronize fascist Muslim-hate with the same money.

There are millions of Indians as illegals in Muslim-majority Bangladesh too, but like good underclass slaves they keep their traps shut, otherwise they'd get tight slaps and good thrashings before being shown the door. Such is the auqaat of Hindutva scum.

Lowest of the low, no morals/principles in backboneless Hindutva scumbags.
Wearing a Hijaab is a woman's personal right per her religiosity and sense of modesty.

It is not for any man to decide or ban.

Certainly not by non-Muslims.
India and Pakistan, two countries tearing themselves apart in the name of their respective majority religions.
Sad to see.
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