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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

With the Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976,[1] the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation.[2][3] However, the Supreme Court of India in the 1994 case S. R. Bommai v. Union of India established the fact that India was secular since the formation of the republic
Both of them are totally wrong and liars. There has never been any secularity in India ever. Its politics, even laws are in accordance with India's majority religion.

Some instance:

1. India's constitution recognises caste and enforces caste as a birth fact. There are many decisions in which Indian courts have upheld that caste of India people is determined at birth and can not be changed. It can order annulment of job appointments, marriages and adoptions on the basis of caste.

2. Its courts have accepted a God as a valid aggrieved party in court cases involving property disputes. If you legally accept existence of God and defend its rights in human matters, you are no longer secular.

3. India has blasphemy laws that are often applied.

There is nothing secular about India.
All schools I know had Uniform. Uni=>single.
There are specific rules to be followed in specific institutes, societies, countries.
Some people want 'special treatment' everywhere. Right to pray, right to wear, right to do this, right to do that.
It is so irritating.
Anyone wanting 'special treatment' should be shown his/her place.
Try saying the same for sikh…..
Absolutely zero concern for these people. The indian muslims blame their misery on Pakistan yet are fearful to even utter a single word against their pm Modi.
They deserve the harsh treatment.
Too many maybes in your post.
You're just making this up on the hoof.
Never once have you said that you actually know of an institution that denies Sikhs with turbans, it's all "there may be".
Name some of these institutions that deny Sikh turbans.
Someone with a sense of 恥辱 would have asked himself/herself "How many times & in how many places has the sikh turban became an issue anywhere in the world".
But that sense in missing in that someone. Nevermind
Hijab row at another Karnataka college: Students turn up with saffron scarves protesting against Muslim girls wearing Hijab in classroom


As the Hijab row in a college in Udupi in Karnataka refuses to cool down, a similar controversy has occurred in another college in the state. The latest Hijab issue from Government Junior College in Kunadapur, where Hindu boys are protesting against Muslim girls coming to the college wearing Hijab. On Wednesday, around 100 Hindu students came to the college with saffron scarves around their necks to protest against Muslim girls continuing to wear Hijab to the college.

Reportedly, 27 Muslim girls who study in the college had been coming to the campus wearing hijab, which is being protested by other students. As the girls refused to remove the Hijabs after they were asked to do so by the other students, some boys decided to come to the college with saffron scarves.

After the controversy erupted, Kundapur MLA Haladi Srinivas Shetty along with the school management held a meeting with the parents of Muslim students, but the issue could not be resolved as the parents refused to let their children come to the college without Hijab. The parents said that the Muslim girls have a right to wear hijab in the college and said that it was not fair to bring religion among the students in the educational institutions. “Our students are not wearing Burkha but are only wearing Hijab. It is not good to bring religion among the students in the educational institution,” the Muslim parents said.

“If you don’t want our students to wear Hijab in the college, let the Principal give written instructions for the same, and then we will decide whether to send our students to the college or not,” the parents further added.

In the videos from the meeting that went viral on social media, Muslim parents argued that they never discriminated against any religion and sent their children to the college during all Hindu festivals. “When it comes to Hijab it is mandatory. We have to do it. Don’t discriminate between them. They come here to study,” said a parent in the video.

Responding to the stand taken by Muslim students and their parents, Hindu students said that they will continue to wear saffron scarves until the Hijab is banned on the campus.

According to the reports, the MLA has said that he will initiate action against those wearing Hijab and Saffron scarfs to the college as the meeting ended without any conclusive decision. This is a day after students of the girl’s pre-university college in Udupi district moved to the Karnataka High Court seeking to allow the right to wear a hijab inside the classroom.

The petition stated that the student’s right to wear a hijab is a fundamental right guaranteed under Article 14 and 25 of the Constitution and is an essential practice of Islam. The petition also sought to permit students to attend classes wearing hijab without any interference from the college administration.

The controversy has been raging since early January that has forced the state to call for a committee to look into the matter and take a call on pre-university college uniforms across the state. Management under the new state guidelines has asked girl students to skip wearing hijab while in the college. Eight girl students have constantly refused to the guideline in practice of the Islamic faith.

The actions of the college administration are unconstitutional, arbitrary and exclusionary in nature, the petition claims as the college in Udupi denied entry to eight students wearing hijab. The first hearing in the case is expected to be held by the end of this week.
Hijab row at another Karnataka college: Students turn up with saffron scarves protesting against Muslim girls wearing Hijab in classroom


As the Hijab row in a college in Udupi in Karnataka refuses to cool down, a similar controversy has occurred in another college in the state. The latest Hijab issue from Government Junior College in Kunadapur, where Hindu boys are protesting against Muslim girls coming to the college wearing Hijab. On Wednesday, around 100 Hindu students came to the college with saffron scarves around their necks to protest against Muslim girls continuing to wear Hijab to the college.

Reportedly, 27 Muslim girls who study in the college had been coming to the campus wearing hijab, which is being protested by other students. As the girls refused to remove the Hijabs after they were asked to do so by the other students, some boys decided to come to the college with saffron scarves.

After the controversy erupted, Kundapur MLA Haladi Srinivas Shetty along with the school management held a meeting with the parents of Muslim students, but the issue could not be resolved as the parents refused to let their children come to the college without Hijab. The parents said that the Muslim girls have a right to wear hijab in the college and said that it was not fair to bring religion among the students in the educational institutions. “Our students are not wearing Burkha but are only wearing Hijab. It is not good to bring religion among the students in the educational institution,” the Muslim parents said.

“If you don’t want our students to wear Hijab in the college, let the Principal give written instructions for the same, and then we will decide whether to send our students to the college or not,” the parents further added.

In the videos from the meeting that went viral on social media, Muslim parents argued that they never discriminated against any religion and sent their children to the college during all Hindu festivals. “When it comes to Hijab it is mandatory. We have to do it. Don’t discriminate between them. They come here to study,” said a parent in the video.

Responding to the stand taken by Muslim students and their parents, Hindu students said that they will continue to wear saffron scarves until the Hijab is banned on the campus.

According to the reports, the MLA has said that he will initiate action against those wearing Hijab and Saffron scarfs to the college as the meeting ended without any conclusive decision. This is a day after students of the girl’s pre-university college in Udupi district moved to the Karnataka High Court seeking to allow the right to wear a hijab inside the classroom.

The petition stated that the student’s right to wear a hijab is a fundamental right guaranteed under Article 14 and 25 of the Constitution and is an essential practice of Islam. The petition also sought to permit students to attend classes wearing hijab without any interference from the college administration.

The controversy has been raging since early January that has forced the state to call for a committee to look into the matter and take a call on pre-university college uniforms across the state. Management under the new state guidelines has asked girl students to skip wearing hijab while in the college. Eight girl students have constantly refused to the guideline in practice of the Islamic faith.

The actions of the college administration are unconstitutional, arbitrary and exclusionary in nature, the petition claims as the college in Udupi denied entry to eight students wearing hijab. The first hearing in the case is expected to be held by the end of this week.

What a depraved society.

Preventing Muslim girls from receiving an education
What a depraved society.

Preventing Muslim girls from receiving an education

They are free to migrate to pakistan or any of the 50 odd islamic nations if India is not to their liking.

This society will be glad to see them find happiness and education in a nation of their choice.
They are free to migrate to pakistan or any of the 50 odd islamic nations if India is not to their liking.

This society will be glad to see them find happiness and education in a nation of their choice.

We will continue to oppress Muslim women and deny them their rights to education and religion.
All schools I know had Uniform. Uni=>single.
There are specific rules to be followed in specific institutes, societies, countries.
Some people want 'special treatment' everywhere. Right to pray, right to wear, right to do this, right to do that.
It is so irritating.
Anyone wanting 'special treatment' should be shown his/her place.
So Sikhs should be asked to remove their turbans before entering classes? This anti -Muslim mindset will leave no minority safe. You think this will only stay with Muslims. This mindset always looks for the next small person to put down.
Nothing gives this depraved society as much glee as much as seeing Muslims suffer. This is all they want and for that they are willing to endure all suffering under Modi

It was very satisfying to see someone take a firm stand and act on principles.

Its good to see Modi inspire the nation to not bend to bullying.
It was very satisfying to see someone take a firm stand and act on principles.

Not surprising to see a Hindu terrorist taking absolute glee in terrorizing teenage Muslim girls. There are no principles here. Just arbitrarily made up rules to oppress Muslims.

That's par for you and your depraved society.
Not surprising to see a Hindu terrorist taking absolute glee in terrorizing teenage Muslim girls. There are no principles here. Just arbitrarily made up rules to oppress Muslims.

That's par for you and your depraved society.

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