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Muslim cop imposes moral policing on muslim couples in Indian Hyderabad

report dont say everything the objective of the report is cleary visible to bash the police and claim the human rights activism.adultery need not involve other's spouse.even romance between two unmarried people is adultery.leave adultey romancing with ur own wife in the public place is an offence.as i said i know there are certain places couples choose for certain things and this is one of them.

as i said certain things are easy said than done.they are most likely youngsters and registering and fir or launching a case against them would spoil their life for the eternity.and their reputaion will be screwed big time.the inspector is atleast humane in considering all these things and letting them go with a few sit ups and a warning.i'm sure you would choose sit ups over an FIR in such a situation.

No, it isn't. As simple as that.
good to know that u agreed with rest of my post

Umm...I did not say that. And since the bolded part is wrong, since romancing is not a crime, the policeman had no business apprehending them or maing them do situps.

Well, to be honest, I don't think even adultery should be a crime.

Sort your own marital problems out I think.

It dates back to a victorian law that has been discarded in England, but lives on in India, just like the law against homosexuality.

The ridiculous part is that a man having sex with a married woman is a crime, but a woman having sex with a married man is not. The reasoning stems from the victorian outlook, when women were regarded as the property of their husbands. So if a man has sex with a married woman without the husband's consent, the husband can file a case against that man, for using his 'property' without his consent. But a woman cannot do anything if her husband has sex with another woman, becausse she doesn't own her husband like he owns her.

All these archaic laws have been thrown away in the places that they originated.

I agree with you, that consenting relations between any two people is not the business of the state. A victimless crime is not a crime. There are loads of non-consenting sexual crimes committedd every minute, from harassment to rape. The state should devote its energy to curbing that, instead of poking its nose into people's bedrooms.

I guess krishna and radha would have been made to do pushups at vrindavan, if they lived today.
Hummm if they punished the couples just for being together then its ridiculous

There is no law reguarding that unless you are doing "something" not allowed to do in public places.
Well this news is far better.....Banjrangadal forcibly married brother and sister mistakenly identifies as lovers during valentines day :)

news is far better than, Police officer collected fines and gave recipt as "Donations to" hindu extremist group...

I mentioned these just because, i wanted to point out that these kind of things happens in every community. Sick on people who enjoys on others crime....OP and his supporters are happy when they see the crimes of other community...
Well this news is far better.....Banjrangadal forcibly married brother and sister mistakenly identifies as lovers during valentines day :)

news is far better than, Police officer collected fines and gave recipt as "Donations to" hindu extremist group...

I mentioned these just because, i wanted to point out that these kind of things happens in every community. Sick on people who enjoys on others crime....OP and his supporters are happy when they see the crimes of other community...

This shouldn't even be looked at as a "crime of a community". Its not like the Cop was representative of all Muslims or anything, just an overzealous cop who happened to be a muslim. He misused his power as a cop, and should be disciplined for that.

We gotto stop looking at everything from a religious angle, when will we learn!
This is fcking ridiculous. These people need to be booted out of service. Their job is policing, not moral policing. Infact moral policing is of no ones business.

Moral policing like advise is all fine. All policeman are not bad. I mean, if you are involved in a minor accident, even in that situation, police can file cases against yo or me. But what they do most of the time is scold, then later advise and let us away. I have seen couples in objectionable situations in park, even that time police (atleast here) came , scolded, advises, and later warned them away. Its a way lot better than filing cases under article 294.
In this case, he should have scolded, warned and left as such. He had no right to ask them to give sit-up.
This shouldn't even be looked at as a "crime of a community". Its not like the Cop was representative of all Muslims or anything, just an overzealous cop who happened to be a muslim. He misused his power as a cop, and should be disciplined for that.

We gotto stop looking at everything from a religious angle, when will we learn!

BTW this isn't the first time. Policemen and women have beaten up couples on valentines' day in many parts of the country, most notoriously in UP. We didn't have discussions that 'hindu cop beats up hindu couples' at that time.

To give an even more significant example, hindu groups who actually do claim to represent hindus have done the same thing. Shiv sena, RSS and VHP have all done this.

Irrespective of who does this, this nonsense has to stop. The policemen who think they can dictate how other people should lead their lives, ought to be thrown out of the police force.
BTW this isn't the first time. Policemen and women have beaten up couples on valentines' day in many parts of the country, most notoriously in UP. We didn't have discussions that 'hindu cop beats up hindu couples' at that time.

To give an even more significant example, hindu groups who actually do claim to represent hindus have done the same thing. Shiv sena, RSS and VHP have all done this.

Irrespective of who does this, this nonsense has to stop.
The policemen who think they can dictate how other people should lead their lives, ought to be thrown out of the police force.

Couldn't agree more. The news was never reported like that, its the OP who stirred the shyte up, and everyone else just took that bait.
now u r gonna get it......:butcher:

Just to be clear, I said would, not should. Already we had a comment from a person who thinks that romancing is a crime. And we have policemen and women who think so, and also think they can go around dispensing punishments. So if krishna and radha lived today, instead of penning eternal odes celebrating their love, society would have been makking them do situps in vrindavan, with men in khakis getting off on a power trip and enjoying their forced plight.
He probably meant stuff like smooching in public

I dont know why stuffs like smooching in public is a crime? I mean we do not have issues watching adults only films in teatre which include much more than smooching.. Why cant people mind their own business? We are a free country for god sake.. Kissing a lover shouldnt be a crime..
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