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Muslim can become PM if he is capable: Rahul

"She backed off because of her unpopularity even though her party won." well sitting in Pakistan you would know better right??

Dude the congress came into power just because of her and her popularity. She lead the mass rallies. And for your info Sonia popularity was more with the masses.
The papers were filled with a lot of resentment over congress nominating Sonia for the position. She backed off because of her unpopularity even though her party won.

U have no idea who Sonia Gandhi is do u ? What credentials did she bring to the job as most powerful person in India ? What was her previous experience ? It wasnt about religion, it was about ability.

That's a common misconception, just because the PM gives some church of England appointments as well.

WikiAnswers - Can you have a Roman Catholic Prime Minister of Great Britain

Rest assured, that law would change before it supersedes the popular demand of Britain.

It hasnt changed all these years has it ?

Ever heard of Mitt Romney ? He's a former governer of Massachusetts who had a very good record as governer. Wonder why he cannot be the frontrunner of the republican party ? Coz he's a mormon ! People in USA openly say they do not vote 4 him coz of his church affiliation. Just goes to show people of certain secular developed countries have their biases, which cannot be said of India as per the top job.
The papers were filled with a lot of resentment over congress nominating Sonia for the position. She backed off because of her unpopularity even though her party won.

That's a common misconception, just because the PM gives some church of England appointments as well.

WikiAnswers - Can you have a Roman Catholic Prime Minister of Great Britain

Rest assured, that law would change before it supersedes the popular demand of Britain.

It is your apparent misconception. Sonia Gandhi was elected by the people and it was in her reign the party regained the strength. During early 1990's as you would know Indian Congress was going through rough patch.

I was one of few people who opposed a foreigner (though she is an Indian) to be elected as PM of the country. That was only reason I voted for BJP even though I hated them for Babri Masjid. But her apparent steping aside for another Indian made me give her more respect. I like people who provide consideration to others feelings if even that is a minority. Now I am devoted Congress fan :bounce:
Actions speak louder than words. You guys can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw the treatment meted out to Sonia Gandhi. She stepped aside because everyone was really hostile towards her.
Actions speak louder than words. You guys can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw the treatment meted out to Sonia Gandhi. She stepped aside because everyone was really hostile towards her.

One word : RESUME. Do u think she has a good one ?

Imagine if Jemima Goldsmith ran for PM position in ur country. Is it ok for me to complain if your press slams her as a joke of a candidate ?

You should read more on Sarah Palin. She got far worse treatment for the same reason. Her supporters speak the same language as u do, hiding the head into the ground like an ostrich, avoiding a legitimate discussion and complaining of discrimination and this and that.
Well its hard for you to accept your wrong. I feel sorry for you that you have never felt and probably with this attitude will never feel what democracy is about.

Come to the land of the free my friend. Get aways form the Talibans and Baluchistan asap.
Lol his first he should remember what happened the last time his mom tried to become PM.

All of India was in a super whiny, ranty, bitchy mode over the prospects of her becoming PM. A Muslim is a few grades further down from where Sonia stood.

The issue was raised because she was a foreigner and not because of her religious affiliations.
@ Asim

Please get your facts right...There have been many members said in equal number of posts that she was elected by People of India..but you seems to ignore all those comments...Atleast counter them if you disagree....Anyways i am taking lot of pain in describing things in details with one assumption that you will atleast counter them if not agree....

The papers were filled with a lot of resentment over congress nominating Sonia for the position. She backed off because of her unpopularity even though her party won.

When you say resentment whom you are referring too?? This issue was raised by opposition as an attack on Sonia Gandhi and create panic among the voters about drawbacks of choosing a person of foreign origin as countries top post....No deny the fact but do you know any opposition parties who do not oppose??? Whatever time period Pakistan has seen democracy can you point any time when Ruling party and Oppostion goes hand in hand??? If the answer is no then why you are not looking at her opposition with same eyes?? People of india rejected that opposition and all the parties respected their mandate... Also even legally(as per constitution) she has every right to be a PM of india...

Now lets look at the election results..Congress won even though all the exit polls suggested the other way...What does that mean??? People's mandate accepted Sonia Gandhi as PM and rejected leaders POV who were opposing her foreign origin....

Actions speak louder than words. You guys can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw the treatment meted out to Sonia Gandhi. She stepped aside because everyone was really hostile towards her.
Again who was hostile towards her??? She had no issues in being the Chairperson of country's oldest and largest party...She had no issues fighting elections with all the opposition you pointed out...She had no issues in uniting the party and managed victory which was even surprise for Congress...complemented with People mandate for her...
and still you think she buckled under this imaginary opposition?????...As said before the opposition was before the election and that was a futile attempt by Opposition to fetch votes...Guess what people prooved them wrong....

She choose not to become PM because she never wanted to...The reason this was kept under carpet(congress never announced their PM candidate in 2003 like they did in 2008) because at that time there was no leader who could have won them votes(Mr Manmohan Singh was known as a finance minister and never a politician)...Once Congress won the election then she choose MMS becuase he is widely respected across parties and among common public...Though people were disappointed at her move yet they accepted MMS with both hands because of the above mentioned reasons...and boy what a smart move....MMS is a blessing for India...This one man has done much more than many leaders combined...be it saving India from bankruptcy in 1991 to solving India's energy crisis by signing nuclear deal even by risking his Govt(left parties pulling out their support)...hats off to our rocking PM :)


One word : RESUME. Do u think she has a good one ?
My friend no one in the history of India has a resume matching that of Mr. Manmohan Singh...That does not mean he is the best PM of india(though i would like to say that)...Definitely her resume was not good enough but if people of India choose her over Mr. Vajpayee(then BJP PM candidate) what you and I can do??? You might be surprised but i myself wanted BJP to win those elections....Though today i thank god that BJP lost and we got MMS as our PM....
@ Asim

My friend no one in the history of India has a resume matching that of Mr. Manmohan Singh...That does not mean he is the best PM of india(though i would like to say that)...Definitely her resume was not good enough but if people of India choose her over Mr. Vajpayee(then BJP PM candidate) what you and I can do??? You might be surprised but i myself wanted BJP to win those elections....Though today i thank god that BJP lost and we got MMS as our PM....

I'm giving a valid criticism of her candidature for PM'ship, and hence some of the flak towards her.
I'm giving a valid criticism of her candidature for PM'ship, and hence some of the flak towards her.

No one is challenging your criticism(atleast i am not)...In fact i myself did not supported her being the PM however not becuase of her Resume but because i am sick of Gandhi Family filling in the top job...Anyways if you look at her resume vs her accomplishments you would be surprised...so rest assured she is far more capable then what you and i can judge looking at her resume....
I am glad that you liked his POV...Though i am on the other side :) so may be not speaking the truth...

Here you are wrong...You are right she was vehemently opposed by Member of Parliaments but if you will notice all those members were sitting in Opposition just after the elections...In fact one the issue that BJP raised during their election campaign was her of being foreign origin but guess what??..People of India rejected that and choose Congress over BJP...I will request you to once again think about What does that mandate suggests???

ASQ. Congress wining was not to elect it but it was a vote against BJP to throw it out. People had to choose between lesser of two evil as congress record of attacks on Darbar Sahib was the reason congress waa thrown out to begin with. Remember the word vehemently opposed.

Secondly once Congress won no member could have stopped her from being PM...They would have been naive to oppose the mandate of people...So it was her decision not to choose the prime post and have nothing to do with members opposing...In fact the opposition you are talking about was before the elections and not after it...

ASQ. Are u kiding me, u should see the reactions by elected members of the congress, it looked like kids in rage.

Care to explain what prejudice you are talking about???

ASQ. What was behind opposing her was the fact that she was a white Italian, if this is not prejudice, than what is, but than India invented prejudices and class system.

ASQ. why would Sonia chose to let Manmohan take the PM seat is not that she is a saint, it is that she realized the facts that these member of parliament will wreak havoc and will cause all kinds of hurdles in the functions of parliament.

I am not sure if it was directed at me(it was me who was discussing with Dawkins) but i have not insulted him in any way...Dawkins can vouch for it :)

ASQ. No it was not directed at you but those who oppose for the sake of oposition

Now i am totally confused..Have you read the article before sharing??...The article that you have shared tells us how potent she is and her foreign origin issue was nothing than an Opposition attempt to win election...Here is one expert that sums it all

ASQ. The article also tell us the vehement opposing attitude of the members of the congress.
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The article also tell us the vehament opposing atitude of the members of the congress.

Really??? I might have missed that part then....Would you mind highlighting...Though this is what i find in the article

are well within the limits of the Indian Constitution. As such no party or individual can stop her as the elected parliamentarians of her party have accepted her as their leader.

Base instincts of fear, jealousy, intolerance, and parochialism are coming to the fore in the case of some anti-Congress leaders who are opposing her

Believe it or not, many Congressmen think the BJP and the Sangh Parivar oppose her not because she is foreign-born. They oppose her because she is becoming prime minister to buy time for her son Rahul Gandhi.

I was in India during those days and trust me their was no opposition from Congress itself...I mean just think when they don't have problems with her being the leader of the party...Represent congress as Leader of opposition during BJP regime how the heck you believe they will oppose her PM candidature when they very well know that there is no one apart from her who can win them votes....

There were definitely factions that erupted out of congress...Sharad Pawar and P.A. Sangma founded the Nationalist Congress Party but in 1999 but then BJP was in power. Here we are talking about 2003 elections and Sonia's PM candidature....Ironically both parties are in alliance in Maharashtra to form State Govt..
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Hay Good person, the quote that you write in your post:-

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country

Was not written by JFK but copied by him from a book written by Ted Tuleja

Jinnah was a visionary and a man of integrity, he saw this clearly that if Muslims lived with Hindus, Muslims will never be able to achieve equality as they will be subjected to hatred and be killed by riots, denied education, thereby rendering them to live as they do today In India.


Hello there!! Few queries on your post above:

1. Are the Muslims in India denied education as foreseen by Jinnah's vission? Can you cite any credible source to your preposterous, baseless and horrendous claim?

2. The Muslims that were separated to create a heavely abode in Pakistan, have they achieved what were envisaged by the great vissionary Jinnah? Why Jinnah great vission couldn't predict the prevailing feudism and consequent power struggles in Pakistan which have made sure so far that the average Pakistani achieves even less then what the average Indian Muslims have achieved?

3. In which country, most of the Muslims getting killed in last five years? India or Pakistan?

4. If due to Jinnah great vision Pakistan wasn't created: Muslims would have suffered more/ less than what they are suffering now (on both side of the border including Kashmiris), what would be your take?

Do some soul searching and come up with some honest answers and we can take it from there.

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