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Muslim can become PM if he is capable: Rahul

as long as this muslim pm is not a paka chamcha of the hindus, he cannot become a pm. even shahrukh khan cannot become a pm, he needs to be more hindu than a muslim.

will the 80% population of indian fanatics vote a muslim, not possible

What a Joke "even shahrukh khan cannot become a pm" :blah:
as long as this muslim pm is not a paka chamcha of the hindus, he cannot become a pm. even shahrukh khan cannot become a pm, he needs to be more hindu than a muslim.

will the 80% population of indian fanatics vote a muslim, not possible

vul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (Tamil: அவுல் பகீர் ஜைனுலாப்தீன் அப்துல் கலாம்), born October 15, 1931, Tamil Nadu, India, usually referred to as Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam^, was the eleventh President of India, serving from 2002 to 2007,[2] he was elected during the rule of the Bharatiya Janata Party, led ruling coalition, under prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.[3] During his term as President, he was popularly known as the People's President.[4][5]

Before his term as India's president, he worked as an aeronautical engineer with DRDO and ISRO. He is popularly known as the Missile Man of India for his work on development of ballistic missile and space rocket technology.[6] In India he is highly respected as a scientist and as an engineer.

Kalam played a pivotal organisational, technical and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.[7] He is a professor at Anna University (Chennai) and adjunct/visiting faculty at many other academic and research institutions across India.

With the death of R. Venkataraman on January 27, 2009, Kalam became the only surviving former President of India.[2]

This Man was NO Chamcha of Any Body yet he bacame President and the Most Popular President of India.

Guess what it was BJP who proposed him.

An Indian wants a Good Indian PM, be it a Hindu / Muslim or a Sikh is totally Immaterial.

"Today, Manmohan Singh is not the Prime Minister of India because he is a Sikh. He is the Prime Minister because he is the most capable person to do the job.

"And let me tell you something that even when you do have a Muslim prime minister, he will be a prime minister because he is the most capable person," 39-year-old Gandhi said.

There have been two Muslim presidents of India. I wouldn't be surprised to see a third or fourth in the future.

However, unlike the ceremonial position of the president in India, the prime minister does have the executive power.

I would argue that anyone "BUT" a Muslim can become prime minister of India.

Recently, former foreign minister Jaswant Singh spoke about Indian Muslims who, he said, "have paid the price of Partition". In a particularly outspoken answer, he said India treats them as "aliens".

“Muslims are India’s new untouchables,” says Indian-American Asra Nomani. “India is going to explode if it doesn’t take care of them.”

According to the report, produced by a committee led by a former Indian chief justice, Rajender Sachar, Muslims were now worse off than the Dalit caste, or those called untouchables. Some 52% of Muslim men were unemployed, compared with 47% of Dalit men. Among Muslim women, 91% were unemployed, compared with 77% of Dalit women. Almost half of Muslims over the age of 46 couldn’t read or write. While making up 11% of the population, Muslims accounted for 40% of India’s prison population. Meanwhile, they held less than 5% of government jobs.

Haq's Musings: Muslims--India's New Untouchables

Haq's Musings: Jaswant Lauds Jinnah as "A Great Indian"
Mr U571 ur smokin too much pot. Get next to your dic if u have one and look up for the meaning of the word SECULAR.
if an anti-muslim terrorist hindu fanatic organization proposes a muslim to be an indian president so you have already answered your Q yourself bro.

And what else does he answer when he tells you that Mr. Kalam was the most pupular President so far in Indian History...Where does the anti-muslim hindu fanatic organization go??? Or you are saying all Indias are like that and just to appease muslims voted Mr. Kalam as our best president....As some suggests President profile is not a joke that Hindu Indians don't mind giving the most honourable job to minorities(like Sikh-Muslims) and even women but will not let a Muslim become Prime-Minister as then he/she will hold the powers....This is utter BS....The man(Mr. Kalam) was the head of our nuclear programme(Now can anything be more powerful than that??)...He is popularly known as the Missile Man of India for his work on development of ballistic missile and space rocket technology..Now can anything be more powerful and important for a country than that??? This is just one man that i am talking about....

I have few questions for those members who are suggesting this utter nonsense...

- In 2003 when congress won the mandate was for Sonia Gandhi - A christian and that too an Italy born...She choosed not to hold the post and hand it over a person who belongs to minority(Mr. Singh)...Why do you think hindu majority choosed a Christian person??

- In 2007 their candidate was always a minority(a Sikh) Mr Manmohan Singh and congress won handsomely..why do you think hindu majority choosed a Sikh person???

- All those peopl who are suggesting so many things can please help me point out any single Muslim leader who has the stature to be a PM in our country???

P.S : We indians don't care about what religion person belong to...As long as he/she is capable we have no issues if he is a Sikh-Muslim-Christian-Hindu or for that matter any religion....There have been few blots in our history we all equally condemn it..Most of the members might be surprised to know how mature our electoral process has become..I know it is difficult but one should not shy away from appreciating good things in other's even if they are your adversary(this way you learn and have nothing to loose)....
India will have one provided the unofficial monarchs of India i.e. Gandhi family decide to have one. Manmohan Singh is after all a Rajya Sabha member and was picked out of the blue by Madame Sonia. With the current state, BJP does not seem to make it to power or have powerful allies in the next election.

Is this conceivable in the future : BJP moves from right wing to centrist ideology and is single largest party by a fair margin, appoints a muslim as PM. One of the reasons Congress appointed MMS was exorcise some of the ghosts of 1984; could the BJP do the same for 1992 & 2002 ? Just a thought.
Nice evaluation Mr Dawkins. Good try. But ur wrong and its bullshit
Mr Dawkins...

With all due respect since when you have been there in US??? It seems to me you have missed some of the happenings back home...Anyways you did or not some of your assertions are wrong as per me..Let me share....

India will have one provided the unofficial monarchs of India i.e. Gandhi family decide to have one.
I don't think so...You got to have a person with a stature that people can associate themselves to...If there was a muslim leader of the that stature than parties won't have any choice but to project him/her as PM candidate...Gnadhi family cannot just pick some muslim out of the blue and project him/her as PM candiate during or after elections...

Manmohan Singh is after all a Rajya Sabha member and was picked out of the blue by Madame Sonia.
Are you serious??? He was just a Rajya Sabha Member??? He was choosed even though he never fought any election simply suggest the stature of the man..He is utmost respected for his wisdom and honesty among the masses...even though people were a little disappointed that Sonia Gandhi choose not to take PM post yet they accepted Mr. Manmohan Singh with both hands...One of the reason that unlike 2003 elections Congress projected Mr. Manmohan Singh as PM candidate right from the start....

With the current state, BJP does not seem to make it to power or have powerful allies in the next election.
Well you never know what can happen in politics.. 2003 election result is one such example...BJP india shining slogan was rejected by masses...However looking at current political scenario BJP indeed is not looking strong...

Is this conceivable in the future : BJP moves from right wing to centrist ideology and is single largest party by a fair margin, appoints a muslim as PM. One of the reasons Congress appointed MMS was exorcise some of the ghosts of 1984; could the BJP do the same for 1992 & 2002 ? Just a thought.

Well as per me your reasoning of Mr. Manmohan being appointed PM to exorcise ghosts of 1984 is absolutely wrong...Same is true forr BJP appointing a muslim PM....Geez you guys are suggesting as if appointing some one PM or president is a matter of joke....
unnecesary comment by rahul. as a secular nation such things are by default

exactly, that he felt the need to say it shows that he felt he had to give reassurances.

Unnecesary if we choose to think like that...Same is true with re-assurances...here are some experts for you...Try and read it again...

"It is not about what religion or community you come from, it is what you bring to the table, what capability you have," he said in an interaction with students of the Aligarh Muslim University.

"Today, Manmohan Singh is not the Prime Minister of India because he is a Sikh. He is the Prime Minister because he is the most capable person to do the job.

"And let me tell you something that even when you do have a Muslim prime minister, he will be a prime minister because he is the most capable person," 39-year-old Gandhi said.

Where does above 3 say's anything unnecessary??? Look at the bold parts...After all he is talking to students and sharing his thoughts on secularism....

He told a questioner, "You need to step up and the number of leaders coming out of your community needs to go up. You got today a Sikh prime minister that nobody would have ever imagined in a country of over a billion people that we would have a Sikh prime minister. Sikhs are a very small percentage of this country."

We don't have very healthy muslim representation in our political class...We have very good muslim leaders but we need more representation...I don't see him giving any reassurance...Can one of you guys enlighten me??
I don't think so...You got to have a person with a stature that people can associate themselves to...If there was a muslim leader of the that stature than parties won't have any choice but to project him/her as PM candidate...Gnadhi family cannot just pick some muslim out of the blue and project him/her as PM candiate during or after elections...

I never said 'some muslim' out of the blue. Like Dr. Singh there must be some individuals of islamic faith that have made substantial contribution to our country. Ultimately, it is the Gandhi family that holds the key to approving the individual, whether u like it or not.

Are you serious??? He was just a Rajya Sabha Member??? He was choosed even though he never fought any election simply suggest the stature of the man..He is utmost respected for his wisdom and honesty among the masses...even though people were a little disappointed that Sonia Gandhi choose not to take PM post yet they accepted Mr. Manmohan Singh with both hands...One of the reason that unlike 2003 elections Congress projected Mr. Manmohan Singh as PM candidate right from the start....

While mentioning Rajya Sabha i indicated Dr. Singh did not have any political clout in 2004. Did u or anyone expect him as PM when the election results came out ? Ofcourse the PM has to have popular support in the end; my point being the candidature decision lies in a dynastic family.

Well as per me your reasoning of Mr. Manmohan being appointed PM to exorcise ghosts of 1984 is absolutely wrong...Same is true forr BJP appointing a muslim PM....Geez you guys are suggesting as if appointing some one PM or president is a matter of joke....

I said ONE of the reasons .. not the primary one. Just bcoz u dont like it, vote bank politics is not going to disappear.

Btw Sonia Gandhi as PM did appear as a joke, what were her credentials ? She got the party popular support didnt she ? She could easily veto the chosen candidate of Congress high command for the next couple of elections at least. Which actually proves my point.
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