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Muslim can become PM if he is capable: Rahul

Honest answer u say, what a crock. pot calling kettle black. Let me be the one to tell the truth and open your eyes.

Educationally, Muslims rank among the most marginalised communities in India. Numerous official surveys and documents have admitted this fact, but the state as well as community leaders have done little to redress the situation.

Reflecting deeply-rooted upper caste Brahminical prejudices, pre-colonial ruling elites (Muslim and Hindu) took little or no interest in their development. The historical record reveals a deep-rooted contempt displayed by the Muslim nobility or shurafa, who claimed foreign descent for indigenous Muslim converts. Like other Dalit and low caste groups, these Muslim communities remained educationally deprived. In other words, the caste-class origins of many Indian Muslims explain, in part, the overall educational marginalisation of the community today.

Related to this was the undeniable fact of the states institutional discrimination towards Muslims. State investment in education in Muslim-dominated areas has been pathetic. Muslims have also not sufficiently benefited from various government schemes meant for general educational and economic advancement.

About Pakistan of Qaid.

Terrorism has no geographical boundaries. USA has been a major player in the ‘War against terrorism’ and Pakistan had no choice but to become ally to USA in this war. But, being an ally has had its toll on Pakistan and the country has had to pay the price by internal unrest, sectarian and domestic terrorism. The anti-state agents have been engaged in varying degrees of violence in all the four provinces. Since 9/11, significant funding has been directed towards counter terrorism both by the international agencies and countries, the state and private sector. Although it is difficult to calculate the actual figures of government, private and international spending on anti terrorism measures, but there has been massive increase in this head. Out of $ 10.5 billion, Pakistan has been the recipient of $ 6 billion from USA since 2001. All this aid has been directed towards combating terrorism in tribal areas. But 96 percent of this aid is used to reimburse 120,000 troops in the counter terrorism missions, has shown very little success.

Comparative Levels Of Violence In Pakistan, 2003-08

Approximately 10,000 people have died since 2003 for fighting this war, no country has paid such a price for 9/11 as Pakistan has, to make matters worse Iraq war has caused Muslim world to seriously think as to why Iraqi Muslims had to pay such a heavy price.

Way Forward

Is there an end towards terrorism? There is still time and we need to re-assess our plans and strategies. Prof Wilson, political scientist at Forman Christian University Lahore Pakistan said, “ 9/11 could have been an opportunity to create social harmony and a message of world peace”. But former President George Bush closed all doors of diplomacy and created fear in every heart. Economic tools need to be used instead of military force. It is hoped that President Obama’s message of ‘Hope and Change’ will bring nations and groups together at one platform. Dr Steve Breyman, political scientist at Rensselaer said “Biggest challenge for President Obama is to undo the doings of Bush” President Barack Obama’s inititaive to close Guantanamo prison and limiting CIA powers is the first step to end (NOT win) this war against terrorism. At individual level Sadruddin Hashwani, owner of Marriott Hotel, Islamabad gives us a great lesson as how to fight terrorism. The gentleman has rebuilt the hotel at the same place within three months. I think the only way to END this war is to reach the source which is sponsoring this terrorism. Without financial resources no terrorist can implement any plan. We need investments in Human Development not Human Destruction. Terrorism is creation of fear and if you are fearless and consistent in your actions there is no force which can break you. If US had spent $500 billion to build schools, hospitals, infrastructure, good governance and reduced poverty it would have won the war by changing the hearts and minds of Iraqi people and Muslims all over the world.

And that my friend is the way of future and the way of Humanity and the way of democratic process.

We have to stop and rethink about the way we were, new way is to win the hearts and mind of people by the aforementioned ideas.

Let us all move forward and be the one to work for humanity and not for selfish ideas of me first.
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