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Musharraf's party hints alliance with Imran Khan and Qadri



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Sep 4, 2012
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Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf’s political party – the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) – plans electoral alliances with three political parties, including the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) of Imran Khan.

Musharraf will make a formal announcement about possible alliances next week from Dubai, a close aide of Musharraf told The Express Tribune on Saturday.

“We are working on alliances and seat adjustments with the MQM, PTI and Dr Tahirul Qadri’s Pakistan Awami Tehreek,” he said. “Since our manifesto is revolutionary, we are in contact with political parties who believe in change.”

APML Senior Vice President Ahmed Raza Kasuri, said the proposed alliances were meant to bring the 65% youth of the country on one platform to end the politics of status quo. However, he said, it is a source of contention for party leaders that contrary to Musharraf’s expectations, no notable politicians have yet joined the APML — at least before his arrival to Pakistan.

A ceremony was held in Islamabad on Saturday to welcome some politicians who joined the APML but, Kasuri said, some influential personalities who were in contact with Musharraf did not show up.

Kasuri predicted that several politicians would join the party after the return of Musharraf. “We have got support from custodians of shrines,” he added. “Apart from others, today brother-in-law of Senate Chairman Nayyar Hussain Bokhari, Syed Ashfaq Hussain Bokhari, also joined the APML.”

Once a caretaker government is in place, Musharraf will make a final decision about his homecoming. “He might return to Pakistan and hold public gatherings. At the same time he might also delay his return,” Kasuri said.

Elections 2013: APML hints at alliance with Imran, Qadri – The Express Tribune
Im a supporter of IK but it is time for IK to join hands with Musharraf. Doesn't matter how much honest and hardworking IK is. the thugs running this country will never let him win.
the general may come and form the alliance but whether IK will accept him or not is just a whole new question and as far as PTI's alliance with Qadri is concerned he should join, only an alliance of the newer parties will ensure a change even if not of the entire system but atleast of faces....
Asalam o Alikum, in front of me it not surprising at all, Mr was programmed by some external sources. These are not happy by PMLN and PP. So want some new faces to.........
PTI offering new dreams to people. Pevaiz is experienced. Infect a successful diplomat. Khan sb doge by him past. SOOOOOOOOO dekhtey hyn..........
Asalam o Alikum, in front of me it not surprising at all, Mr was programmed by some external sources. These are not happy by PMLN and PP. So want some new faces to.........
PTI offering new dreams to people. Pevaiz is experienced. Infect a successful diplomat. Khan sb doge by him past. SOOOOOOOOO dekhtey hyn..........

Imran Khan and Mushy don't have much difference. Both are honest, but Mushy is experienced.
I don't know if he will do that but in his recent interview on GEO Jirga he had shown no such signs but it's like Gen. Musharraf says "Pakistan comes first" so when he says this from his heart then anything is possible & INSHAALLAH he will do what's best for Pakistan.

I am excited that he coming back to Pakistan, can't wait to see him in action.

PML-N, ,PML-Q, PPP, MQM, ANP & JUI will burn.
I don't know if he will do that but in his recent interview on GEO Jirga he had shown no such signs but it's like Gen. Musharraf says "Pakistan comes first" so when he says this from his heart then anything is possible & INSHAALLAH he will do what's best for Pakistan.

I am excited that he coming back to Pakistan, can't wait to see him in action.

PML-N, ,PML-Q, PPP, MQM, ANP & JUI will burn.

forming alliance with Musharraf will be a political suicide for Imran Khan.
Qadari is not sincere he might have his own agenda.....maybe he is on CIA payroll.
Forming a political alliance with Musharraf is a major mistake for PTI which is why it may never happen. NRO is the brainchild of Musharraf himself rather than that of anyone else.
Forming a political alliance with Musharraf is a major mistake for PTI which is why it may never happen. NRO is the brainchild of Musharraf himself rather than that of anyone else.

Is that a reasonable conclusion? The destabilization of Pakistan by the US and her allies to support the PPP and the bargain BB made with them, did not force Musharraf's hand? And the domestic pressure of politicians who argued that if BB and her US allies wre successful in toppling the Musharraf regime, that Pakistan would then have no political option in domestic politics to resist the policies which formed the basis of the bargain the PPP and the US and her allies had agreed to.

On another note, lets focus on details of decisions relating to the upcoming elections - PTI has the potential to make a tremendous difference in the politics of Pakistan and by extension, the economy - however, in order for PTI to be able to achieve any of this, it must not simply stand for elections but to win a majority - that's a tall order, especially given that PPP and PML-N have experience with organizing and getting the vote out to the polling stations - please focus on these so we can have a better understanding of the challenges.
forming alliance with Musharraf will be a political suicide for Imran Khan.
Qadari is not sincere he might have his own agenda.....maybe he is on CIA payroll.

Agreed....Qadari doesn't seem sincere at all! He most likely has a seperate agenda! Not sure about the CIA agent part, but he def. is working for something more powerful.
Agreed....Qadari doesn't seem sincere at all! He most likely has a seperate agenda! Not sure about the CIA agent part, but he def. is working for something more powerful.

Reading up on Pakistani politics are we? :azn: Why does Qadari seem insincere? He seems rather committed to solving the "problems" he perceives in the Pakistani setup.
Reading up on Pakistani politics are we? :azn: Why does Qadari seem insincere? He seems rather committed to solving the "problems" he perceives in the Pakistani setup.

yes :D

idk just doesn't. At first I thought he was working for the army or intelligence because now that they can't intervene they could be using him to have an impact on the election results. It just seemed fishy that a person can protest in PAKISTAN against corruption to this great extent and not get into any trouble for it. The people with the real power have got to be happy with him.
yes :D

idk just doesn't. At first I thought he was working for the army or intelligence because now that they can't intervene they could be using him to have an impact on the election results. It just seemed fishy that a person can protest in PAKISTAN against corruption to this great extent and not get into any trouble for it. The people with the real power have got to be happy with him.

AND WHO might these people with the real power be? The army still retains much of its clout, they are simply using the democratic setup to deflect the backlash that Pakistan has been facing in the last eight years due to their pervasive policies which they enforced during the time they ruled. Perhaps it is the army which is indeed pleased with Mr. Qadari. IF not then Qadari doesn't fit the bill of a foreign operative, he's been under too much scrutiny.
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