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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Good day @IndianArmy

I have already made my point earlier about this type of journalism, if this is the state of journalism in indie, how can one even bother listening to it. THe profession of journalism is much more than this and your claiming that the anchor was talking in guestly tone, this guy is not even a journalist, tell me the difference between him and monsieur billoreilly(you know the yank down south). This guy was not even looking at president when interviewing rather looking down on papier. This journalist like i mentioned before had a preconcieved agenda and was not neutral to begin with. like all journalist he could've asked the same hard questions in a different style, I personally recommend all indienne and some pakistanie members to watch "tout le monde" program on cbc radio francais with some subtitles. This was an all round bad interview and I think you should consider your stance defending this gentleman. As far as gen.musharaff goes, he is the bottom of the scum as one can get, he took over governance of his countrie and for us who have stepped in boots for our countries's, that is considered very unprofessional since the days of julies caesar now exception should be made with napolèan as he was trying to bring stability and was first and foremost a military general.

Good Day to you too Gentleman.

Arnab Goswami is the most intellectual journalist of his age in India. Journalism in India has grown into an issue centric media and not a mere photo frenzy. Please do not adjudicate Indian media citing foreign medias, as the roles and issues are different.
He has been noble to his profession and you must also understand that a journalist is not a person who should be pleasing, he should be the voice of the nation.
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Good Day to you too Gentleman.

Arnab Goswami is the most intellectual journalist of his age in India. Journalism in India has grown into an issue centric media and not a mere photo frenzy. Please do not adjudicate Indian media citing foreign medias, as the roles and issues are different.
He has been noble to his profession and you must also understand that a journalist is not a person who should be pleasing, he should be the voice of the nation.

So your going to go on spot and say this is the journalism that defines indienne, intellectuals don't discuss topics in this fashion of manner, this guy was simply venting his frustration at a former president. Now are you going to say that indienne people also can't hold their anger in either, when something is wrong just say its wrong. Once again what did i say, you can be the hawk without showing the claws and still ask the tough questions. Remember I am not here point scoring and your entitled to your opinion, however this is not the representation of the a journalist and I am sure a countrie of. 1.2billion has much more to offer than an immature rude anchor. Also i asked you what was the difference between bill oreilly and Arnab goswami.

Also I am not talking without facts, this guy wasted viewers time, head to 1.00 in the video, where he literally asks president. mushraff whether al-quieda exists after osama bin laden assasination, this is such a stupid question to ask a former president or let alone any guest and this is an interview from 2011. A good example of a journalist would larry king as he in his early days could ask the hard questions without this unnecessary rude behavior on day time telè.
Excl: Musharraf says ISI did not hide Osama - 2 - YouTube
So your going to go on spot and say this is the journalism that defines indienne, intellectuals don't discuss topics in this fashion of manner, this guy was simply venting his frustration at a former president. Now are you going to say that indienne people also can't hold their anger in either, when something is wrong just say its wrong. Once again what did i say, you can be the hawk without showing the claws and still ask the tough questions. Remember I am not here point scoring and your entitled to your opinion, however this is not the representation of the a journalist and I am sure a countrie of. 1.2billion has much more to offer than an immature rude anchor. Also i asked you what was the difference between bill oreilly and Arnab goswami.

There is a strict difference between being Rude and being Tough. Even if you were to term it an Advocacy journalism, it is not against the Ethics.
There is a strict difference between being Rude and being Tough. Even if you were to term it an Advocacy journalism, it is not against the Ethics.

There is a fine line between rude & tough. Arnab quoted Pakistan was collapsing and Pakistan Army is coward. If you dont consider that rude at all, something is wrong with you.

Musharraf made quick mincemeat out of him, now he is probably crying because his ratings flopped in India. Arnab now wont get his next paycheck & Times Now wont invite Mushy again because of the bizti :P
There is a fine line between rude & tough. Arnab quoted Pakistan was collapsing and Pakistan Army is coward. If you dont consider that rude at all, something is wrong with you.

Musharraf made quick mincemeat out of him, now he is probably crying because his ratings flopped in India. Arnab now wont get his next paycheck & Times Now wont invite Mushy again because of the bizti :P

Mushy is used to insult.He has been insulted abrowd and in pakistan too and in india too..:lol:

but he is shameless character and he can lie in front of millions without any hesitation.

He ducked on kargil issue.i dont see anything in video where he chopped out anchor.
Yes,there was mistake of anchor that why he dint reply on bal thackeray and modi etc? why he dint ask again on kargil?
i saw the part when Goswami was giving himself a facepalm. Is the whole interview available? Was anyone watching times now when this was taking place?
Yep! I was watching this and flipped into a somersault when he said that he can't imagine Pak soldiers killing Indian jawans!!! :woot:

Then WTF is the PA doing out there? Distribute Lahori kababs to their adversaries in the event of a skirmish?? LOL! :lol: Yep! in other words, give the the PA roses instead of guns!! :cheesy:

Mush for President!!! :yahoo:
Musharraf is one who cant even enter his homeland without getting arrested..why are people going itsy tipsy over his comments ?
There is a strict difference between being Rude and being Tough. Even if you were to term it an Advocacy journalism, it is not against the Ethics.

Look I am an outsider and I will admit that as a criticism , however over the course of 1 year following the làsie and in particule subcontinent politique plus my classes in universitè, this is not journalism but rather a hitjob interview with a preconcieved agenda. A journalist should be neutral, his job is to seek the answers and present them to the viewers. There is good journalism and there is bad journalism and the more you defend just displays blind nationalism and nothing more. You know what this interview did , it actually made the president of pakistan who most people on this forum dispise get more respect. This is what that journalist accomplished really and once again I am not going after you but rather this type of journalism is the lowest of the lowest and as individuals we should differentiate right from wrong.
Mushy is used to insult.He has been insulted abrowd and in pakistan too and in india too..:lol:

but he is shameless character and he can lie in front of millions without any hesitation.

He ducked on kargil issue.i dont see anything in video where he chopped out anchor.
Yes,there was mistake of anchor that why he dint reply on bal thackeray and modi etc? why he dint ask again on kargil?

Musharraf didnt reply on Kargil because thats not why he was brought on Times Now to debate. He was totally right in defending this.

Musharraf was brought to discuss LOC border killings.

Bringing up Kargil just shows Indian insecurity & hysteria
Musharraf didnt reply on Kargil because thats not why he was brought on Times Now to debate. He was totally right in defending this.

Musharraf was brought to discuss LOC border killings.

Bringing up Kargil just shows Indian insecurity & hysteria

:rofl: :rofl:

He came to discuss beheading? and it was started in kargil time and when he was president ;) .

so why he shud not be questioned?

dont pick cherry and you are just joying on picked cherries ..nothing else ..
pres.mushraff is not an angel however this type of journalism just made his image better and I think the indienne interviewer got too emotional and should've hit mushraff hard on his past track record. Musharaff has no integrity , he fired his commander in chief and took over the control of his countrie's government based on my research I have done so far(i could be wrong on it).
Musharraf is one who cant even enter his homeland without getting arrested..why are people going itsy tipsy over his comments ?

coz here we have india factor.

pakistanis can make any body hero if he is against india even he is responsible for killing of 10000's of pakistanis ..but its india ..

now tell me who is obsessed?
:rofl: :rofl:

He came to discuss beheading? and it was started in kargil time and when he was president ;) .

so why he shud not be questioned?

dont pick cherry and you are just joying on picked cherries ..nothing else ..

He discussed on Ilyas Kashmiri and how he was given due justice.

Musharraf was never invited to discuss Kargil.

Even before & during debate, Musharraf said he will not answer certain questions. So why this surprise?

I think it is you who is cherrypicking.
He will get at best ONE seat. Imran's supporters and his barely overlap. His support may overlap with MQM's.

Will he be a candidate in the elections too?, and how will one solitary seat help him in coming back and avoid getting arrested by joining up a coalition?
Good Day to you too Gentleman.

Arnab Goswami is the most intellectual journalist of his age in India. Journalism in India has grown into an issue centric media and not a mere photo frenzy. Please do not adjudicate Indian media citing foreign medias, as the roles and issues are different.
He has been noble to his profession and you must also understand that a journalist is not a person who should be pleasing, he should be the voice of the nation.

Indeed he should be the voice of the nation but the journalist also should be true to his profession Sir. A journalist should be impartial and unbiased in his assertions. He should raise both sides of the point and try to inform the public with every bit of information. This fellow, Arnab Goswami is an insult to the profession of journalism. You can see his bias right from the front, he is only interested in projecting his point of view instead of raising the issue from both sides. He is far from being an intellectual. This talk show pretty much confirmed it, confronted with someone of superior intellect, Musharraf made this journalist look like a school boy. I am sorry, i have no respect for a journalist who lets his personal bias get the better of him.

Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.
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