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Musharraf targets Modi, says he is 'anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan'

ok not a fan of this guy but whats wrong with what he said?
He is an irrelevant liar. Still the same medieval mindset. Nothing has changed for these people.
A third rate has-been who lost a war as a general and lost a country as the President gets out of well deserved ignominy and is back in the headlines by speaking against an Indian PM. I guess if this is all it takes, I should issue a few statements against major world leaders - maybe I'll also become famous.
Had the Pakistani leaders stopped blowing the 'India Boogeyman' trumpet and started focusing on the development of their country, the gap between the two nations wouldn't have been so large.
Its still not large actually.
We have started believing that its large, but its not.

- Our GDP per capita is only slightly ahead of Pakistan's despite a decade of posting higher growth rates than them.
- Our infrastructure has only now caught up to their levels and surpassed them(slightly) in some categories.
- Our ease of doing business - rules/regulations/red tape - is still worse than them.

Though one can say that if the current BJP Govt continues the course it has set right now - that of cutting red tape and boosting economic growth through infrastructure development, the gap will become large. A decade at most perhaps.
Musharraf, the runaway commando, should learn from Julia Roberts, the runaway bride, how to retire gracefully.
Mushraff trying to play Muslim card which most of the Pakistanis fell victim of..
Musharraf lives in the UK and enjoys a comfortable lifestyle over there. Im glad Modi drew a line in the sand. Its high time India did that, instead of behaving like Congress with our hands tied and begging for peace which never worked with them.

You can clearly see Musharraf again uses the nuclear card. Well, Mushy go right ahead and use it....India is not scared.....we will make sure Pakistan ceases to exist if its used. Stating the world should help Pakistan get rid of terrorism...is a joke. When the world discovered OBL was living there near a military base....the world finally understood your games...MUSHY
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Pervez Musharraf
In a world exclusive interview to TVTN Managing Editor Rahul Kanwal, Pakistan's former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf branded Prime Minister Narendra Modi as anti-Pakistan. He also said that Pakistan is always prepared to defend its territory against any threat from India.

"Modi will have to change his stance. He is anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan," Musharraf said, accusing New Delhi of trying to destabilise Pakistan internally by fighting a proxy war.

Rejecting New Delhi's allegations of Islamabad's involvement in terror activities within the Indian territory, Musharraf said, "India has no proof of any Pakistani involvement."

Instead, the former Pakistani dictator accused India of creating troubles in Pakistan. "There is absolute evidence of your consulates in Jalalabad and your RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) indulging in all kinds of activities in Pakistan's Balochistan province and other places," he said.

"Our guard on the eastern borders are never down," Musharraf said, adding, "Pakistan will never shy of using the nuclear weapons aganst India if the need arises." "The world should help us fight terrorism instead of blaming us for it," he said.

On the recent ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops along the international border, Musharraf said that India has instability behind its lines. "People in Pakistan are ready to sacrifice themselves but it is the Pakistani army that is holding them back," he said, referring to the pro-Kashmir sentiments in Pakistan.

Last week, in his first comments on ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops, PM Modi said that Pakistan "is the enemy that is screaming". "The enemy has realised that times have changed and their old habits will not be tolerated," he said.

The Indian army has been asked by the Centre to step up border patrols and retaliate with more force if they come under attack. New Delhi has insisted there can be no talks with Pakistan unless it ends shootings and pushing militants into Kashmir.


Mush Mush go hide in the bush, Modi will eat u with his morning paratha!!!!

Mush Mush go hide in the bush, Modi will eat u with his morning paratha!!!!
He is an irrelevant liar. Still the same medieval mindset. Nothing has changed for these people.
Err,,,,no Lions in Pakistan except in zoo's and maybe circuses. The only lions anywhere in the sub-continent are found in...guess where..Gujarat! :lol:
Musharraf lives in the UK and enjoys a comfortable lifestyle over there. Im glad Modi drew a line in the sand. Its high time India did that, instead of behaving like Congress with our hands tied and begging for peace which never worked with them.

You can clearly see Musharraf again uses the nuclear card. Well, Mushy go right ahead and use it....India is not scared.....we will make sure Pakistan ceases to exist if its used. Stating the world should help Pakistan get rid of terrorism...is a joke. When the world discovered OBL was living there near a military base....the world finally understood your games...MUSHY
Mush is an irrelevant piece of $#^T.

With this kind of reaction from the Indian anti-Pakistan trolls here....we know Musharraf is saying something that is correct and that really gets under the Indians' skins!
Whatever one may think of the rest of his career, Musharraf is evidently a master of the art of getting Indian Pakistan-haters wound up...
With this kind of reaction from the Indian anti-Pakistan trolls here....we know Musharraf is saying something that is correct and that really gets under the Indians' skins!
Whatever one may think of the rest of his career, Musharraf is evidently a master of the art of getting Indian Pakistan-haters wound up...
But how does anti pak stand of Indians justify Mushys religious bullshit. Seems he need another madani to strip him naked.
Its still not large actually.
We have started believing that its large, but its not.

- Our GDP per capita is only slightly ahead of Pakistan's despite a decade of posting higher growth rates than them.
- Our infrastructure has only now caught up to their levels and surpassed them(slightly) in some categories.
- Our ease of doing business - rules/regulations/red tape - is still worse than them.

Though one can say that if the current BJP Govt continues the course it has set right now - that of cutting red tape and boosting economic growth through infrastructure development, the gap will become large. A decade at most perhaps.
-Per capita,yeah. That has more to do with Indias large population and area,which is a strength and weakness.
The gap is infact large,we are far better in several fields,Automobile,Infra,Power production,Industries,Education,Railways etc. In short an Indian has more opportunities than a Pakistani.

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