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Musharraf era was much better as compared to present rule: Rashid Qureshi

Mistakes happen from every leader...Yes, Musharraf made some huge mistakes but he has done a lot of work too.You people are so happy to criticize him but when we criticize democratic leaders then people are like no, democracy will take time to evolve.Democratic Leaders are allowed do corruption where as you expect Dictator to be angel.

You can criticize specific politicians all you want, but when you criticize the democratic system, without letting it be in force for even two consecutive terms, is just stupid.
Mistakes happen from every leader...Yes, Musharraf made some huge mistakes but he has done a lot of work too.You people are so happy to criticize him but when we criticize democratic leaders then people are like no, democracy will take time to evolve.Democratic Leaders are allowed do corruption where as you expect Dictator to be angel.

Leave it saadahmed, these people don't get it, they do not realize that Pakistan has grown tremendously since 1998 under Musharraf's rule towards 2007.
Alot of work was put in our infrastructure, highways were built, train rails, trade and commerce was further enhanced.
Our major cities got facelifts, the people under the poverty line got drastically reduced, Pakistan was set on the worldmap and was being noticed as an emerging booming economy and had the world's 3rd fastest growing economy after China and India.
Under Musharraf's rule, Pakistan put alot of effort into education, women rights improved alot aswell, people had less to complain because their living standards were improving signficantly aswell, we were PROUD Pakistani's when this man was leading our country.
Musharraf did not back down and countered India especially during 2001/02 standoff, he showed that Pakistan had guts and was firm in it's decisions.
Pakistan simply had great papers and had the potential of becoming something great.
Right now, because of him leaving office, our new goverment in place, re-newed policies, political instability and also turmoil across the country, we're nowhere near the potential we had a year or two ago, and it's all because of the wrong people in charge and the fact that our own people are so incompetent and stupid and don't know what's good for them and what not.
Screw democracy, there will be time and opportunity in the future once Pakistan has prospered to new heights and is much more matured, our people will then perhaps automatically adopt and long for democracy, but right now, we cannot sustain it, we need an iron fist and a soft heart from someone like Musharraf who truly had great intentions for his people and his nation, someone who can make sure our nation matures, grows and prospers so that future Pakistani youth and generations can embrace it with pride and the world can look up to a country filled with people with good intentions, which finally has an important say and status in our world, a country for Muslims and non Muslims.
No, Any courageous, patriotic politician wouldnt have done the same.
Why only politicians are corageous?

Remember, US needed us...we could have dictated terms in our own way like every other nation of the world would have done..........but no

Like we asked US to give us wheat grains instead of F-16?
Like now our govt. is dictating terms!
Kargil was the time to dictate terms but Sharif gave away every thing in exchange of one photo with clinton.

Musharaff needed ligitimacy so he chose to become a puppy!

Nawaz Sharif wanted legitimacy that's why he bacme toilet paper of Zardari and even today he is begging for reconciliation.

If loss of life in Afghanistan didnt made him happy.....than loss of life in balauchistan surely did.....

Musharaf should be awarded with medal for getting rid of traitors like Bugti.
I care more for the loss of life in Pakistan and economy of Pakistan.
Zardari and Sharif collectively can not acheive even in thousand years what Musharraf acheived for Pakistan in few years.
Wow, look where Pakistan was under Musharraf's rule, and look where we are now under the current government's rule.
We were aiming to be one of the largest economies on the planet in decades under Musharraf's rule, and now, we're a laughing stock because of the clowns who don't know how to run our country.
"Democracy" this, democracy that, democracy can go to hell, why are you so fond of westerners trying to force it upon Pakistan?
Is it a must? What GOOD has the current government brought us, please do tell me.

You do realise that whenever democracy begins to take the right decisions it is quickly cut off by dictators atleast we get to choose what we do with democracy sooner or later we can start sorting it out but during a dictators days such was not the case now to add on the current situation is not as bright as we would like it to be but I think Zardari would have given half the wealth he had in every one of his swiss bank accounts to not be a leader during a recession fighting a almost never ending war with tension escalating with india and all the turmoil surrounding it if people are unhappy with what he had to offer atleast they have a chance to fix things in the next election not mysteriously disappear into the night and end up in Guantanamo or wherever they take these people now.
You do realise that whenever democracy begins to take the right decisions it is quickly cut off by dictators atleast we get to choose what we do with democracy sooner or later we can start sorting it out but during a dictators days such was not the case now to add on the current situation is not as bright as we would like it to be but I think Zardari would have given half the wealth he had in every one of his swiss bank accounts to not be a leader during a recession fighting a almost never ending war with tension escalating with india and all the turmoil surrounding it if people are unhappy with what he had to offer atleast they have a chance to fix things in the next election not mysteriously disappear into the night and end up in Guantanamo or wherever they take these people now.

"Next election" yes, keep talking about later, India is increasing the already wide gap between us, and you're talking about "give it some time" and "we'll have chance in next elections" "it needs to develop and evolve".
Good, you keep thinking like that, in the meantime, our country goes backwards, and i'm one Pakistani that wishes not to see that, do not oppose the state, just work hard for your money, work for your family and society, and if all Pakistanis did this, then you'd see where we would be in a decade or even right now.
But the fact of the matter is, theze lazy bums only want to protest and want "democracy", they should be locked up in jail or thrown in the sea because they're worthless and do not add any value to Pakistan's precious growth and prosperity, all they know what to do is riot and protest under the name of "democracy".
Look at China, no bullsh!t, iron leadership with the right reforms, and look where China is right now, look where China will be in 2050.
Musharraf's policies had the same glance and reforms similar to when China was drastically improving and growing, now all that has collapsed and been destroyed under the name of "democracy.
Keep believing that, you know Pakistan was booming without it, still you seem so keen on having it your way, it seems to me that you either do not want to see Pakistan prosper or grow, or you're just plain stupid.
People need to wake up and open their eyes, stop whining, start working for **** sake and be more productive for Pakistan, hard work will get our nation to the edges and will exceed all our expectations.
The fact that a corrupt man like Zardari is in charge simply means the majority that voted for him is uneducated and simply stupid and did not realize that Musharraf's rule had brought their nation a great impulse, the exact impulse a troubled country like ours needs.
Exactly.Liberal Democracy will never work in Pakistan where people destroy their own country because someone in Norway made fun of our Prohphet.We need strict Government system like China has
I never said that all Pakistanis should stay home and do their job infact they should show their support educate Pakistanis and teach them so that they can make decisions for themselves go out their today I bet a lot of the people who voted PPPP would probably change their ming already even the villages who wouldn't mind secretly changing their opinion defend them by opting for joining the independant commission during elections to allow free and fair voting infact it is you Jihad and saadahmed that want to roll over and allow anyone to come to power too lazy to get out and show your support demonstrate for your cause bring people to it progress doesn't meant that you open three thousand call centers and allow people to take loans easily because incase you are wondering the call center business will soon be going down and people all over losing their jobs would be going bankrupt and unable to pay for anything making us more like North Korea. Our people are very agitated and they did these protests because they saw picture of Musharraf dining with these sorts what else would they do if an enforced leader who is loved by Asma Jehangir would lead their nation. Do you even know how much hard work China had to do to reach this position the days of Mao and other dynasties do you realise the lack of freedom it imposes when a state questions your every action and doesn't allow you to fully express yourself if you really want to be a slave I am sure their is a post in Zardaris farms for you 2 to join.
Why only politicians are corageous?

Like we asked US to give us wheat grains instead of F-16?
Like now our govt. is dictating terms!
Kargil was the time to dictate terms but Sharif gave away every thing in exchange of one photo with clinton.

Nawaz Sharif wanted legitimacy that's why he bacme toilet paper of Zardari and even today he is begging for reconciliation.

Musharaf should be awarded with medal for getting rid of traitors like Bugti.
I care more for the loss of life in Pakistan and economy of Pakistan.
Zardari and Sharif collectively can not acheive even in thousand years what Musharraf acheived for Pakistan in few years.

well, you can say and claim all you want but the fact remains that mushraff is the most hated man in pakistan rite now......go through all the surveys you want, ask people or whatever it takes.....now if just few people think that he has done alot than thier views are respected but certainly people dont agree....had this been the case, he would have been sitting inside president house....

Majority is authority...People of pakistan do not want him....even people outside pakistan do not want him....what happened to him in USA was something that should give u some idea....
"Next election" yes, keep talking about later, India is increasing the already wide gap between us, and you're talking about "give it some time" and "we'll have chance in next elections" "it needs to develop and evolve".
Good, you keep thinking like that, in the meantime, our country goes backwards, and i'm one Pakistani that wishes not to see that, do not oppose the state, just work hard for your money, work for your family and society, and if all Pakistanis did this, then you'd see where we would be in a decade or even right now.
But the fact of the matter is, theze lazy bums only want to protest and want "democracy", they should be locked up in jail or thrown in the sea because they're worthless and do not add any value to Pakistan's precious growth and prosperity, all they know what to do is riot and protest under the name of "democracy".
Look at China, no bullsh!t, iron leadership with the right reforms, and look where China is right now, look where China will be in 2050.
Musharraf's policies had the same glance and reforms similar to when China was drastically improving and growing, now all that has collapsed and been destroyed under the name of "democracy.
Keep believing that, you know Pakistan was booming without it, still you seem so keen on having it your way, it seems to me that you either do not want to see Pakistan prosper or grow, or you're just plain stupid.
People need to wake up and open their eyes, stop whining, start working for **** sake and be more productive for Pakistan, hard work will get our nation to the edges and will exceed all our expectations.
The fact that a corrupt man like Zardari is in charge simply means the majority that voted for him is uneducated and simply stupid and did not realize that Musharraf's rule had brought their nation a great impulse, the exact impulse a troubled country like ours needs.

your post gives an impression that mojority of pakistanis are plain stupid people who can not decide what's good for them....

with all due respect I disagree, Indians and us have more or less same ethnicity, more or less same literacy rate, even common family backgrounds in some cases.....why does pakistan lags behind then?

They too have some of the corrupt most leaders, but what they also have is strong and Independent Judiciary which keeps their Generals away from politics, where as in Pakistan a general takes over and ask the cheif justice to give him legitimacy and if he doesnt the cheif justice can go home!

For heavans sake a so called leader who does not respect constitution himself, how can he provide you with independent judiciary...or you are trying to tell me that constituition of islamic republic of pakistan is just another piece of crap which should not be worried about?

PS: and dont doubt about my patriotism..:pakistan:
Wow, look where Pakistan was under Musharraf's rule, and look where we are now under the current government's rule.
We were aiming to be one of the largest economies on the planet in decades under Musharraf's rule, and now, we're a laughing stock because of the clowns who don't know how to run our country.
"Democracy" this, democracy that, democracy can go to hell, why are you so fond of westerners trying to force it upon Pakistan?
Is it a must? What GOOD has the current government brought us, please do tell me.

First of all let me make it very clear that all the progress that was made in that era was just temporary...the rich got richer and the ppoor got more poor....just compare the figures of poverty in 1997 and 2008...

Secondly if the current democracy is not doing good, it doesn mean that democracy itself is not good for the country....

and what good exactly did General Zia and Yahya Khan brought us? please do tell me....
Musharraf was not let totally on his own otherwise he did have some plans if fully implied would have made a change having a great impact on the country.
1- Total secularism.
2- Selling most national assets relying on the incoming money in the name of anti-terrorism.
3- Breaking up the political parties to build up a supporting puppet natured party of his own.
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I never said that all Pakistanis should stay home and do their job infact they should show their support educate Pakistanis and teach them so that they can make decisions for themselves go out their today I bet a lot of the people who voted PPPP would probably change their ming already even the villages who wouldn't mind secretly changing their opinion defend them by opting for joining the independant commission during elections to allow free and fair voting infact it is you Jihad and saadahmed that want to roll over and allow anyone to come to power too lazy to get out and show your support demonstrate for your cause bring people to it progress doesn't meant that you open three thousand call centers and allow people to take loans easily because incase you are wondering the call center business will soon be going down and people all over losing their jobs would be going bankrupt and unable to pay for anything making us more like North Korea. Our people are very agitated and they did these protests because they saw picture of Musharraf dining with these sorts what else would they do if an enforced leader who is loved by Asma Jehangir would lead their nation. Do you even know how much hard work China had to do to reach this position the days of Mao and other dynasties do you realise the lack of freedom it imposes when a state questions your every action and doesn't allow you to fully express yourself if you really want to be a slave I am sure their is a post in Zardaris farms for you 2 to join.

You are saying that Pakistanis actually lived like slaves during Musharraf's rule?
Let me tell you this, the path Pakistan is heading towards right now will make all of us slaves of India or any other nation for that matter in the very near future, and you'll be a sitting duck just like the rest of your democratic pals voting for yet another idiot to run the nation.
You'll be at the mercy of any other nation which has chosen the right policies and has focused on the main goal, economic and political development.
I do not mind if Pakistan is being run by a one man-show, this one-man show, Musharraf, dealt with corruption, he was a leader with a vision, he wanted Pakistan to grow, his background was good, he had knowledge and had charisma, he was a real leader.
Now people like you who have no discipline did not like his way of ruling, and because of that, you actually failed to see the drastic improvements which he has made together with his team for Pakistan.
It doesn't matter though, you keep protesting and whining about a liberal democratic Pakistan, like Musharraf said before, Pakistan needs the time, all the western nations had hundreds of years to implement democracy, Pakistan is still young and needs alot of time, people like you want to enforce it as soon as possible, which is completely wrong because our society and our people are many times thickheaded, and alot of them often simply uneducated enough, so therefor, strong leadership must lead them.
Anyways, you keep voting for one leader after another, in the meantime, you'll realize that Pakistan is not going to be able to compete with it's bigger neighbour in terms of everything just because we wasted time on corrupt idiots.
First of all let me make it very clear that all the progress that was made in that era was just temporary...the rich got richer and the ppoor got more poor....just compare the figures of poverty in 1997 and 2008...

Secondly if the current democracy is not doing good, it doesn mean that democracy itself is not good for the country....

and what good exactly did General Zia and Yahya Khan brought us? please do tell me....

Look, if there is democracy or not, I don't give two sh!ts, all I want to see is a leader of Musharraf's calibre or even better to get the job done, he'll remain elected if Pakistan progresses well.
The fact of the matter is, due to this democracy right now, we are having the wrong people in charge of our country, and that's simply wrong because we cannot afford to waste precious years of development on corrupt suckers.
Please do realize that I want the best for my country, and the best person in my eyes is someone who is a real leader especially in hard times like these, someone who is clean, not corrupt, someone who loves his country and his people, and someone who will not rest or die before he lifts Pakistan to a new level.
On another note, even if the progress was "temporary", atleast there was great progress, and that's what COUNTS.
The progress would continue if Musharraf's leadership would stay, now due to this whole change and the corrupt power hungry anti-Musharraf politicians wanting to rule the country after such a long period, all the progress has dissapeared, and now it's time to rebuild the effort, but at what pace? How long will it take, and will there be any significant progress under the current government? I don't think so, not with the current people in charge and especially regarding their background, they are corrupt as hell, and this corruption is what democracy has brought us.
Look, if there is democracy or not, I don't give two sh!ts, all I want to see is a leader of Musharraf's calibre or even better to get the job done, he'll remain elected if Pakistan progresses well.
The fact of the matter is, due to this democracy right now, we are having the wrong people in charge of our country, and that's simply wrong because we cannot afford to waste precious years of development on corrupt suckers.
Please do realize that I want the best for my country, and the best person in my eyes is someone who is a real leader especially in hard times like these, someone who is clean, not corrupt, someone who loves his country and his people, and someone who will not rest or die before he lifts Pakistan to a new level.
On another note, even if the progress was "temporary", atleast there was great progress, and that's what COUNTS.
The progress would continue if Musharraf's leadership would stay, now due to this whole change and the corrupt power hungry anti-Musharraf politicians wanting to rule the country after such a long period, all the progress has dissapeared, and now it's time to rebuild the effort, but at what pace? How long will it take, and will there be any significant progress under the current government? I don't think so, not with the current people in charge and especially regarding their background, they are corrupt as hell, and this corruption is what democracy has brought us.

If you think that musharaff's hands are clear and he has done nothing wrong, he is not corrupt...than we have a serious difference of opinion....from 99's military take over to 3rd novemeber 2008 to Dr Afia Siddiqi to house arrest of CJ with his kids (6-18 yrs) to the possible privatisation of steel mill... and the list goes on and on and on....This guy has done every thing that one can think of as an act of treason....

yet if people are convinced that he is the only leader that we have...need to think about it again...:pakistan:
If you think that musharaff's hands are clear and he has done nothing wrong, he is not corrupt...than we have a serious difference of opinion....from 99's military take over to 3rd novemeber 2008 to Dr Afia Siddiqi to house arrest of CJ with his kids (6-18 yrs) to the possible privatisation of steel mill... and the list goes on and on and on....This guy has done every thing that one can think of as an act of treason....

yet if people are convinced that he is the only leader that we have...need to think about it again...:pakistan:

His record is much and MUCH better then the current people in charge.
If you have someone else or anyone better to do the job, i'd be glad to hear it, if not, you will have to agree that Musharraf can give our country its right to develop and exist as an independent nation without foreign factors trying to ruïn it.

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