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Musharraf era was much better as compared to present rule: Rashid Qureshi

His record is much and MUCH better then the current people in charge.
If you have someone else or anyone better to do the job, i'd be glad to hear it, if not, you will have to agree that Musharraf can give our country its right to develop and exist as an independent nation without foreign factors trying to ruïn it.

I can name quite alot of politicians who can do a much better job than Musharaff, but the problem is that they do not serve in the army as COAS.
and let Musharaff contest elections.... I bet you his turn will never come again as a premier of pakistan "legally" ...
Look, if there is democracy or not, I don't give two sh!ts, all I want to see is a leader of Musharraf's calibre or even better to get the job done, he'll remain elected if Pakistan progresses well.
The fact of the matter is, due to this democracy right now, we are having the wrong people in charge of our country, and that's simply wrong because we cannot afford to waste precious years of development on corrupt suckers.
Please do realize that I want the best for my country, and the best person in my eyes is someone who is a real leader especially in hard times like these, someone who is clean, not corrupt, someone who loves his country and his people, and someone who will not rest or die before he lifts Pakistan to a new level.
On another note, even if the progress was "temporary", atleast there was great progress, and that's what COUNTS.
The progress would continue if Musharraf's leadership would stay, now due to this whole change and the corrupt power hungry anti-Musharraf politicians wanting to rule the country after such a long period, all the progress has dissapeared, and now it's time to rebuild the effort, but at what pace? How long will it take, and will there be any significant progress under the current government? I don't think so, not with the current people in charge and especially regarding their background, they are corrupt as hell, and this corruption is what democracy has brought us.

good post Jihad:tup:. But in a country where complete illiterates, parhay likay jaahil, corrupts,unity lacking people and now idealists, are found in greater numbers, it'll be tough for someone with a realistic and mature approach to lead it. Musharraf tried his best but was too lenient on a number of occassions and that same nature of his caused his fall. Hopefully when he or someone else with the same character and love for the country returns to rule, it wont be with that same soft attitude.
But in a country where complete illiterates, parhay likay jaahil, corrupts,unity lacking people and now idealists, are found in greater numbers, it'll be tough for someone with a realistic and mature approach to lead it. Musharraf tried his best but was too lenient on a number of occassions and that same nature of his caused his fall. Hopefully when he or someone else with the same character and love for the country returns to rule, it wont be with that same soft attitude.

Yes and 12th may was your idea of leniency loads of leniency their when the city looked like a battleground and the dead were vast in number you forget when people on shara e dasoor protesed against the kidnapping of people lets not bring the Lawyers movement because you will call it a political movement but do you remeber what happened to people taking stand against the emergency Musharraf is the perfect example of an American bought General to rule the nation who came because our nation began facing huge trouble due to sanctions after the nuclear tests we were begining to stand up on our own 2 feet and all Musharraf did was push us down again I know we would have tripped maybe fell once or twice but we would have been truly independant friends of Pakistan woulld actually consider us their equal but no sir some people think that Musharraf was all wonderfull by shoving all our troubles under a mat and pretending everything was ok but now that the mat has been removed you can see fungus like Taleban and Gang violence increasing day by day people slipping under the poverty line and going bankrupt. Aiming for stars in the banking sector is what Musharraf aspired using Stocks and other financial methods and you can see where it has taken Britain or America. What Nawaz did was start working on Industry again and start making a stronger Muslim alliance and work to gain our own voice in the world, had that continued to happen Pakistan could have risen sharply and laid out its feelings as to what happened in Palestine.

All because of Musharraf types who think it is fun to live in a police state in a sort of shell being protected from all the harm but I think Pakistan should rise to the world and declare itself a independant voice rather than an echo of America.:pakistan:
and let Musharaff contest elections.... I bet you his turn will never come again as a premier of pakistan "legally" ...

After oppressing and ethnic cleansing balochis?
After killing hundreds of little girls in lal-masjid?
After showing his 'mukkas'(fists) to the nation on 12 may?
After sending in the army in FATA in 2004 on US directions?
After selling thousands of people like Afia Siddque to the US in dollar amounts?
After passing the NRO, to drop all the cases against corrupt politicians?
After sacking the Chief Justice?

I don't think so.
After oppressing and ethnic cleansing balochis?
After killing hundreds of little girls in lal-masjid?
After showing his 'mukkas'(fists) to the nation on 12 may?
After sending in the army in FATA in 2004 on US directions?
After selling thousands of people like Afia Siddque to the US in dollar amounts?
After passing the NRO, to drop all the cases against corrupt politicians?
After sacking the Chief Justice?

I don't think so.

I too dont think so.:pakistan:
Yes and 12th may was your idea of leniency loads of leniency their when the city looked like a battleground and the dead were vast in number you forget when people on shara e dasoor protesed against the kidnapping of people lets not bring the Lawyers movement because you will call it a political movement but do you remeber what happened to people taking stand against the emergency Musharraf is the perfect example of an American bought General to rule the nation who came because our nation began facing huge trouble due to sanctions after the nuclear tests we were begining to stand up on our own 2 feet and all Musharraf did was push us down again I know we would have tripped maybe fell once or twice but we would have been truly independant friends of Pakistan woulld actually consider us their equal but no sir some people think that Musharraf was all wonderfull by shoving all our troubles under a mat and pretending everything was ok but now that the mat has been removed you can see fungus like Taleban and Gang violence increasing day by day people slipping under the poverty line and going bankrupt. Aiming for stars in the banking sector is what Musharraf aspired using Stocks and other financial methods and you can see where it has taken Britain or America. What Nawaz did was start working on Industry again and start making a stronger Muslim alliance and work to gain our own voice in the world, had that continued to happen Pakistan could have risen sharply and laid out its feelings as to what happened in Palestine.

All because of Musharraf types who think it is fun to live in a police state in a sort of shell being protected from all the harm but I think Pakistan should rise to the world and declare itself a independant voice rather than an echo of America.:pakistan:

You should have done better than the same shallow rant we all hear from Mr.Idealism and Mr.Foreign each hour of the day.
After oppressing and ethnic cleansing balochis?
After killing hundreds of little girls in lal-masjid?
After showing his 'mukkas'(fists) to the nation on 12 may?
After sending in the army in FATA in 2004 on US directions?
After selling thousands of people like Afia Siddque to the US in dollar amounts?
After passing the NRO, to drop all the cases against corrupt politicians?
After sacking the Chief Justice?

I don't think so.

Hundreds of little girls in lal-masjid?
What the hell, where are you claims based upon?
I see these things as a right-out insult towards our ex-president, completely respectless, fools will never know what's good for them.
Yes and 12th may was your idea of leniency loads of leniency their when the city looked like a battleground and the dead were vast in number you forget when people on shara e dasoor protesed against the kidnapping of people lets not bring the Lawyers movement because you will call it a political movement but do you remeber what happened to people taking stand against the emergency Musharraf is the perfect example of an American bought General to rule the nation who came because our nation began facing huge trouble due to sanctions after the nuclear tests we were begining to stand up on our own 2 feet and all Musharraf did was push us down again I know we would have tripped maybe fell once or twice but we would have been truly independant friends of Pakistan woulld actually consider us their equal but no sir some people think that Musharraf was all wonderfull by shoving all our troubles under a mat and pretending everything was ok but now that the mat has been removed you can see fungus like Taleban and Gang violence increasing day by day people slipping under the poverty line and going bankrupt. Aiming for stars in the banking sector is what Musharraf aspired using Stocks and other financial methods and you can see where it has taken Britain or America. What Nawaz did was start working on Industry again and start making a stronger Muslim alliance and work to gain our own voice in the world, had that continued to happen Pakistan could have risen sharply and laid out its feelings as to what happened in Palestine.

All because of Musharraf types who think it is fun to live in a police state in a sort of shell being protected from all the harm but I think Pakistan should rise to the world and declare itself a independant voice rather than an echo of America.:pakistan:

Nawaz is CORRUPT, how can you be happy with a corrupt person?
Your melo-dramatic and emotional post contains no real points, you talk about making a strong muslim alliance and work to gain our voice in the world, well listen up buddy, the shape Pakistan is in right now, we don't have a voice in the world simply because of people like you who don't know what's good for them and all they want is democracy and democracy, regardless of the facts that Pakistan may grow or not, or if it may benefit Pakistan or not, you do not seem to care, keep blabbering about Nawaz Nawaz and Nawaz who sent his daughter or son (can't remember) on top schools where he/she does not even have the acquired numbers or papers for.
Corrupt bastard, is he someone you wish to support? Do you honestly have a clue how much our country has grown from 98 till 07? Have you actually done some research? Did you feel oppressed under Musharraf's rule? Be honest, you didn't, so all that talk about "freedom" and "democracy" is bullsh!t, you had all the freedom, if you even live in Pakistan.
Nobody was oppressed, criticism simply wasn't allowed, and I don't mind, and you know why? Because we were the 3rd fastest growing nation on the planet, and that's a huge compliment for the Pakistani people, so why would people criticize or complain about him?

Why do people not know what's good for them and their country.
No discipline, simply because you live in Scotland (I assume?) with democracy, you would like to see it implemented in Pakistan aswell, but it doesn't work that way, Pakistan is a completely different country with different people and backgrounds, you cannot implement democracy so easily in such a young and developing nation like ours, especially when our people ar far from ready for it and alot of our potential leaders corrupt like the devil, we should be happy and grateful that we actually experienced such a huge boost and uplift in our country in the last decade.
good post Jihad:tup:. But in a country where complete illiterates, parhay likay jaahil, corrupts,unity lacking people and now idealists, are found in greater numbers, it'll be tough for someone with a realistic and mature approach to lead it. Musharraf tried his best but was too lenient on a number of occassions and that same nature of his caused his fall. Hopefully when he or someone else with the same character and love for the country returns to rule, it wont be with that same soft attitude.

Better then this Rant on a American sent dictator
Nawaz is CORRUPT, how can you be happy with a corrupt person?
Your melo-dramatic and emotional post contains no real points, you talk about making a strong muslim alliance and work to gain our voice in the world, well listen up buddy, the shape Pakistan is in right now, we don't have a voice in the world simply because of people like you who don't know what's good for them and all they want is democracy and democracy, regardless of the facts that Pakistan may grow or not, or if it may benefit Pakistan or not, you do not seem to care, keep blabbering about Nawaz Nawaz and Nawaz who sent his daughter or son (can't remember) on top schools where he/she does not even have the acquired numbers or papers for.
Corrupt bastard, is he someone you wish to support? Do you honestly have a clue how much our country has grown from 98 till 07? Have you actually done some research? Did you feel oppressed under Musharraf's rule? Be honest, you didn't, so all that talk about "freedom" and "democracy" is bullsh!t, you had all the freedom, if you even live in Pakistan.
Nobody was oppressed, criticism simply wasn't allowed, and I don't mind, and you know why? Because we were the 3rd fastest growing nation on the planet, and that's a huge compliment for the Pakistani people, so why would people criticize or complain about him?

Why do people not know what's good for them and their country.
No discipline, simply because you live in Scotland (I assume?) with democracy, you would like to see it implemented in Pakistan aswell, but it doesn't work that way, Pakistan is a completely different country with different people and backgrounds, you cannot implement democracy so easily in such a young and developing nation like ours, especially when our people ar far from ready for it and alot of our potential leaders corrupt like the devil, we should be happy and grateful that we actually experienced such a huge boost and uplift in our country in the last decade.


read post number 71

as for living in Scotland everyone however terrible he or she is looked after by the government we held a protest rally for Palestine and for closing down five high street stores it seemed to be allowed.

Scots are actually a different nation from English they have democracy Japanese are different from the Americans they have democracy I don't see why we can't.

The uplift I know is that of Swat not being the tourist destination the Rupee converting at 140's near that amount somewhat or do I forget that NWFP became open ground for terrorism or FATA specially or do you not remember Baluchistan for is this the growth you want to see I think you should start to rethink.

We started to have a voice after making the Nuclear Blasts and then were choked when Musharraf took over he sold us out to American policies and now you suggest that he was a good leader he finished our system of government even if we would have one bankrupt we would have been us and not America's puppy if we would have been fired at we could actualy have threatened to take action.

Or do you forget the gifts of Suicide bombers or the hundreds of people getting kidnapped for questioning coming back with broken ribs or injuries.

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