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Musharraf a traitor in the words of Hamid Gul RA


May 24, 2013
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United Kingdom
I always thought Musharraf was a traitor and coward, especially after that video of him begging before American lawmakers to 'support' him back to power. Here it is from the mouth of Hamid Gul himself, born in Pakistan, reitred and lived in Pakistan, died in Pakistan, love of the patriots, rehmatullah alai:

Late Lt. General was a Taliban apologist and used to demoralize our soldiers with his religious talk on tv shows. He never supported any of our Military's action against the terrorists until later 2009 when he noticed that the public view was changing. He considered Musharraf a traitor for all the wrong reasons. Musharraf's only treason is abrogation of the constitution and violating his oath to the constitution of Pakistan, what he did as head of the state can be criminal but not treason.
Speak of logic and facts, it is easy to forget that Pakistan in 2001 was under US sanctions and Bush administration arm twisted us into joining the War on Terror. The alternative was to be bombed "back to the stone age".

I have written on the international politics Pakistan faced at United Nations Security Council who authorised the invasion of Afghanistan under Resolution 1267, 1333, 1363. Prior to that, Pakistan and Russia opposed the invasion of Afghanistan at UN's six-plus-two talks but to no avail. The invasion went ahead.
Speak of logic and facts, it is easy to forget that Pakistan in 2001 was under US sanctions and Bush administration arm twisted us into joining the War on Terror. The alternative was to be bombed "back to the stone age".

I have written on the international politics Pakistan faced at United Nations Security Council who authorised the invasion of Afghanistan under Resolution 1267, 1333, 1363. Prior to that, Pakistan and Russia opposed the invasion of Afghanistan at UN's six-plus-two talks but to no avail. The invasion went ahead.
According to the most US officials of the time themselves, what Musharraf offered and did for the US went way beyond their wildest dreams. He met them with wide open legs. He didn't feel the need to consult with anyone, or weigh the pros and cons of his decision. He was petrified of what the US officials said rhetorically (stone age stuff), and took it to heart.
I always thought Musharraf was a traitor and coward, especially after that video of him begging before American lawmakers to 'support' him back to power. Here it is from the mouth of Hamid Gul himself, born in Pakistan, reitred and lived in Pakistan, died in Pakistan, love of the patriots, rehmatullah alai:

He was a jackal no doubt.
Mushi was a disaster for Pakistan as a whole. Though he did some good steps.
Anyway, both hameed Gul and mushi helped in a way to dirty politics. But Gen Hameed gul is far more patriot and foresighted than Mushi can ever be.
Just see the comparison how CIA roamed free in Pak, whereas in 80s, t couldn't even meet Mujhaideen.
Hats off to Hameed gul saying IEA as freedom fighters in difficult times.
Musharraf is a traitor who needs to be hanged publicly for 3 days for all the crimes he has done against innocent Pakistanis by handing them over to Amreeka
You are a retard. Usa would have bombed a nuclear armed nation? Dont justify actions of a traitor
oh bhai, nuke arm nation lol, why do they care if we had nuclear weapon then (few), and US 2 Aircraft carriers in gulf and bombers in Diego Garcia is enough for Pakistan , to send us in stone age before Pakistan can retaliate, unfortunately these dictators develop Pakistan ore than your so called democratic leaders lol
According to the most US officials of the time themselves, what Musharraf offered and did for the US went way beyond their wildest dreams. He met them with wide open legs. He didn't feel the need to consult with anyone, or weigh the pros and cons of his decision. He was petrified of what the US officials said rhetorically (stone age stuff), and took it to heart.

Ask Iraq with no connection to 9/11 if "back to stone age" stuff was just rhetoric.

US has dropped 46 bombs on average since 2001 at the cost of $8 trillion and some 2 million Muslim lives have been lost. For comparison, the cost of the F-35 programme is nearly $1.7 trillion. So no one in US is losing sleep over the $2 trillion that was wasted in Afghanistan because Mullah Omar Mujahid demanded evidence before handing over OBL.

Knowing the above, I don't fault Musharraf for steering Pakistan away from the abyss that Iraq and Afghanistan fell into.

Was Musharraf perfect?

Far from it.

Musharraf was no Zia ul Haq who played the game well and always extracted concessions. You see shades of Musharraf's straight-shooting-commando approach in domestic politics as well where he conceded too much to the old guard without extracting concessions. This is fair criticism of his personality but it doesn't take away from his correct decision to thaw relations with the US after 9/11.

Mushi was a disaster for Pakistan as a whole. Though he did some good steps.
Anyway, both hameed Gul and mushi helped in a way to dirty politics. But Gen Hameed gul is far more patriot and foresighted than Mushi can ever be.
Just see the comparison how CIA roamed free in Pak, whereas in 80s, t couldn't even meet Mujhaideen.
Hats off to Hameed gul saying IEA as freedom fighters in difficult times.

Musharraf did not appoint Hussian Haqqani as US ambassador who diligently issued visas to CIA. That happened under Zardari.
I always thought Musharraf was a traitor and coward, especially after that video of him begging before American lawmakers to 'support' him back to power. Here it is from the mouth of Hamid Gul himself, born in Pakistan, reitred and lived in Pakistan, died in Pakistan, love of the patriots, rehmatullah alai:

I do not know why we delve into the past. Bhai, Musharraf has come and gone. Whatever he did right or wrong he will answer for it in the greatest of Courts in front of his maker. Leave him to his fate especially now when he can not answer for himself.

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