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A Kangaroo Trial of the Eagle: The Treason Case of ex-President Musharraf

people who are fighting the state have killed tens of thousands of people, blown up the public and private property are being hailed as heroes, trains named after them, offered cricket match and given VIP protocol while they continue to threaten with suicide attacks, declare constitution as kafir and irrelevant and justify the murder of minority communities

this is the very nature of justice when it comes to a selected judges with personal vendetta and grudges paid for and touted by the dallal government of Nawaz sherif

but few misguided ones only look at the $$ signs in Musharaf era and totally ignoring the destruction of state institutions putting us in the mess we are in today
give examples please I need to check

what did people of Musharraf era did differently or wrong which was not done by other "democratic" governments?

how long that has been now really? what is preventing the 2 "democracies" from undoing the "wrongs"? why didnt the democratic "tigers" speak up earlier while asking for votes that it was beyond their powers to undo what Musharraf had done?
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people who are fighting the state have killed tens of thousands of people, blown up the public and private property are being hailed as heroes, trains named after them, offered cricket match and given VIP protocol while they continue to threaten with suicide attacks, declare constitution as kafir and irrelevant and justify the murder of minority communities

this is the very nature of justice when it comes to a selected judges with personal vendetta and grudges paid for and touted by the dallal government of Nawaz sherif

give examples please I need to check

what did people of Musharraf era did differently or wrong which was not done by other "democratic" governments?

how long that has been now really? what is preventing the 2 "democracies" from undoing the "wrongs"? why didnt the democratic "tigers" speak up earlier which asking for votes that it was beyond their powers to undo what Musharraf had done?
thanks for special appearance sir!
people who are fighting the state have killed tens of thousands of people, blown up the public and private property are being hailed as heroes, trains named after them, offered cricket match and given VIP protocol while they continue to threaten with suicide attacks, declare constitution as kafir and irrelevant and justify the murder of minority communities

this is the very nature of justice when it comes to a selected judges with personal vendetta and grudges paid for and touted by the dallal government of Nawaz sherif

give examples please I need to check

what did people of Musharraf era did differently or wrong which was not done by other "democratic" governments?

how long that has been now really? what is preventing the 2 "democracies" from undoing the "wrongs"? why didnt the democratic "tigers" speak up earlier while asking for votes that it was beyond their powers to undo what Musharraf had done?

useless debate
I recently lost my interest in Pakistan, tum log khudi bhugto
bhoot bhoot mehrbani, uncle jee!lolzz
when you confront people to backup their halfarsed remarks either you get mind numbing remarks like selling "our people for dollars" and fighting someone else's war (for them KSM is "their people") or a bail out repose like the one you quoted

but all seems good when Amir Al monafiqeen accepts Halal dollars, and is willing to sell Pakistani weapons and send troops to fight Arab sectarian wars.
Because Musharraf proclaimed a state of emergency, suspended the constitution, terminated the parliament and appointed himself the country's Chief Executive. The declaration was backdated to October 12, the day on which the armed forces seized power in a coup.

Neither Gillani nor Zardari did that. What Mush did was against the constitution of Pakistan and amounts to treason which is punishable by death. Period!
My question was regarding the trial...coz the damage Zardari did before getting the chair plus when he was president.....was worse than what Musharraf did!

Treason is a far cry as compared to what other assholes did to the country!
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