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Musharraf a traitor in the words of Hamid Gul RA

Lol why you called him rahimahulah, was he auila-allah or preacher of Islam or something? He is only Common servent of Pakistan, we also prey for him that Allah Grant him highest place in jannah

Rahimahullah means Allah have mercy on him, and can be used for any righteous person especially a visionary leader and great mujahid like him. Next time before questioning learn what Rahimahullah means.
Musharraf was far better than Zardari + Nawaz the moron combined
Ironic since he brought both of these scoundrels back from the dead...in a way he was a better traitor, coward and corrupt scoundrel than of both of these combined.
Yes, no point. Leave his matter to history.
We can't we are suffering from the garbage he left behind.
Ok,, in your point of view he is the jackal, but in most of point of view he was a Lion and why you want to destruction of Pakistan and millions of Pakistani people was being killed just like Iraq???
And you think Pakistan's military armed with nuclear weapons was the equivalent of Iraq's sanctions and war ravaged third rate and starved military...the level of self hate is nauseating...

Every wonder why US has never attacked North Korea or even Iran for that matter.
Rahimahullah means Allah have mercy on him, and can be used for any righteous person especially a visionary leader and great mujahid like him. Next time before questioning learn what Rahimahullah means.
LOL mujahid my foot ànd visionary leader is also not true he not alone with its decisions, he rahimahulah wale log Gen Hamid Gul se bohat buland hota hai, Gen Hamid Gul aik aam aur guhnagar shakish tha
I always thought Musharraf was a traitor and coward, especially after that video of him begging before American lawmakers to 'support' him back to power. Here it is from the mouth of Hamid Gul himself, born in Pakistan, reitred and lived in Pakistan, died in Pakistan, love of the patriots, rehmatullah alai:

Tell me, in this Islamic Republic, who doesn't become a traitor after he leaves power? I have seen the family members of Hamid Gul getting contracts of public services(eg transport in Islamabad), while others were pushed back. Does this make a him traitor as well? Or do we need some Jewish praising for that traitor stamp?
Mr Gul was so beneficial for the security of this country that allegedly he was silenced by Pakistan intelligence agencies.
Speak of logic and facts, it is easy to forget that Pakistan in 2001 was under US sanctions and Bush administration arm twisted us into joining the War on Terror. The alternative was to be bombed "back to the stone age".

I have written on the international politics Pakistan faced at United Nations Security Council who authorised the invasion of Afghanistan under Resolution 1267, 1333, 1363. Prior to that, Pakistan and Russia opposed the invasion of Afghanistan at UN's six-plus-two talks but to no avail. The invasion went ahead.
Thanks for the detailed handling, and providing the relevant UN resolutions. The topic of all the resolutions include at most sanctions, nowhere do they call for military action against the afghan gov of the time.

@White and Green with M/S countries much smaller and with much less muscle than Pakistan have non-kinetically been able to keep the US at bay, the worst we could do back then if we had taken a strong stance was get sanctioned. Better sanctioned than US aid, it would have done wonders to our self reliance.

So guys, please dont sell the 'chuna' of being bombed back to the stone age here, those were as we say in karachi 'nange barham'
Lol why you called him rahimahulah, was he auila-allah or preacher of Islam or something?
The answer to your question is in your post:

we also prey for him that Allah Grant him highest place in jannah
Some side notes:

Rahimullah, rehmatullah alai is just a prayer for rehmah for the departed, is normally said for anyone who has done any service to Islam, whether spiritually or militarily.

Raditalla anhu on the other hand is reserved for sahabah given a relevant ayah in the Quran (if you want prove, we will have to do it separately since it would be off topic)

Alahisalam is generally reserved for the Prophets alahissalam.


Is the effects of NRO not destruction? Is his capitulation in front of the lawyers not responsible for destruction? or the 70,000 lives lost by Musharrafs personal war?
both hamid gul and mushraf were puppets of USA one was pro another anti for same group . no one is saint
Is the effects of NRO not destruction? Is his capitulation in front of the lawyers not responsible for destruction? or the 70,000 lives lost by Musharrafs personal war?
NRO is our internal matters may be pressure comes from some GCC countries, ànd you're talking about 70,000 in 20 years , what if USA attacked if deny and as a result within few days or may be in one month the can killed million of Pakistanis be just like first Gulf war??
NRO is our internal matters may be pressure comes from some GCC countries, ànd you're talking about 70,000 in 20 years , what if USA attacked if deny and as a result within few days or may be in one month the can killed million of Pakistanis be just like first Gulf war??

If it was an internal matter then why did the brave commando come under so much external pressure? He didn't have the balls to hang the man who was minutes away from dropping him into enemy hands. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. People need to wake up and see Musharraf for what he was. He was an egotisical coward. He thought he had all the answers and in the end he was disgraced everywhere he turned. A man politically out manouvered by Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.
If it was an internal matter then why did the brave commando come under so much external pressure? He didn't have the balls to hang the man who was minutes away from dropping him into enemy hands. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. People need to wake up and see Musharraf for what he was. He was an egotisical coward. He thought he had all the answers and in the end he was disgraced everywhere he turned. A man politically out manouvered by Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.
What a nonsense you have, I already told you pressure from everywhere both from internal ànd external do you think it easy for him to hang Nawaz and zardari ànd Pakistan could not suffer from his act internationally???
Musharraf's was a traitor for usurping power and then giving out NRO

Besides that Musharraf will always be ten times the man this loose cannon Hamid Gul ever was.

He was a Taliban apologist who didn't give a **** about what damage was incurred on Pakistan as long as his ideology was fulfilled.
oh bhai, nuke arm nation lol, why do they care if we had nuclear weapon then (few), and US 2 Aircraft carriers in gulf and bombers in Diego Garcia is enough for Pakistan , to send us in stone age before Pakistan can retaliate, unfortunately these dictators develop Pakistan ore than your so called democratic leaders lol
Bhaia phr USA abhi ja kr North Korea par hamla kyu ni karta? Itni hawa kyu tight hoei jesei hi NK threatened them with nukes.
Musharraf did not appoint Hussian Haqqani as US ambassador who diligently issued visas to CIA. That happened under Zardari.
Then who brought Zardari/Nawaz in power for his selfishness. 8-)
Anyway, Musharraf did some good things HEC, Jf-17 continuation, Telecom investment, IT import tariff exemptions, media freedom, etc.
His mistakes, giving too much to NATO, charging nothing for NATO transport, NRO, giving airbases, allowing drone strikes, attacking red mosque (commandos attacked with phosphorous grenade and AKs and not MP5), etc So, overall he harmed more than good.
What a nonsense you have, I already told you pressure from everywhere both from internal ànd external do you think it easy for him to hang Nawaz and zardari ànd Pakistan could not suffer from his act internationally???

Pakistan was already under economic and military sanctions. What was anyone going to do? He was a coward, afraid to act if he couldn't see any personal glory. What national benefit was there to his Kargil foolishness? The man started a war without informing the govt or even the Airforce. Where did the threat of sanctions go then? Where the was the planned out end game there?

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