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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

not only his alter ego but he was once a grammer teacher in a local school ,sadly thrown out due to his overconfident behaviour.Now one of his hobbies includes " the ultimate autocorrector or grammer corrector on pdf" although he usualy opens google tabs of 'oxford dictionary' version 2019 while typing on this forum just to allure others how he sprinkles english words here but now a days he suffering from euphoria of a 'spelling bee' champion kid, basically he is a shakespeare wannabe :partay::victory:

Umm, that's 'grammar', not 'grammer'; I teach 'management', not 'grammer', or 'grammar'; I taught at a university, not at a school; I left, and was not thrown out, because I thought 65 was old enough to go find something else to do (like improving orthography on PDF); I am delighted that there is a google tab for the 'Oxford Dictionary', but I wouldn't need it, to be perfectly honest, except to remind myself that the word is spelt 'usually', and not 'usualy'; I don't 'allure' others, and haven't used the word 'allure' as a verb for a very long time (actually, never since I was born).

The rest of your post was not bad. I wouldn't have put a dunce cap on you, not yet.
Umm, that's 'grammar', not 'grammer'; I teach 'management', not 'grammer', or 'grammar'; I taught at a university, not at a school; I left, and was not thrown out, because I thought 65 was old enough to go find something else to do (like improving orthography on PDF); I am delighted that there is a google tab for the 'Oxford Dictionary', but I wouldn't need it, to be perfectly honest, except to remind myself that the word is spelt 'usually', and not 'usualy'; I don't 'allure' others, and haven't used the word 'allure' as a verb for a very long time (actually, never since I was born).

The rest of your post was not bad. I wouldn't have put a dunce cap on you, not yet.

Brutal stuff Joe. Borderline cruel. :p :p :p
Umm, that's 'grammar', not 'grammer'; I teach 'management', not 'grammer', or 'grammar'; I taught at a university, not at a school; I left, and was not thrown out, because I thought 65 was old enough to go find something else to do (like improving orthography on PDF); I am delighted that there is a google tab for the 'Oxford Dictionary', but I wouldn't need it, to be perfectly honest, except to remind myself that the word is spelt 'usually', and not 'usualy'; I don't 'allure' others, and haven't used the word 'allure' as a verb for a very long time (actually, never since I was born).

The rest of your post was not bad. I wouldn't have put a dunce cap on you, not yet.
see? well that intentionally..ok grandpa:partay:
you have to convey your point and i am delightful u understood! " grandpa " thats the fashion nowadays, cm outta 70s.

I prefer Professor, thank you very much. I started work in the 70s, so those habits tend to stick to me.

While a charitable disposition and kindness towards the slower students is always desirable, I am not very sure that you are delightful. Perhaps we need a second opinion.
I prefer Professor, thank you very much. I started work in the 70s, so those habits tend to stick to me.

While a charitable disposition and kindness towards the slower students is always desirable, I am not very sure that you are delightful. Perhaps we need a second opinion.
aah! okay lets move on ,4 posts on correcting grammer ohh sry grammar ...sorry*....what you think of musharraf grandpa ? is he good or bad , now can we stick back to the topic ?
aah! okay lets move on ,4 posts on correcting grammer ohh sry grammar ...sorry*....what you think of musharraf grandpa ? is he good or bad , now can we stick back to the topic ?

Well, Musharraf Grandpa may feel like a close relative, but we must see his actions with objectivity. He did a lot of bad things, and only one good thing. So what would you call him, good or bad?

PS: It should be "....now may we stick back to the topic?" We can, but whether or not we should if a different matter. Further, it is wrong to suggest that we stick back to something; 'to stick to something' is the accepted form.

aah! okay lets move on ,4 posts on correcting grammer ohh sry grammar ...sorry*....what you think of musharraf grandpa ? is he good or bad , now can we stick back to the topic ?

BTW, only one post was on grammar; you make my blood run cold with that mistake. It begins to look like your arithmetic is as weak as your grammar.
Well, Musharraf Grandpa may feel like a close relative, but we must see his actions with objectivity. He did a lot of bad things, and only one good thing. So what would you call him, good or bad?

PS: It should be "....now may we stick back to the topic?" We can, but whether or not we should if a different matter. Further, it is wrong to suggest that we stick back to something; 'to stick to something' is the accepted form.

BTW, only one post was on grammar; you make my blood run cold with that mistake. It begins to look like your arithmetic is as weak as your grammar.
put your best glasses on grandpa...actually it was two! third one was related to the previous two and fourth was your partial self praising intro condescending one as always.
Now back to musharraf, to me he has done 50 percent good things for pakistan politically and militarily he was all good.
put your best glasses on grandpa...actually it was two! third one was related to the previous two and fourth was your partial self praising intro condescending one as always.
Now back to musharraf, to me he has done 50 percent good things for pakistan politically and militarily he was all good.

My best glasses? I promptly took it off when I realised the quality of your posts - for a while. Then another member pointed out the comic quality in these, and I put on my glasses again. About Musharraf, poor chap would have thought twenty times before doing what he did if he'd realised that little sprogs would be on about what he did, and what he did not do.
He didn't do anything about sprogs like you.
My best glasses? I promptly took it off when I realized the quality of your posts - for a while. Then another member pointed out the comic quality in these, and I put on my glasses again. About Musharraf, poor chap would have thought twenty times before doing what he did if he'd realized that little sprogs would be on about what he did, and what he did not do.
He didn't do anything about sprogs like you.
Ironic to hear that at this age you like comics? That was my point earlier you are bipolar by nature and sometimes you are way too worse than a toddler and yeah it would be way better if he had done something about the toddlers of another side of the border ;Kargil. Ah sigh! Unfinished business he has left what a pity. Utterly Fail.
Ironic to hear that at this age you like comics? That was my point earlier you are bipolar by nature and sometimes you are way too worse than a toddler and yeah it would be way better if he had done something about the toddlers of another side of the border ;Kargil. Ah sigh! Unfinished business he has left what a pity. Utterly Fail.

I must speak to you about adverbs and adjectives some day. You will find life much easier after you learn these terms.
I must speak to you about adverbs and adjectives some day. You will find life much easier after you learn these terms.
Nice way to divert the topic great. My life is very much easier with my mother tongue and I am very proud of it. Plus I don't act like a fogy who judges others by the level of what they write grammatically not what they say. You're welcome to play mind games grandpa with English is your exit point.
Nice way to divert the topic great. My life is very much easier with my mother tongue and I am very proud of it. Plus I don't act like a fogy who judges others by the level of what they write grammatically not what they say. You're welcome to play mind games grandpa with English is your exit point.

I note with interest your disinclination to play mind games. That is not surprising.

Your life being very much easier with your mother tongue is also noted; it is a pity to have strayed so far for so little.

Finally, there is every possibility of an engaging discussion, based on what a post says. The only problem is that for that to happen, posts must say something. :D
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