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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

I note with interest your disinclination to play mind games. That is not surprising.

Your life is very much easier with your mother tongue is also noted; it is a pity to have strayed so far for so little.

Finally, there is every possibility of an engaging discussion, based on what a post says. The only problem is that for that to happen, posts must say something. :D
As long as you are confused I am happy then.:cheesy:
As long as you are confused I am happy then.:cheesy:


If my post had been written in your mother tongue, you might have 'got' that I was not, and am not confused. However, do remain happy; it saves your care-givers the cost of your medication.

However, do remain happy; it saves your care-givers the cost of your medication.
Is there any medicine specifically to make you feel "happy"? I have studied medicines do cure diseases and put you out from your suffering not actually make you happy but a feel a lot better. Now you're freaking me out because I am a medical graduate. :o:
Can't get a free toy in cereal these days and grandpa is keen on giving free advice lols thanks :partay: back to the topic :

Positives I took from Musharraf are;
Kargil operation ( just to remind India that it's not their integral part but a disputed territory).

Economic Boom in Pakistan.
Aafua Siddiqui was arrested in Afghanistan and the US took custody of her and flew her to the US when she attacked US personnel in Afghanistan. Pakistan did not 'hand her over to the US'.
He handed over Afghanistan ambassador to America. --- Now I don't know he did this out of loyalty to American masters, $$$$ or fear.
Well this thread turned into super intelligent prof Xavier trying to roast a typical grasshopper with his mindwaves :lol: (the problem is the target it too tiny for the peak energy intensity of the mindwaves to have much effect).

Why Prof Xavier does this is kinda funny....is the grasshopper all that he seems I wonder o_O
NRO was necessary to rectify what would have always been considered an 'illegitimate exile of Nawaz and Benazir by a Military dictator'.

Wouldn't you agree that it is much, much better for Pakistanis to vote out Nawaz and Zardari after realizing that they are useless, as happened in the recent elections?

You are speaking with too much logic for the puny brains here.. NRO was a Pak military move to get out of governing Pakistan... Eventually.. the same military discredited Nawaz and Zardari and got the current setup in power....A long game played and won.
As to the WOT... As if Musharraf had a choice on 9/11.
Trial should be done to any one at any condition if he did something wrong he held the important positions he should answer them otherwise should not have been COAS and president in first place
Bro if it was up to me there wouldn't be any lal safayd or slayti mosque like such standing by now. You challenge the writ of an Islamic Republic by picking up arms, you can kiss good bye to every thing dear to you. :nono:

I agree in principle. When their leader had to hide in burqa to get away leaving his flock to fend for themselves, you have to wonder...

Musharraf handled it the wrong way, though. It just brought all the other religious issues the people had with Musharraf to a head.

As to the WOT... As if Musharraf had a choice on 9/11.

We did, and we abandoned our friend and ally on false charges. US could not have attacked us, it would result in WW3.

Now that things have finally begun to move in the right direction, look at the respect, humility, and mercy our former allies whom we backstabbed still have for us.

It makes me ashamed to call myself a Pakistani, seeing how many innocents Musharraf ransomed to the Americans. It is a national shame. He needs to be held to account.

Aafia Siddiqui is a prime example.
Musharraf handled it the wrong way, though. It just brought all the other religious issues the people had with Musharraf to a head.

Yes he had it coming but lingered it on for don't whatever reasons. Might had nipped the evil in the bud?

But he did act as a catalyst to expose the national hypocrisy wrt our twisted narratives about religion and nationalism e.g the "hurmat" of choori daar pajama over jeans - - - - - - -.

we abandoned our friend and ally on false charges
Those same allies had/have no regard for human rights and Islam . Tryna equate their culture with Sharia and imposing it by the barrel of the gun. I say good riddance.

It makes me ashamed to call myself a Pakistani, seeing how many innocents Musharraf ransomed to the Americans. It is a national shame.

And how come many of those "innocents" ended up on the u.n list of most wanted terrorists?

Aafia Siddiqui is a prime example.
Her plight is unfortunate but she got nabbed form Afghanistan - - - - - -.

The Afghanis must learn to behave civilized otherwise there's no guarantee of another war not knocking at the doors of kabul.
Musharaf looked after the Pakistani interest at large. He did commit blunders like unleashing mqm, giving a fee hand to Cia and pathetic bargain but all in all he was the best thing ever happend to pak
We did, and we abandoned our friend and ally on false charges. US could not have attacked us, it would result in WW3.

Now that things have finally begun to move in the right direction, look at the respect, humility, and mercy our former allies whom we backstabbed still have for us.

It makes me ashamed to call myself a Pakistani, seeing how many innocents Musharraf ransomed to the Americans. It is a national shame. He needs to be held to account.

Aafia Siddiqui is a prime example.

calling Taliban an ally should make you ashamed even you have any
Her plight is unfortunate but she got nabbed form Afghanistan - - - - - -.

Incorrect. She was arrested in Karachi by Pakistani agencies during Musharraf's reign.
Incorrect. She was arrested in Karachi by Pakistani agencies during Musharraf's reign.
That's the media version of the sad incident. However the U. S congress must persuade the potus to give her presidential pardon as she had gone through a hell of miseries.
That's the media version of the sad incident. However the U. S congress must persuade the potus to give her presidential pardon as she had gone through a hell of miseries.

No, that is not the media version. The media reported it correctly after verifying it with her family. What happened to her kids is even sadder.
No, that is not the media version. The media reported it correctly after verifying it with her family. What happened to her kids is even sadder.
The u.s wanted her for her alleged role in Terror activities backed by the u.n resolution post 9/11
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