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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

He lost his power,the minute he went democratic,thats my take on it.
Would have could have should have only and only if military rule would have stayed for a couple of more years.
Going democratic was poison,in this case.
Btw,your english is to complicated for a simple mind like myself(maybe we meant the same,i dont know :undecided::undecided::undecided: ).

Terrible English, these over-educated and snooty Southies. He should learn from the good example of some others :whistle:
Btw,you should say nothing,remember your writing?
So many expensive words,i always got headaches reading your posts.:pissed::pissed::pissed:

Who, I?

Nooo,you never.
Your alter ego.
not only his alter ego but he was once a grammer teacher in a local school ,sadly thrown out due to his overconfident behaviour.Now one of his hobbies includes " the ultimate autocorrector or grammer corrector on pdf" although he usualy opens google tabs of 'oxford dictionary' version 2019 while typing on this forum just to allure others how he sprinkles english words here but now a days he suffering from euphoria of a 'spelling bee' champion kid, basically he is a shakespeare wannabe :partay::victory:
Doesnt matter what he is,i respect him.
You on the other hand are disrespectful,let me make it easy for you.
You are the kid.
sometimes its the kids who teaches you some things of sanity and its upto you whether you take it as a disrespect or a "behave yourself" signs, well to me he is bipolar sometimes he is even worse than kids... anyways whatever.
Former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf disclosed that he had received millions of US dollars from Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia back in 2009 to purchase apartments in London and Dubai.
Why he was gifted this amount? Is it because of deals with nawaz on request of arabs?
It seem corruption , blunders and breaking law is not sin in our country for Army Generals.They can justify their lust for power and can misuse it in the name of terroism/patriotism...this so called lion had no courage to face trails and was puppet of US and Arabs and killed his own people for dollars.. we all know the episode of Lal masjid which could have been handle much better without all this bloodshed and who will be responsible for death of all those civilians who lost their lives in sucide attacks after lal masjid incident..we all know how Musharraf treated judges of superme court during his dictatorship..we all know his love for MQM yet he is great patriot lol
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