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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

Didn't care at all for a lot of the things he did (like Kargil, how he came to power, how he left power, several things in between all of that.... and there was always something quite egotistical about his demeanour a lot of the time)....BUT, he really did have a drive to get Kashmir settled (which I do respect him for, esp as military man that cuts right to the chase) with India peacefully (and Vajpayee was there) and it was almost within reach....in fact if Vajpayee won a 2nd term, things probably would have looked lot different in the region. It was the kind of Egypt-Israel camp david thing with Sadat-Begin (after Yom Kippur war) that was cruelly denied to all of us in the end. We are all poorer for it, but I admire the ones that tried and brought it as close to reality as they did....because it serves as a reminder of the potential this wonderful region of ours richly deserves.

@The Sandman @T-123456 @saiyan0321 @M. Sarmad @scorpionx @VCheng @Joe Shearer
Didn't care at all for a lot of the things he did (like Kargil, how he came to power, how he left power, several things in between all of that.... and there was always something quite egotistical about his demeanour a lot of the time)....BUT, he really did have a drive to get Kashmir settled (which I do respect him for, esp as military man that cuts right to the chase) with India peacefully (and Vajpayee was there) and it was almost within reach....in fact if Vajpayee won a 2nd term, things probably would have looked lot different in the region. It was the kind of Egypt-Israel camp david thing with Sadat-Begin (after Yom Kippur war) that was cruelly denied to all of us in the end. We are all poorer for it, but I admire the ones that tried and brought it as close to reality as they did....because it serves as a reminder of the potential this wonderful region of ours richly deserves.

@The Sandman @T-123456 @saiyan0321 @M. Sarmad @scorpionx @VCheng @Joe Shearer

For all his grave mistakes and errors of judgement, and military adventurism that turned so ugly so rapidly, this general came close to clearing up the festering wound that is Kashmir.

If only for this single heroic effort, Musharraf gets a pass in my book.
For all his grave mistakes and errors of judgement, and military adventurism that turned so ugly so rapidly, this general came close to clearing up the festering wound that is Kashmir.

If only for this single heroic effort, Musharraf gets a pass in my book.
Musharraf can now die peacefully and 1 more brownie point from Pakistanis to you.
Musharraf can now die peacefully and 1 more brownie point from Pakistanis to you.

If you are so hung up on these, please apply in triplicate; details will be supplied once you have decided to go ahead it.
If you are so hung up on these, please apply in triplicate; details will be supplied once you have decided to go ahead it.

You either have brownie points or battle scars so Joe you are low in the ranking since you only have one but @Nilgiri is a good boy. He has ten. A true battle scared veteran. :p :p

Didn't care at all for a lot of the things he did (like Kargil, how he came to power, how he left power, several things in between all of that.... and there was always something quite egotistical about his demeanour a lot of the time)....BUT, he really did have a drive to get Kashmir settled (which I do respect him for, esp as military man that cuts right to the chase) with India peacefully (and Vajpayee was there) and it was almost within reach....in fact if Vajpayee won a 2nd term, things probably would have looked lot different in the region. It was the kind of Egypt-Israel camp david thing with Sadat-Begin (after Yom Kippur war) that was cruelly denied to all of us in the end. We are all poorer for it, but I admire the ones that tried and brought it as close to reality as they did....because it serves as a reminder of the potential this wonderful region of ours richly deserves.

@The Sandman @T-123456 @saiyan0321 @M. Sarmad @scorpionx @VCheng @Joe Shearer

This is indeed interesting. The man had his highs as you mentioned and had his lows. His highs is no justification to remove a democratically elected government nor the fact that the said government was locked in an endless tussle of power with the opposition however as all through heads weave the threads of fate which echo far and wide, his actions upon the Democratic setup too had the same effect. It was his reign that prompted the political parties to pass 18th amendment which severely decreased the power of the president and would make Pakistan a true federation of provinces. It was his reign that saw Pakistan tackle a problem that would change the very fabric of the Pakistani society and quite frankly that problem was always going to b tackled..

The man is now dying.. Its over for him..
You either have brownie points or battle scars so Joe you are low in the ranking since you only have one but @Nilgiri is a good boy. He has ten. A true battle scared veteran. :p :p

What can I say...I did like to pop out of the hatch to have at it with the ole machine gun from time to time in the past.

I am now more in a (self-imposed) desk duty stage though....some grievous mistakes were made when I was out there in younger years that I will need to let time wither away....plus the battlefield/RoE itself is changing so I need it to settle a bit more too....before I venture out from the warmer confines.
Didn't care at all for a lot of the things he did (like Kargil, how he came to power, how he left power, several things in between all of that.... and there was always something quite egotistical about his demeanour a lot of the time)....BUT, he really did have a drive to get Kashmir settled (which I do respect him for, esp as military man that cuts right to the chase) with India peacefully (and Vajpayee was there) and it was almost within reach....in fact if Vajpayee won a 2nd term, things probably would have looked lot different in the region. It was the kind of Egypt-Israel camp david thing with Sadat-Begin (after Yom Kippur war) that was cruelly denied to all of us in the end. We are all poorer for it, but I admire the ones that tried and brought it as close to reality as they did....because it serves as a reminder of the potential this wonderful region of ours richly deserves.

@The Sandman @T-123456 @saiyan0321 @M. Sarmad @scorpionx @VCheng @Joe Shearer
Would a agreement signed by Musharraf have stood and been honoured by Pakistanis ? Once the borders were opened, arms and nakli kashmiris would flood the valley and kashmir would be on fire. The Pakistanis would say " hum kyan Karen,, kashmiris hamari sunte he nahin".
Kashmir is a test whether a nonhindu majority state can exist in the Indian Republic. Muslim Kashmiris don't agitate on basis of any atrocities committed but on basis of religion. If kashmiris were culturally so different why wouldn't the Budhists and Hindus join the Muslims.
Also responsible for stabbing India in the back after vajpayees historic visit.

That's not an issue for us. No offence, but most Pakistanis don't mind the fact that he attacked India and in-fact a lot of us view it as a positive (he caught you by the throat, and took Point 5353).

The main problems for us is that he stayed in power for too long, and he supported the war Afghanistan. He shot us in the foot via such a move, and didn't even manage to properly reap the rewards.
That's not an issue for us. No offence, but most Pakistanis don't mind the fact that he attacked India and in-fact a lot of us view it as a positive (he caught you by the throat, and took Point 5353).

The main problems for us is that he stayed in power for too long, and he supported the war Afghanistan. He shot us in the foot via such a move, and didn't even manage to properly reap the rewards.
You personify why I don't trust any open border Musharraf solution for kashmir being touted by some here ? @Nilgiri
Pakistanis don't have a good record of sticking to their word or agreements, like occupying empty posts in kargil.
You personify why I don't trust any open border Musharraf solution for kashmir being touted by some here ?

We don't exactly trust you either. We saw how you treated Hyderabad and Junagadh, and we know just how much you'd love to conquer us (as shown by your multiple invasions/attempts at invasions).
he armed mqm they killed thousand of Pakistani burned 150 people alive! he signed nro that allowed parasite like nawaz and zardari to comeback and loot and destroy our country! and yes he bowed down to so called american might!
He was the agent of World order, who was appointed to eliminate Jihad and Taliban from the region,He is going to end but Taliban and Islam are still powerful, His remaining things are his liberal ideas and other puppets of his team in the name of PTI.
He was the agent of World order, who was appointed to eliminate Jihad and Taliban from the region,He is going to end but Taliban and Islam are still powerful, His remaining things are his liberal ideas and other puppets of his team in the name of PTI.
taliban victory should be an inspiration for every muslim that with faith and belief and unity we can beat anyone!

as for mushraf being an agent of world order well i am not a big fan of conspiracy but his actions were not serving Pakistans national interest so i have nothing kind to say about him
Didn't care at all for a lot of the things he did (like Kargil, how he came to power, how he left power, several things in between all of that.... and there was always something quite egotistical about his demeanour a lot of the time)....BUT, he really did have a drive to get Kashmir settled (which I do respect him for, esp as military man that cuts right to the chase) with India peacefully (and Vajpayee was there) and it was almost within reach....in fact if Vajpayee won a 2nd term, things probably would have looked lot different in the region. It was the kind of Egypt-Israel camp david thing with Sadat-Begin (after Yom Kippur war) that was cruelly denied to all of us in the end. We are all poorer for it, but I admire the ones that tried and brought it as close to reality as they did....because it serves as a reminder of the potential this wonderful region of ours richly deserves.

@The Sandman @T-123456 @saiyan0321 @M. Sarmad @scorpionx @VCheng @Joe Shearer
And do you know why he couldnt get done?
For all his grave mistakes and errors of judgement, and military adventurism that turned so ugly so rapidly, this general came close to clearing up the festering wound that is Kashmir.

If only for this single heroic effort, Musharraf gets a pass in my book.
Same question to you Joe?
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