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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

And not just him, all those before and since him that have done similar illegal acts. All of them, without fear or favor.
I'm in favor of that, or at the least some sort of 'Truth and Reconciliation' commission that assigns responsibility for crimes committed.
I'm in favor of that, or at the least some sort of 'Truth and Reconciliation' commission that assigns responsibility for crimes committed.

As long as the end result is an open declaration of the criminality of such acts with all privileges revoked and sentences passed, so that no one dare do it again. Deterrence is the key outcome.

Idealist bullsh-itters that you guys are would the behind of criminals that looted and plundered the nation---.

You children's stupidity never ends to amaze me---no clue of how nations are run and managed---come up with these 'show piece' moral values from where---I don't know---but criminally inept and corrupt yourselves---.

Rules are made for fools---smart men make them---brave men break them---. Fortunes of nations are not built by cowards---.

Idealist bullsh-itters that you guys are would the behind of criminals that looted and plundered the nation---.

You children's stupidity never ends to amaze me---no clue of how nations are run and managed---come up with these 'show piece' moral values from where---I don't know---but criminally inept and corrupt yourselves---.

Rules are made for fools---smart men make them---brave men break them---. Fortunes of nations are not built by cowards---.

If you are this smart, why are you not COAS or PM?
Musharraf, no doubt, is one of the best Pakistani Generals and leaders.
Dictatorship, however, is by definition illegitimate
I used to think like you too bro but nah this guy is the worst after zia

Kargil blunder
The pointless coup
Dragging us into WOT
Allowing mqm to get stronger

Before we talk about article 6 he should be held accountable for the soldiers we lost and the shame we earned because of him and his 3 aides at kargil. But seeing his condition i say let him go now hisaab to hoga na iska bhi.
Really, this so called great man started Kargil War, pushed Pakistan into un-necessary War on Terror, thanks to him we are in this quagmire. I am no fan of NS, infact there is only one man who have damaged Pakistan as much as NS and that one man is Musharaf.

Really!! He was the best we have to offer. May be you need to re-evaluate your definition of best or may be educate yourself better.
Mate, u have no idea what u are talking about.
All in all a pretty poor leader.

I'll always applaud the courage of Kargil, NS shares the blame in turning a victory into a waste of precious lives. It's clear it was conducted in unprofessional manner though.

He did well for the economy when he was in power, but also became a doormat for the US and hamstrung the Kashmiri freedom movement.

Then the worse mistake of all - NRO. The azab we faced for the decade after, was thanks to him.

He might have been a great leader had is ego and ambition been a bit more in check.
This coward should be made to face trial. Hundreds of Pakistani soldiers are still buried on Kargil. Pakistan lost a lot because of him.
he saved pakistan's *** after 9/11. i doubt any of his successors had the same ability to engage America
everything else is immaterial in grand scheme of things
That's just another excuse to refuse to accept responsibility for your actions.

In the last 3 election cycles we've had the PPP elected, then the PMLN and now the PTI, and the reasons we have had 3 governments are clear - PPP won on the back of the BB assassination sympathy vote. PMLN won on the back of the PPP's abysmal performance in the Center and Shabaz Sharif's performance in Lahore/Northern/Central Punjab. And the PTI won because of the perceived corruption of the PMLN.

Most of the pre election polls supported the election results that eventually came out. Independent observers supported the claims that the elections were largely free and fair. Blaming the Pindi boys is just an excuse to not put in the hard work, be politically active and work to get the party you support in power.
who created nawaz?
who bred zulfiqar bhutto?
who created mqm?

was it awaam?

sir behind almost every menace ull find pindi boys finger prints!! i have utmost respect for armed forces but top brass has been ahole imo they have done more harm than zardaris or nawazs!
who created nawaz?
who bred zulfiqar bhutto?
who created mqm?

was it awaam?

sir behind almost every menace ull find pindi boys finger prints!! i have utmost respect for armed forces but top brass has been ahole imo they have done more harm than zardaris or nawazs!
Agree, but the events you're referring to are several decades old. Almost every Pakistani knows the history behind these individuals, almost every Pakistani knows what they have delivered when in power, so now, in the present and future, it is the responsibility of Pakistanis to reject these people in the elections.

The past military leadership may have created these figures, but the responsibility is with today's Pakistanis to reject them.
he saved pakistan's *** after 9/11. i doubt any of his successors had the same ability to engage America
everything else is immaterial in grand scheme of things


That is correct---.

If it was Nawaz---Benazir or Zardari---pakistan would have been neutered after 9/11---just like Iraq---Libya---Syria---. Paksiatn's nucs picked up by the US---.

Pak military was at its weakest---Paf could not fly its F16's for more than 2 days---sanctions had terrible effects on everything---.

Musharraf was a blessing from Allah for Pakistan---. His two blunders was making Gen Kiyani the COAS and doing the NRO---.
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