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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

what a time to die! all his claims that american might will win in afghanistan it will destroy pakistan blah blah blah and just before his end his american lord is defeated and begging taliban for negotiation

He should not be allowed to be buried in Pakistan
ahh the Constitution made to protect elites!! well inevitable or not by signing and that too to serve his personal interest their comeback and eventual destruction of Pakistans economy is on mushraf and for his crimes against people of Pakistan he should be tried and hanged!! Pakistan is to correct itself we need to start with mighty coward generals who are living outaide outaide pakistan yes kayani that includes you as well ahole you supported zardari and made billions partnering with him;
It's not the fault of the constitution that Pakistanis keep electing the PMLN and PPP to power. Even this time around the contest in Punjab was extremely tight, and the PTI was only able to form a government in Punjab because of the PML-Q.

At what point do Pakistanis accept responsibility for the choices they themselves make?
Great man whose achievements will never be recognized in his homeland as we have a tradition of demonizing patriots and idolizing traitors.
Really, this so called great man started Kargil War, pushed Pakistan into un-necessary War on Terror, thanks to him we are in this quagmire. I am no fan of NS, infact there is only one man who have damaged Pakistan as much as NS and that one man is Musharaf.

my sympathies for the best pakistani general ever.i salute general pervaiz musharraf.we are here alive and kicking because we created fear among our enemies.kargil has changed so many things.it makes pakistan army more aggressive than ever before.the idea of cold start itself came after kargil war.kargil was pakistani cold start.thank you general,you make us proud.

Really!! He was the best we have to offer. May be you need to re-evaluate your definition of best or may be educate yourself better.
He created the justification for TTP with his negative policies against Pukhtoons and Afghans
The TTP did not come into existence as some 'Pakhtoon nationalist movement' - they were and are an Islamist terrorist group that uses religion as justification.

Mullah Fazlullah, Baitullah Mehsud etc never demanded 'Pakhtoon rights', they demanded imposition of some twisted and evil interpretation of Shariah.
The TTP did not come into existence as some 'Pakhtoon nationalist movement' - they were and are an Islamist terrorist group that uses religion as justification.

Mullah Fazlullah, Baitullah Mehsud etc never demanded 'Pakhtoon rights', they demanded imposition of some twisted and evil interpretation of Shariah.

Will you erect a statue for Musharaf?
It's not the fault of the constitution that Pakistanis keep electing the PMLN and PPP to power. Even this time around the contest in Punjab was extremely tight, and the PTI was only able to form a government in Punjab because of the PML-Q.

At what point do Pakistanis accept responsibility for the choices they themselves make?
yeh man as if our vote matters! pindi boys always had control over the results of election they should be held responsible and not awam!

He should not be allowed to be buried in Pakistan
bury him with bush sr!
I wish general musharaf a good health.He was way better than zardari and nawaz sharif.
And those who cry dictator dictator should know he was not really a dictator.If you want to know how a dictator looks like then look at zia ul haq.The circumstances pushed him into the military coup.His patriotism,modern approach and love for his country was beyond question.
I have never heard of a dictator who has given that much freedom to media and laid down a foundation of media with a very strong future.
Will you erect a statue for Musharaf?
No, I'm ambivalent about him. He did do some good things such as allowing the private media to grow and the judicial independence we see today is a result of the actions he took, ironically it also was the reason he was kicked out of power. I doubt Nawaz Sharif and BB, had they continued to rule uninterrupted, would have allowed the private media to grow or allow the judiciary to become independent. So some good did come from his unconstitutional actions.

But my larger point is that regardless of whether Musharraf was in power, Pakistan would have been fighting the TTP. The Lal Masjid incident would have still occurred, the only thing is it could have been worse.
He should not be allowed to be buried in Pakistan
Get a life you low life.
A man who has fought several wars for pakistan and once was close to death should not be allowed in his own motherland.
You should not be allowed to breed because your stupidity will weaken our national cause.
No, I'm ambivalent about him. He did do some good things such as allowing the private media to grow and the judicial independence we see today is a result of the actions he took, ironically it also was the reason he was kicked out of power. I doubt Nawaz Sharif and BB, had they continued to rule uninterrupted, would have allowed the private media to grow or allow the judiciary to become independent. So some good did come from his unconstitutional actions.

But my larger point is that regardless of whether Musharraf was in power, Pakistan would have been fighting the TTP. The Lal Masjid incident would have still occurred, the only thing is it could have been worse.

You are a fashionable Muslim. I have no quarrels with you.

The region is seen many statues being built for modern gods. They are even competing in height and length. Modern gods like Taseer and Musharaf need one too.

There is no value in discussing scenarios with the advantage of hindsight. It is a sports for those whose bellies are full and were beneficial owner of fassad.

If qanoon ki baladasti or the famous sport of ' Rule of Law ' of 2019 is being practiced. Mr. Musharaf broke the constitution and thus should be buried with Mehsud or Fazlullah for they are all brothers in crime.
yeh man as if our vote matters! pindi boys always had control over the results of election they should be held responsible and not awam!
That's just another excuse to refuse to accept responsibility for your actions.

In the last 3 election cycles we've had the PPP elected, then the PMLN and now the PTI, and the reasons we have had 3 governments are clear - PPP won on the back of the BB assassination sympathy vote. PMLN won on the back of the PPP's abysmal performance in the Center and Shabaz Sharif's performance in Lahore/Northern/Central Punjab. And the PTI won because of the perceived corruption of the PMLN.

Most of the pre election polls supported the election results that eventually came out. Independent observers supported the claims that the elections were largely free and fair. Blaming the Pindi boys is just an excuse to not put in the hard work, be politically active and work to get the party you support in power.
Get a life you low life.
A man who has fought several wars for pakistan and once was close to death should not be allowed in his own motherland.
You should not be allowed to breed because your stupidity will weaken our national cause.

It has happened before to Prime Ministers. Why cannot it happen to Presidents?

You have a democratic government. Legislate that i should not be allowed to procreate and i will follow it.
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