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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

Agreed. Honestly this guy has done more damage to Pakistan then Zardari and Nawaz combined. There are lot of our remains of our real lions lying on Kargil heights thanks to this guy's hunger for self glory.
He turned the NLI into common terrorists. Left to die in unmarked graves due to his incompetence and cowardice.
Responsible for the dog like deaths of 2000 personnel of the NLI. And these guys were left to rot on the hills of kargil like common terrorists.
He used nawaz shariff to save his cowardly *** by rushing him to USA on the 4th of July to beg for ceasefire.

2000? Lol. Only few hundred died after they squashed many thousands rat Indian soldiers rather mercilessly. Hell, Musharraf flew 10 KMs inside Indian controlled territory and spend the night over!

Musharraf is loathed in Pakistan for things like NRO, moving country towards liberal left. Kargil is his only saving grace. The real surgical strike and cold start.
Pakistan lost so much by getting involved in this WoT and he was directly responsible.
There wasn't any other good option. Eventually Pakistan would have been dragged into fighting groups like the TTP.

Also how could he afford staying abroad on a retired army man's pension.?
He made hundreds of thousands (USD) from the lecture circuit alone, then you had proceeds from his book sales etc.
Well he will soon have to answer why did he sell innocent Muslim children to America and ship them to Guantanamo for a few $$$$???

Cowardice and greed will not be a good answer by him.

Pakistan 'Selling' Innocents To U.S.?


Pakistani authorities have abducted hundreds of people, accused them of terrorist ties and held them in secret locations or handed them over to U.S. authorities for American-offered rewards, Amnesty International claimed in a report issued Friday.
The routine U.S. practice of offering bounties running to thousands of dollars for unidentified terror suspects has led to illegal detentions of innocent people, said Claudio Cordone, senior director of research at Amnesty International.

Angelika Pathak, a London-based researcher for the Amnesty International, said such U.S. rewards led to terror arrests and rights abuses in Pakistan.

"Bounty hunters - including police officers and local people - have captured individuals of different nationalities, often apparently at random, and sold them into U.S. custody," he said.
2000? Lol. Only few hundred died after they squashed many thousands rat Indian soldiers rather mercilessly. Hell, Musharraf flew 10 KMs inside Indian controlled territory and spend the night over!

Musharraf is loathed in Pakistan for things like NRO, moving country towards liberal left. Kargil is his only saving grace. The real surgical strike and cold start.
"Faced with the possibility of international isolation, the already fragile Pakistani economy was weakened further. The morale of its forces after the withdrawal was affected as many units of the Northern Light Infantry were destroyed, and the government refused to even recognise the dead bodies of its soldiers, an issue that provoked outrage and riots in the Northern Areas. Pakistan initially did not acknowledge many of its casualties, but Sharif later said that over 4,000 Pakistani troops were killed in the operation and that Pakistan had lost the conflict. "

Read and weep. I reduced the dead from the 4000 (PM of pak figure) dead paks to 2000 to soften the blow.
In the end all must sleep that sleep and meet our creator. For the greatest truth in this world is the we will all return to him.

As for his political or military career. There are many things I agree and disagree with in his regard but it matters not anymore.
There wasn't any other good option. Eventually Pakistan would have been dragged into fighting groups like the TTP.

He made hundreds of thousands (USD) from the lecture circuit alone, then you had proceeds from his book sales etc.
Ok. Must be some very important insights with that man obviously to get paid like the Clintons.
What sort of visas do your exiled generals and PMs use to stay abroad indefinitely ?
he armed mqm they killed thousand of Pakistani burned 150 people alive! he signed nro that allowed parasite like nawaz and zardari to comeback and loot and destroy our country! and yes he bowed down to so called american might!
NRO was necessary to rectify what would have always been considered an 'illegitimate exile of Nawaz and Benazir by a Military dictator'.

Wouldn't you agree that it is much, much better for Pakistanis to vote out Nawaz and Zardari after realizing that they are useless, as happened in the recent elections?
he had done some good stuff and some bad and some really worst...
@Sully3 anyway, a pak general shdn't have invited Ashwariya for some party... I mean any american or else could work but as general you shdn't have your enemy's idols your favourite...
he wasn't a politician that was his weakness..people quote lal masjid but forget about model town..why because one was general the other politician..people remeber the first drone attack but forget the 1000s that followed..people remeber the people he hand over to CIA but forget the one nawaz handed over before 1998
He turned the NLI into common terrorists. Left to die in unmarked graves due to his incompetence and cowardice.
It's pathetic reading butt hurt internet warriors commenting on those that your own war lords look upon and admire. Like to see one of your military man achieve this feat.

Musharraf 'spent a night in India ahead of Kargil conflict'


NRO was necessary to rectify what would have always been considered an 'illegitimate exile of Nawaz and Benazir by a Military dictator'.

Wouldn't you agree that it is much, much better for Pakistanis to vote out Nawaz and Zardari after realizing that they are useless, as happened in the recent elections?
Do you seriously think that Imran has been fairly voted in and not merely selected ? I remember a few years back nawaz shariff was the blue eyed boy who was voted in fairly,, while Zardari was the black sheep. Its like puppets on a string with some other known master.
Ok. Must be some very important insights with that man obviously to get paid like the Clintons.
What sort of visas do your exiled generals and PMs use to stay abroad indefinitely ?
Public-relations executives say the articulate and brash 44-year army veteran's earning power could approach that of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who famously snubbed him during a lightning visit to Islamabad eight years ago.

"The [speaking] fee for Musharraf would be in the $150,000-200,000 range for a day," says Embark President David B. Wheeler, "plus jet and other V.I.P. arrangements on the ground." Wheeler says Clinton, for whom Embark has arranged speaking engagements in the Middle East, commands up to $250,000 per appearance. "If we did multiple events in multiple cities, [Musharraf] could get closer to the $500,000 to $1,000,000 range [for a series of talks]," he said. Embark, which promises "unique experiences that educate, entertain and enlighten," has also booked speeches for former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.
With respect to the visas, he was a former Army Chief and President of Pakistan with a diplomatic passport, I doubt he struggled to get Visa's for any duration, but you'd have to ask the countries that he resided in about his visa duration.
NRO was necessary to rectify what would have always been considered an 'illegitimate exile of Nawaz and Benazir by a Military dictator'.

Wouldn't you agree that it is much, much better for Pakistanis to vote out Nawaz and Zardari after realizing that they are useless, as happened in the recent elections?
except it didnt happen............ both nawaz and zardari destroyed an economy that was at take off stage with no debt burden and yet won elections in punjab and sindh

he should have kept them out but it wasnt possible given only a political govt could have defeated terroism
I hate why Marshall law administrator go for election... US needed us, Musharraf didn't need any election... he cd rule with iron fist and have recovered the looted wealth... I don't doubt his moral or courage but his aggression complicated simple problems...
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