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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

NRO was necessary to rectify what would have always been considered an 'illegitimate exile of Nawaz and Benazir by a Military dictator'.

Wouldn't you agree that it is much, much better for Pakistanis to vote out Nawaz and Zardari after realizing that they are useless, as happened in the recent elections?
voting them out doesnt matter they dont care they looted everything they could and it would be difficult or impossible for Pakistan to recover and he signed nro so he could continue as choudry of Pakistan to serve his personal interest and not national interest.
Also responsible for stabbing India in the back after vajpayees historic visit.
Also how could he afford staying abroad on a retired army man's pension.?

Nothing to do with you Indian, do not insult our ex General, we Pakistanis can criticise him all we want any Indian who insults General Musharaf will need to be ready to read some very very insulting words towards your ugly PM Modi toadie and your whole country. Hope that sends a warning.
Do you seriously think that Imran has been fairly voted in and not merely selected ?
Yes - barring minor voting irregularities, the elections were declared largely free and fair. You're ignoring the desire for change, for fresh, honest faces (that Imran Khan appealed to) in the Pakistani electorate.

And Imran had a lot of support from the military in 2013 (remember that the former ISI Chief was alleged to have supported Imran's Dharna campaign after Nawaz Sharif got elected last time), yet he lost to Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz has not been a 'blue eyed boy of the military' since before Musharraf. Not sure where you got the idea that Nawaz was 'selected by the military' when he was elected in 2013.
Agreed. Honestly this guy has done more damage to Pakistan then Zardari and Nawaz combined. There are lot of our remains of our real lions lying on Kargil heights thanks to this guy's hunger for self glory.
I agree on Kargil but you also have to acknowlodge what he did(economy) and tried(clean up) to do for Pakistan.
Best wishes to him.
except it didnt happen............ both nawaz and zardari destroyed an economy that was at take off stage with no debt burden and yet won elections in punjab and sindh

he should have kept them out but it wasnt possible given only a political govt could have defeated terroism
That's the responsibility of the Pakistani voter. The PPP is still expected to win in Sindh, despite an abysmal performance over decades. Military rule cannot fix that.
Well he will soon have to answer why did he sell innocent Muslim children to America and ship them to Guantanamo for a few $$$$???

Cowardice and greed will not be a good answer by him.

Pakistan 'Selling' Innocents To U.S.?


Pakistani authorities have abducted hundreds of people, accused them of terrorist ties and held them in secret locations or handed them over to U.S. authorities for American-offered rewards, Amnesty International claimed in a report issued Friday.
The routine U.S. practice of offering bounties running to thousands of dollars for unidentified terror suspects has led to illegal detentions of innocent people, said Claudio Cordone, senior director of research at Amnesty International.

Angelika Pathak, a London-based researcher for the Amnesty International, said such U.S. rewards led to terror arrests and rights abuses in Pakistan.

"Bounty hunters - including police officers and local people - have captured individuals of different nationalities, often apparently at random, and sold them into U.S. custody," he said.

He created the justification for TTP with his negative policies against Pukhtoons and Afghans.

He handed over innocent people to the Americans like Aafia Siddiqui. They killed her 3 children also.

He will suffer for what he did.
I am all for acknowleding bold acts of your FORMER enemies but Indians in signs of magnanimity don't realize that their is a ongoing conflict between the 2 countries. I blame our open democratic society. Our gen was just being kind to the loser.
Musharraf was a low iq planner with no anticipation of indias response and led to the death of thousands of his own troops,with no gain on the ground..
For eg when India took the initiative in 2 conflicts 1971 and siachin, we gobbled up large areas and left permanent scars. Pakistanis think a few short term Tactical gains are enough.
Then again you only prefer to read the Indian version of the history, it wasn't exactly Pakistan which lost thousands of soldiers and faced the Kargil coffin scandal humiliation, neither it's Pakistani sources which are crying out on the aftermath of the Kargil conflict and blaming the Indian army of hiding the truth of Pakistan still holding several peaks.


I agree on Kargil
He left our boys on the heights to freeze to death. It might not have been too bad if the plan had any worth but Kargil was doomed from the very inception. But lust for glory was so strong that the clear weaknesses in the plan were overlooked. These are the real heroes. They fought like lions. Cut off. Freezing. No food. Surrounded. Overwhelmed. But still they kept wave after wave of Indians back until they either ran out of ammunition or were overran.

voting them out doesnt matter they dont care they looted everything they could and it would be difficult or impossible for Pakistan to recover and he signed nro so he could continue as choudry of Pakistan to serve his personal interest and not national interest.
I agree, Musharraf did it out of selfish reasons, but my point is that the return of Nawaz and BB was inevitable because they were pushed out via 'unconstitutional means'.
@Darwin comments on Kargil and 1971 and most responses to them have been deleted.

I would encourage the Indians to refrain from commenting on Kargil since we know where that leads the discussion.
I agree, Musharraf did it out of selfish reasons, but my point is that the return of Nawaz and BB was inevitable because they were pushed out via 'unconstitutional means'.
ahh the Constitution made to protect elites!! well inevitable or not by signing and that too to serve his personal interest their comeback and eventual destruction of Pakistans economy is on mushraf and for his crimes against people of Pakistan he should be tried and hanged!! Pakistan is to correct itself we need to start with mighty coward generals who are living outaide outaide pakistan yes kayani that includes you as well ahole you supported zardari and made billions partnering with him;
Can he see the Enlightened moderation now so close to death?
what a time to die! all his claims that american might will win in afghanistan it will destroy pakistan blah blah blah and just before his end his american lord is defeated and begging taliban for negotiation
For the Indians living in oblivion, let me remind you that it was the Indian PM who had written a letter to Clinton regarding Kargil conflict....long before Shraif's visit to Washington.

A secret letter sent by former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to U.S President Bill Clinton at the height of the Kargil war in 1999 made it clear that if Pakistani infiltrators did not withdraw from Indian territory, "one way or the other we will get them out." Though India's options were never spelt out in the missive, in an interview to NDTV's Consulting Editor, Barkha Dutt just two months before he died, the former National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra revealed that "Crossing the Line of Control was not ruled out, nor was the use of nuclear weapons."

Mishra who handed over Vajpayee's letter to a top U.S official in Geneva, said had the Americans asked him a direct question, "I would not have expanded on what I meant." These dramatic details are disclosed in Barkha Dutt's just released book, This Unquiet Land - Stories from India's Fault Lines. The book also reveals that the Army had prepared a 'Six Day War' plan to cross the boundary separating India from Pakistan, in less than a week, if needed.
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