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Mumbai-like attack to be retaliated: India

If you think otherwise, then prove it.

Get the UN, Europe, NATO, any national authority at all... to declare that the Pakistani government is responsible for terrorism.

In fact, Pakistan is one of NATO's key allies in the War on Terror.

Why would they be allies, if they thought that the Pakistani government is responsible for terrorism?

You sound too innocent.. :azn:

I don't support any act of terrorism at all.

But to attack an innocent country (Pakistan) for something that you have been unable to prove, that is an act of wanton aggression.

There hasn't been complete establishment of involvement of Pakistani's establishment in the mumbai attacks hence there was no retaliation ... So there will be a retaliation in case of pakistans direct involvement... doesn't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. but you with your prejudices will support a any aggression towards innocent Indian civilians... Ever wondered what if your family endured such pain of loosing their loved ones in cowardly terror attacks... Your hate towards India makes you believe the whole world will stand up against India and protect Islamic extremists in pakistan ? We are very fortunate that there are very few obscure people in this world like you ..
Ever wondered what if your family endured such pain of loosing their loved ones in cowardly terror attacks... Your hate towards India makes you believe the whole world will stand up against India and protect Islamic extremists in pakistan ?

Yes, China lost 20 million innocent civilians to the Imperial Japanese Army, during WW2.

Here is what Indians have to say about that:

yes I do... thats proved japan became offensive against china. Now dont say china was not in this that story ...20 million people simply killed by japanese what china did to them ? oh.... No reverse engineering was with china...... :lol:

is it TRUE JAPANESE and MONGOLAIAN used to come rape Chinese woman and leave ! damn what a shame????

Please china couldn't save her women from a small island called JAPAN... CHina has yet to prove to beat japan let alone the US

Now even though the death toll in the Mumbai attacks was only 170, I would never laugh about it, like your fellow Indians did above.
If you think otherwise, then prove it. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Get the UN, Europe, NATO, any national authority at all... to declare that the Pakistani government is responsible for terrorism.

In fact, Pakistan is one of NATO's key allies in the War on Terror.

Why would they be allies, if they thought that the Pakistani government is responsible for terrorism?

Indeed key ally:

Hiding Osama Bin Laden

Major Supporter of Taliban Government

Major Supporter of Haqqani establishment
And lets not forget the Airlift of Evil
One senior (U.S.) intelligence analyst told me, "The request was made by Musharraf to Bush, but Cheney took charge—a token of who was handling Musharraf at the time. The approval was not shared with anyone at State, including Colin Powell, until well after the event. Musharraf said Pakistan needed to save its dignity and its valued people. Two planes were involved, which made several sorties a night over several nights. They took off from air bases in Chitral and Gilgit in Pakistan's northern areas, and landed in Kunduz, where the evacuees were waiting on the tarmac. Certainly hundreds and perhaps as many as one thousand people escaped. Hundreds of ISI officers, Taliban commanders, and foot soldiers belonging to the IMU and al Qaeda personnel boarded the planes. What was sold as a minor extraction turned into a major air bridge. The frustrated U.S. SOF who watched it from the surrounding high ground dubbed it "Operation Evil Airlift." Another senior U.S. diplomat told me afterward, "Musharraf fooled us because after we gave approval, the ISI may have run a much bigger operation and got out more people. We just don't know. At the time nobody wanted to hurt Musharraf, and his prestige with the army was at stake. The real question is why Musharraf did not get his men out before. Clearly the ISI was running its own war against the Americans and did not want to leave Afghanistan until the last moment."

Better to have an enemy than this kind of an ally
Yes, China lost 20 million innocent civilians to the Imperial Japanese Army, during WW2.

Here is what Indians have to say about that:

I have not commented on that... if this was your trolling run against some Indians who personally offended you then its not my problems... it is your own responsible judgement on whom to respond and pay attention to on this forum ... there are idiots astray here ... including some senior members who do not make any sense ...
Proof of what?

If Osama had been hiding in Germany, what would that prove?

As much as people like to say otherwise, there has been no definitive proof that the Pakistani government was behind any such terrorist attack.

In fact, Pakistan is considered one of the key allies of NATO, in the War on Terror.

hahaha...if they were the key allies of NATO so why they didn't tell them about abbottabad raid beforehand.. dont act like immature.. world is not blind
No response then? :azn:

It's good to "talk", but that is all it really is.

India didn't do anything in 2008, and till date, they haven't been able to get any national government to say that the Pakistani government is responsible for terrorism.

We don't need any government to say what we already know.
You Reap what you Sow :coffee:

After Mumbai Attack with all evidence, I was always sad why GOI didn't took any Step ??

If this would happen in Vietnam or Israel or U.K. or any other country they could have ?

Ilyas Kashmiri was one of the Masterminded in Mumbai Attack and He was killed in Pakistan by NATO.

Today there is too much of pressure on GOI after no Action taken after Mumbai, If it would repeat again - They have to take Some Action. GOI is still facing tought question ever now and then for being too soft and here, People think GOI is aggressive. :coffee:
Yes, China lost 20 million innocent civilians to the Imperial Japanese Army, during WW2.

Here is what Indians have to say about that:

Now even though the death toll in the Mumbai attacks was only 170, I would never laugh about it, like your fellow Indians did above.

hey CD didn't u say what india did to pakistan after mumbai attack... now what happened??? grow up man !!! u keep posting the same post of few trollers in each and every thread and act like an victim
We don't need any government to say what we already know.

Yeah, and the "flat-earth society" KNOWS that the Earth is flat as well. :rolleyes: Where is the solid proof?

If you can't get the UN, or any national government, to declare that the Pakistani government supports terrorism... then it is still innocent until proven guilty.

Conspiracy theories are worthless.
Yeah, and the "flat-earth society" KNOWS that the Earth is flat as well. :rolleyes: Where is the solid proof?

If you can't get the UN, or any national government, to declare that the Pakistani government supports terrorism... then it is still innocent until proven guilty.

Conspiracy theories are worthless. Get an official declaration.

hey buddy.. that was a inside job for which we hired more than 30 non state actors from pakistan.. some of them were serving in ISI..

dont u know about the thousands cut theory ??
Yes, China lost 20 million innocent civilians to the Imperial Japanese Army, during WW2.

Here is what Indians have to say about that:


I have seen you what you said yesterday. All Indians are racists. Those who use such abusive things from Indian Side, They are banned Immediately. and you still here with special privilege all the time which i don't know why. Don't Misuse this privilege for saying anything you want. Because No one can reply you and you know that.

And You Should bother in Replying in Vietnam Thread. See there, No Indians hardly Replying. What if someone Indians replied there? You will start abusing in own way with humiliation and you Keep poking nose in every matter of Indians. You Should think 1st before asking any other.
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