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MUMBAI: Intelligence agencies had warned of possible terror strikes by ****

Oh you are really idiots as per Katju.
Speak for yourself! You are by far the biggest on this forum.

They are as stupid as Indians when it comes to seek media and world attention.
You see stupidity we see opportunity to shame Paksitan when Pakistani media quotes a Pakistani Terrorist org. Don't try too hard to understand this, im pretty sure it will bounce over.

and oh i will say again that there is NO TTP presence in India.
Why are you insisting, I do not care what you say, you are just stupid to be believed.

Its Indian media childish psyops to portray as if Hindu militant groups the saffronies are target of TTP.
Again, plain stupid!

Sir, Indians love self-injuries by crying about anything even when its not present.
Yeah and we know very well who plays the victim card.. WoT spoiled your otherwise blossoming nation, yeah right!

Epic mate : :omghaha::omghaha:

OT : Good that we started getting some intelligence reports on activities.... but It become more important when the intelligence is actionable and accurate... Otherwise how agencies can stop a terrorist attack on a country like india with such huge population....

Btw : 2 trolls are having a field day in PDF....
WHY, in your opinion, to your thinking, would TTP announce itself to the Indian and the world? What would they hope to achieve by giving these "clear indications"?

Muawiya’s statement has been released on an al-Qaeda and TTP-linked jehadi website - Jamia Hafsa Urdu Forum – in which he has also praised two terrorists – Ajmal Kasab of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Afzal Guru of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) who had been sent to the gallows in recent months by the Indian government for their roles in the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack and the December 12, 2001 fidayeen attack on the Indian Parliament in Delhi."

its ur media

Punjabi Taliban chief warns of terror attacks in India - thenews.com.pk

Oh you are really idiots as per Katju.

They are as stupid as Indians when it comes to seek media and world attention.

and oh i will say again that there is NO TTP presence in India.

Its Indian media childish psyops to portray as if Hindu militant groups the saffronies are target of TTP.

Sir, Indians love self-injuries by crying about anything even when its not present.

what do u mean by loving self injuries??are you stating that we like our people getting killed??because thats not funny
not present when they warned it??
this is ur media

report it. as long as Indians are attacking Pakistan that too in a cheapest stupid manner i have every right to call them stupid.

For some reason, a Pathan, Afghan calling someone stupid sounds very funny. ;)

And I am not even talking about what is happening in your areas for the last 3 decades. Just the sound of it sounds so sunny.

I find it funny when Indians deliberatly try to create something against India which is not present in the first place.

psyops specially media one is dangerous. they had been claiming Taliban presence in India when it was never. Now they are trying to confuse or intentionally link TTP with Jandullah may be for getting some Iranian support?

i dont know but this is the stupidest wild idea.

all in all they will end up materialising Taliban imaginary presence in India

We have a buffer for now. It is called Pakistan.

Till then aapko aapki "Taliban Mubarak".

Muawiya’s statement has been released on an al-Qaeda and TTP-linked jehadi website - Jamia Hafsa Urdu Forum – in which he has also praised two terrorists – Ajmal Kasab of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Afzal Guru of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) who had been sent to the gallows in recent months by the Indian government for their roles in the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack and the December 12, 2001 fidayeen attack on the Indian Parliament in Delhi."

So Why do you think this statement was issued ? To do what?
So Why do you think this statement was issued ? To do what?

the same reason what every terrorist organization wants to do.to terrorize the people.be it psychological or physical
:))) distinguish?

they are two different groups with two different ideology .
But the same methodology.. And I believe that its the methodology that defines a terrorist and not only the ideology

and you proved my earlier point that you guys are idots because read where did i call them bad or good terrorists?

Ah! The last refuge of the incompetent :)

by the way Congrats for having a TTP faction in India thanks to Your Indian Media :laugh:
Some of your Pakistani brethren would believe that they came to take payment for their services :D
report it. as long as Indians are attacking Pakistan that too in a cheapest stupid manner i have every right to call them stupid.
Good heavens! I didn't know we were up against some Pakistani posters here who have an utter lack of comprehension. Did the report blame Pakistan? No! It says, 'Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), al-Qaida and its allies. Jundullah is a militant outfit based in Pakistan'.

Do you understand what I have just highlighted? Or do you need further education in the English language? It doesn't say anything about Pakistanis or the state of Pakistan. It just says that these groups are BASED in Pakistan! Even someone with half a brain will understand that!

Or is the standard of education so poor in Pakistan that people like you find it difficult to comprehend? Or are you so brainwashed by your Mullahs that any talk of terrorists or terrorism means talking against Pakistanis as a whole? That's what I call 'stupid'.
For some reason, a Pathan, Afghan calling someone stupid sounds very funny. ;)


ehh you mean Pathans/ Afghans are stupid?

dahhh the same stupids had shelttered your Bhagora Subhash Chandra Bose and saved his donka from the brits :laugh:

So Why do you think this statement was issued ? To do what?

the statement on jamia hafsa urdu forum :laugh:
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